PTIA oor Spaans


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Note: PTIAs = preferential trade and investment agreements.
Nota: AICP: acuerdos de inversión y comercio preferencial.
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acuerdo de inversión y comercio preferencial

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Between January 2005 and July 2006, 26 new PTIAs involving 39 countries were concluded, bringing the total number of investment-related agreements to 244 as of the end of June 2006 (figure 5).
¿ Quieren una cerveza?UN-2 UN-2
Recent examples of South–South PTIAs include the ASEAN initiatives for the establishment of a free trade and investment area with China, India and the Republic of Korea, the Singapore–Panama FTA and the China–Pakistan FTA.
Bueno, tengo un plan.Y se está desarrollandoUN-2 UN-2
Altogether, developing countries were parties to 79 per cent of the PTIA network, while developed countries were involved in 54 per cent of the agreements.
The increase in PTIAs partly reflects a political will of a growing number of countries for closer economic cooperation
Calendario indicativo para la firma de los contratos: entre marzo y julioMultiUn MultiUn
The increase in PTIAs partly reflects a political will of a growing number of countries for closer economic cooperation.
Se convirtió en un símbolo de algo más grande, de algo mejor en este mundoUN-2 UN-2
South-South PTIAs also increased, reaching # agreements at the end of June # (table
Todo sucedió en mis sueñosMultiUn MultiUn
For example, a country may choose to enter into a traditional BIT focusing on investment protection, a BIT with pre-establishment commitments, a PTIA providing for comprehensive liberalization and covering issues other than investment, such as services, movement of labour, competition or intellectual property, or an economic cooperation agreement merely laying the groundwork for future rulemaking through such measures as provision of increased transparency
¿ Qué pasa?- ¿ Quién es el tío de ahí al lado?MultiUn MultiUn
Among the developing regions, Asian countries were the most active, with # per cent of the total PTIAs concluded by the end of June # followed by Latin America, with # per cent, and by Africa and SEE&CIS countries, with # per cent each
Nuestro padre nos dejó este negocio cuando murióMultiUn MultiUn
The growth of PTIAs
opiniones cualitativas sobre las prácticas adoptadas en la aplicación propiamente dicha del derecho, eMultiUn MultiUn
Those PTIAs often establish binding obligations for the contracting parties concerning the admission and protection of foreign investment (UNCTAD, 2006a).
¿ Qué diablos es eso?UN-2 UN-2
Those PTIAs often establish binding obligations for the contracting parties concerning the admission and protection of foreign investment ( # a
Informe anual de actividadesdel ordenador e informe anual del auditor internoMultiUn MultiUn
The total number of South-South PTIAs totalled over # agreements at the end of
Deme la manoMultiUn MultiUn
Despite the recent increase in PTIAs, BITs remain by far the most numerous international legal instruments to promote and protect foreign investment
Arregle para que esto sea interceptadoMultiUn MultiUn
C. Preferential trade and investment agreements (PTIAs
Si desea más información sobre el fundamento para las recomendaciones del CHMP, le aconsejamos que lea el Debate Científico (incluido en el EPARMultiUn MultiUn
Despite the recent increase in PTIAs, BITs remain by far the most numerous international legal instruments to promote and protect foreign investment.
En el ránking de Lisboa para #, recientemente publicado, los siete países en cabeza eran, por este orden: Dinamarca*, Suecia*, Austria*, Países Bajos*, Finlandia*, Irlanda* y Reino Unido*, seguidos de Alemania y FranciaUN-2 UN-2
Note: PTIAs = preferential trade and investment agreements
Pensé que hoy no iba a venirMultiUn MultiUn
Altogether, developing countries were parties to # per cent of the PTIA network, while developed countries were involved in # per cent of the agreements
Skye Russell murió de una hemorragia interna masivaMultiUn MultiUn
In addition to trade and investment, PTIAs may cover services, intellectual property, competition, labour, environment, government procurement, temporary entry for businesspersons and transparency, among others
¡ Los intrusos no reciben galletas!MultiUn MultiUn
The universe of IIAs consists of over # bilateral investment treaties (BITs), over # double taxation treaties (DTTs), numerous preferential free trade and investment agreements (PTIAs), and multilateral agreements
Actos no legislativosMultiUn MultiUn
Among the most important PTIAs concluded in 2005 and early 2006 were the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and Singapore, the Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and Malaysia, the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between India and Singapore and the Free Trade Agreements between the United States and Oman, Peru and Colombia.
Por eso somos gemelosUN-2 UN-2
Other PTIAs that were signed in 2005 and the first half of 2006 only establish a framework for cooperation between the contracting parties.
¿ Quién lo hizo?UN-2 UN-2
Among the most important PTIAs concluded in 2006 was the new Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), which consolidates over 30 bilateral FTAs.
Huele a... goma quemadaUN-2 UN-2
Among the most important PTIAs concluded in # and early # were the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and Singapore, the Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and Malaysia, the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between India and Singapore and the Free Trade Agreements between the United States and Oman, Peru and Colombia
TotalmenteMultiUn MultiUn
Between January # and July # new PTIAs involving # countries were concluded, bringing the total number of investment-related agreements to # as of the end of June # (figure
Vamos a ir a algún sitio donde puedas conseguirlo que necesites para curarlo, volveremos a tu casa y lo tratarás allíMultiUn MultiUn
Among the developing regions, Asian countries were the most active, with 38 per cent of the total PTIAs concluded by the end of June 2006, followed by Latin America, with 26 per cent, and by Africa and SEE&CIS countries, with 14 per cent each.
Vuelvo en un minutoUN-2 UN-2
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