engine house oor Wallies

engine house

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engine houses
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engine house
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The engine house has statutory protection as a scheduled ancient monument and listed building.
Caiff y peiriandy ei ddiogelu'n statudol fel heneb gofrestredig ac adeilad rhestredig.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
engine houses
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engine house
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Historically the most significant is Glyn Pits , Pontypool , where there are two early steam engine houses , one dated 1845 and the other 1860
Yn hanesyddol , y mwyaf arwyddocaol yw Glyn Pits , Pont-y-pwl , lle ceir dau dy injan stêm cynnar , un o 1845 a'r llall o 1860englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
The grant is aimed at addressing the needs of our indigenous small and medium-sized enterprises , which are the engine house of our national economy
Bwriad y grant yw ymdrin ag anghenion ein busnesau cynhenid bach a chanolig eu maint , sef peiriandy ein heconomi genedlaetholenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
Not only is the Musgrave engine house, as you mentioned, an ancient monument, but on the perimeter of the site there are some conserved rolling mills that are also of heritage significance.
Nid yn unig y mae peiriandy Musgrave, fel y soniasoch, yn heneb, ond ar gyrion y safle mae melinau rholio sydd wedi'u cadw, sydd hwythau ac arwyddocâd iddynt o safbwynt treftadaeth.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
So how can we arm these dreamers who want fame and fortune, glamour and success and channel them down a path that may indeed give them some of those things, but will surely give them purpose and will give Wales the engine house of enterprise that she needs to be successful on both the UK and global stages?
Felly, sut y gallwn baratoi'r bobl ifanc hyn sy'n breuddwydio am enwogrwydd a chyfoeth, cyfaredd a llwyddiant a'u cyfeirio at lwybr a allai yn wir roi rhai o'r pethau hynny iddynt, ond a fydd yn sicr yn rhoi pwrpas iddynt ac a fydd yn rhoi i Gymru y peiriandy mentergarwch y mae arni ei angen i lwyddo ar lwyfannau'r DU a'r byd?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
While I welcome the announcement that precipitated today's debate—I thank you, Alun Ffred, in particular for the £4,800 for new windows at the Engine House in Dowlais; it cannot do any harm—I was disappointed to see, overall, how few industrial sites have benefited from this round of grants, and every round of grants that has gone before.
Er fy mod yn croesawu'r cyhoeddiad a ragflaenodd y ddadl hon heddiw—diolchaf ichi Alun Ffred, yn arbennig am y £4,800 ar gyfer y ffenestri newydd yn y Cwt Injan yn Nowlais; ni all wneud dim drwg—yr oeddwn yn siomedig o weld cyn lleied o safleoedd diwydiannol, yn gyffredinol, sydd wedi elwa o'r cylch grantiau hwn, a phob cylch grantiau cyn hyn.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The key issues are who do you define as being members of the public service team and to whom do you attach the life-cycle management of the building ? If you construct a building using PFI , you may include the building and boiler house engineers in the initiative but not the hospital cleaners
Y materion allweddol yw pwy a ddiffiniwch fel aelodau o'r tîm gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac i bwy y rhoddwch reolaeth dros gylch-bywyd yr adeilad ? Os adeiladwch adeilad gan ddefnyddio PFI , gallech gynnwys peirianwyr yr adeilad a'r bwylerdy yn y fenter ond nid glanhawyr yr ysbytyenglishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm englishtainment-tm-4GvyuNSm
SEMTA is currently working on an employer engagement model and piloting a clearing house system for the construction and engineering industries to address these issues.
SEMTA, y cyngor sgiliau sector ar gyfer y diwydiannau trydanol a moduro, yw un o'r prif gyfranwyr yn hyn, ac yr ydym am weithio gyda'r corff hwn i fynd i'r afael â'r mathau hyn o faterion.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
A fire engine turned up at my house on Sunday afternoon , not because of a problem in my house , but because the fire service had received a police report about a fire in the woodlands near us , in exactly the way that you described , and that was the easiest way to the get to the fire
Daeth injan dân i'm ty brynhawn Sul , nid oherwydd problem yn fy nhy , ond am fod y gwasanaeth tân wedi cael adroddiad gan yr heddlu am dân yn y coetiroedd gerllaw , yn union yr un modd ag y disgrifiasoch , a honno oedd y ffordd hwylusaf i gyrraedd y tânenglishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt englishtainment-tm-5pRN6JQt
The development would house three schools -- art , media and desig ; computing and engineering , including information technolog ; and business and management -- and a new , state of the art , students union facility
Byddai'r datblygiad yn lleoli tair ysgol -- celf , cyfryngau a dyluni ; cyfrifiadureg a pheirianneg , gan gynnwys technoleg gwybodaet ; a busnes a rheoli -- ac adeilad newydd a modern ar gyfer undeb y myfyrwyrenglishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS englishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS
I commend the latest version of these directories recently published by the Welsh Development Agency -- ` Interlab Wales ' and ` Research Wales ' -- which illustrate the diversity of Wales's research and development base , without mentioning some of the in-house facilities such as the 600 software development engineers employed by BT in Cardiff
Cymeradwyaf y fersiwn diweddaraf o'r cyfeirlyfrau hyn a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar gan Awdurdod Datblygu Cymru -- ` Interlab Wales ' a ` Research Wales ' -- sydd yn dangos amrywiaeth sylfaen ymchwil a datblygu Cymru , heb sôn am rai o'r cyfleusterau mewnol fel y 600 o beirianwyr datblygu meddalwedd a gyflogir gan BT yng Nghaerdyddenglishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj englishtainment-tm-Y3NcC2Fj
In many ways , good housing is the basis for making other policies effective , for achieving targets and for improving quality of life , and can be an engine for economic regeneration
Ar lawer ystyr , tai da yw'r sail i sicrhau effeithiolrwydd polisïau eraill , i gyrraedd targedau ac i wella ansawdd bywyd , a gallant ysgogi adfywio economaiddenglishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4 englishtainment-tm-O7lzuTo4
Peter Black : Would Ieuan accept that the travelling costs need to be reviewed further to take account of the Assembly's commitment to sustainable development , so that we reward those Members who have smaller engine vehicles and penalise those with larger vehicles ? Does he support such a review by the House Committee for the future ?
Peter Black : A fyddai Ieuan yn derbyn bod angen adolygu'r costau teithio ymhellach i ystyried ymrwymiad y Cynulliad i ddatblygu cynaladwy fel ein bod ni'n gwobrwyo'r Aelodau hynny sydd â pheiriant llai yn eu ceir ac yn cosbi'r rhai â cherbydau mwy ? A fyddai'n cefnogi adolygiad o'r fath gan Bwyllgor y Ty yn y dyfodol ?englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1 englishtainment-tm-GTRoCGg1
That is an important area as it is important to develop the skills of plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers so that they can fit solar panels for hot water, photovoltaic panels, air or ground source pumps, or whatever forms of new technology are needed in houses or small businesses.
British Gas neu Centrica plc sy'n ei sefydlu.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
On the Llynfi valley project , what steps are being taken to ensure that construction industry representatives , such as the Institution of Structural Engineers , the Institute of Civil Engineers Wales , the Chartered Institute of Builders , as well as the organisations mentioned by the Minister , are involved in this process ? There is little use in training local young people to undertake specific projects , such as public housing stock renovation , if that training does not incorporate the appropriate skills training for the wider construction industry
O ran prosiect cwm Llynfi , pa gamau a gymerir i sicrhau bod cynrychiolwyr y diwydiant adeiladu , fel Sefydliad y Peirianwyr Strwythurol , Sefydliad Peirianwyr Sifil Cymru , Sefydliad Siartredig yr Adeiladwyr , yn ogystal â'r sefydliadau a grybwyllwyd gan y Gweinidog , yn rhan o'r broses hon ? Nid oes fawr o bwrpas hyfforddi pobl ifanc leol i ymgymryd â phrosiectau penodol , fel tai cyhoeddus ac adnewyddu stoc , os nad yw'r hyfforddiant hwnnw yn cynnwys yr hyfforddiant sgiliau priodol ar gyfer y diwydiant adeiladu ehangachenglishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS englishtainment-tm-h6b7VeKS
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