cigar stub oor Spaans

cigar stub

The non-smoked rest of a cigar.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans



colilla de cigarro

The non-smoked rest of a cigar.
Resto no fumado de un cigarro.



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He pointed to the cigar stub, and the man removed it immediately.
Le señaló el resto del cigarro y el hombre lo retiró de inmediato.Literature Literature
Laredo shifted his cigar stub in his teeth.
Laredo apretó la colilla de cigarro con los dientes.Literature Literature
Now look at the forensic report on the cigar stub.
Ahora mire el informe forense en la colilla del cigarro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here is a cigar stub bearing the mark of his private stock.
Aquí tenemos los restos de un puro que tiene la marca de su reserva privada.Literature Literature
He rolled a dead cigar stub over his tongue and winked at Canny, who glanced up at Dotty.
Se pasó una colilla de cigarro de un lado a otro de la boca con la lengua e hizo un guiño a Canny, que miró a Dotty.Literature Literature
Curto, who was chewing on a nearly burnt-out cigar stub, replied: “Renato Marassi.
Curto, que masticaba una colilla de cigarro casi apagado, respondió: —Renato Marassi, ¿le dice algo?Literature Literature
Albert Blenkinsop leant back, produced a cigar stub from some cache in his rags and lit it.
Albert Blenkinsop se recostó, sacó una colilla de cigarro de algún escondite entre sus harapos, y la encendió.Literature Literature
"""Wherever did you find that old cigar stub?"""
¿De dónde has sacado esa colilla de puro?Literature Literature
'This was my mother's favourite sitting room, you know,' he said, tossing his cigar stub into the fire.
—Cómo deben saber esta era la sala de estar preferida de mi madre —dijo, tirando su cigarro al fuego—.Literature Literature
The young councilman regarded his cigar stub thoughtfully and tossed it into the incinerator chute.
El joven concejal contempló la colilla de su cigarro pensativamente y la tiró por la ranura del incinerador.Literature Literature
No, just blackened lumps scattered across the gravel pan like cigar stubs in an ashtray.
No, aquello solo eran bultos ennegrecidos dispersos sobre la arena como colillas de cigarrillo en un cenicero.Literature Literature
Then he falls asleep, beaming blissfully, the ghastly black cigar stub always in his lips.
Y se durmió radiante de felicidad, con la horrible colilla negra siempre entre los labios.Literature Literature
Then seriousness returned, and his fingers tightened on his cigar stub.
Después recobró la seriedad y apretó los dedos en la colilla del cigarro-.Literature Literature
That cigar is identical to the partially smoked cigar stub found at the scene of Zolanda Suade's murder.""
Ese cigarro es idéntico a la colilla que se encontró en el lugar en que fue asesinada Zolanda Suade.Literature Literature
The dining-room smelled of cold cigar: he had a cigar-stub between his moustache and his beard.
El comedor huele a cigarro frío (lleva un puro consumido entre los labios).Literature Literature
Mad Dog points his cigar stub at Willie.
Mad Dog apunta a Willie con la colilla del puro.Literature Literature
The air is still opaque with smoke and there are cigar-stubs in the ashtray.
El aire aún está opaco por el humo, y hay colillas de puros en el cenicero.Literature Literature
I take the half-empty glass that the cryptarch left, with the cigar stub floating in it.
Cojo la copa medio vacía que dejó el criptarca, con la colilla de puro flotando aún en el interior.Literature Literature
His saloon had sawdust on the floor in which were found onion skins and cigar stubs.
En su bar había serrín en el suelo, que contenía pieles de cebolla y colillas de puro.Literature Literature
There was a cigar stub in the ashtray.”
Había una colilla de puro en el cenicero».Literature Literature
Havana threw away his cigar stub and pounced on the prone figure, roughly going through the pockets.
Havana tiró la colilla de su cigarro y se inclinó sobre la caída figura revisándole todos los bolsillos.Literature Literature
Uncle Anastasio, twisting his cigar stub between his lips, intervened: “That’s just it.
El tío Anastasio, con su puro girando en los labios, intervino: ¡Eso es!Literature Literature
After he had gone, she found one of his cigar-stubs in an ashtray.
Después de que Walter se hubo ido, encontró la colilla de uno de sus cigarros en el cenicero.Literature Literature
Checco recognized the medical officer who was looking at him and chewing on a Tuscan cigar stub.
Checco reconoció al oficial médico que lo miraba masticando un medio toscano.Literature Literature
King, Queen, Wise Man, and the occasional hero: cigar stubs identified Churchill, a cigarette holder Roosevelt.
Rey, reina, sabio y los héroes del momento: las colillas de puro identificaban a Churchill, un cigarrillo, a Roosevelt.Literature Literature
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