to make sth. difficult for oneself|sb. oor Duits

to make sth. difficult for oneself|sb.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Duits

sich|jdm. etw. schwer machen

Frank Richter

Geskatte vertalings

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
difficult; hard | more difficult; harder | most difficult; hardest | much more difficult | difficult to access | difficult to place | difficult of explanation; difficult to explain | sb. finds sth. difficult | to make sth. difficult for oneself/sb. | to start with the hard part; to do the hard part first; to start with the difficult things | That's a hard thing to do. | You make it difficult for me to ... | Life is difficult for a mother of six. | Looking at him in this picture it is hard to imagine him being a killer.
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