hoarseness oor Spaans


The quality of being hoarse; of having a dry harsh voice.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Chronic hoarseness is a symptom of a condition called silent thyroiditis.
La ronquera crónica es un síntoma de una condición llamada tiroiditis silenciosa.




Yeah, said you were a little hoarse.
Sí, dijo que tenías carraspera.
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hoarse voice
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"""It's not finished,"" he said hoarsely as he walked."
«Esto no ha terminado —gruñó mientras caminaba—.Literature Literature
His voice was hoarse, almost frantic, and he had to point at the radio so the driver would understand.
Tuvo que señalar la radio normal para que el chófer lo entendiera.Literature Literature
Malone opened his eyes and said hoarsely, 'Is it you, Liam?
Malone abrió los ojos y habló con voz ronca: —¿Eres tú, Liam?Literature Literature
He was talking in a raw, hoarse voice now, as if he were being strangled.
Hablaba ahora con una voz ronca y dificultosa, como si lo estuvieran estrangulando.Literature Literature
“Nothing has happened,” she retorted, hating the hoarseness of her voice.
—No ha pasado nada —replicó, detestando el tono ronco de su propia voz—.Literature Literature
“No, no,” Preysing answered in a quick, hoarse whisper, that sounded louder than a shout.
—No, no —respondió Preysing, con voz rápida y ronca, pero más sonora que un grito.Literature Literature
“I can’t keep having this conversation,” he says at last, his voice scraped and hoarse.
—No puedo continuar esta conversación —contesta él por fin, con voz ronca—.Literature Literature
It is recommended in respiratory diseases such as cough, angina, asthma, irritated throat, hoarseness, bronchitis, back pain, headache and muscle ears.
Es recomendado en enfermedades respiratorias como tos, anginas, asma, garganta irritada, ronquera, bronquitis, dolores de espalda, cabeza musculares y de oídos.Common crawl Common crawl
My voice is hoarse, and I don’t bother trying to clear my throat.
Tengo la voz ronca y no me molesto en intentar aclararme la garganta.Literature Literature
She struggled and writhed on the floor and at last she screamed hoarsely in labor.
Luchaba y se revolvía por el piso, y por fin comenzó a gritar roncamente en trance de parto.Literature Literature
"He said, in a quiet, hoarse voice, ""Kill me quick."
En voz baja y ronca, dijo: —Mátame rápido.Literature Literature
Nom Anor was shouting himself hoarse in Yuuzhan Vong, but the warriors seemed to have almost forgotten he existed.
Nom Anor estaba quedándose ronco de gritar en yuuzhan vong, pero los guerreros parecían haber olvidado su existencia.Literature Literature
Chaumont said, hoarsely: 'I believe it.
Chaumont dijo, rudamente: —Lo creo.Literature Literature
Hoarse voice steady, he denied our prearrangement thrice, as Judas did three times deny his Lord.
Con voz ronca pero firme, negó por tres veces nuestro precontrato, como Pedro negó por tres veces a Jesús.Literature Literature
I feel sad to hear them shouting themselves hoarse like that.
Sí, me entristece oírlos desgañitarse así.Literature Literature
Only Cyclops can beat this record and he yelps, hoarse and broken, incessantly.
Sólo Cyklop podía sostener este record y ladraba sin cesar, con ladridos roncos y entrecortados.Literature Literature
Miss Baird talked to them until she was hoarse while Amethyst’s parents watched in unrelieved apathy.
Baird habló con ellos hasta quedar ronca mientras que los padres de Amatista observaban con una apatía sin alivio.Literature Literature
"""Anyhow, I hope the missiles are still there,"" he added hoarsely."
Al menos, espero que los misiles estén aún allí —añadió roncamente—.Literature Literature
“He’s rolling over in his grave right now,” Royal says hoarsely.
—Ahora mismo se está revolviendo en su tumba —dice Royal con voz ronca.Literature Literature
“I know you killed her,” he said in a whisper hoarse with hate.
—Sé que la mataste —dijo en un susurro ronco de odio—.Literature Literature
‘You seek Ulric’s blessing,’ said Ar-Ulric, his voice hoarse, like a blast of winter wind and just as cold.
—Buscas la bendición de Ulric —dijo Ar-Ulric con voz ronca, como una ráfaga de viento invernal e igual de fría—.Literature Literature
The man picked up the box, lit his dog-end, coughed drily and hoarsely and raised his eyes.
El hombre cogió la caja, encendió la colilla, tosió con una tos seca y ronca, y levantó los ojos.Literature Literature
Daniel's voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't used it in a long time.
—La voz de Daniel era ronca, como si no la hubiera utilizado en mucho tiempo.Literature Literature
At the back, one tribesman said hoarsely, “A horse against a sword that the Badger will stand up to the first charge!
—¡Un caballo contra una espada a que el Tejón resiste la primera carga!Literature Literature
returned the man hoarsely, pointing to a kind of bundle on the ground.
—respondió el hombre bruscamente, señalando una especie de bulto en el suelo—.Literature Literature
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