international morality oor Spaans

international morality

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

moral internacional

It requires a new chapter in international law which would be adapted to contemporary understanding of international morality.
Requiere un nuevo capítulo en el derecho internacional que se adapte a la comprensión contemporánea de la moral internacional.

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Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport
Aeropuerto Internacional Ramón Villeda Morales
International Union for Protecting Public Morality
UIAMS · Unión Internacional de Acción Moral y Social
New international human order: moral aspects of development
Nuevo orden humano internacional: aspectos morales del desarrollo
International Union for Moral and Social Action
UIAMS · Unión Internacional de Acción Moral y Social


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Now isn’t the time for an internal morality debate.
Infíltrate en su vidaLiterature Literature
Internal moral and intellectual fusion are the result of a long battle for ideological and operational unity.
Gracias, pero ya he encontrado un vendedor que hable francésLiterature Literature
What Nehru really enjoyed was holding forth about international morality on the world stage.
No estuvo malLiterature Literature
For internal morality a man must be able to do, and for this he must have an I.
¿ Asi que, ella mató a Muoi?Literature Literature
In everyday language we call this internal morality a conscience.
Tres hurras para el rojo, el blanco y el azulLiterature Literature
A new international moral order
No te molestes,
And not just externally, as in the West, but internally, morally.""
En contra de lo anteriormente mencionado, los márgenes de subcotización de precios fueron revisados y modificados con arreglo a los precios de exportación revisados, como se ha explicado anteriormente,y a la corrección de un error que se produjo en la divisa utilizada para un productor exportadorLiterature Literature
It requires a new chapter in international law which would be adapted to contemporary understanding of international morality
Tu le preguntasteMultiUn MultiUn
It requires a new chapter in international law which would be adapted to contemporary understanding of international morality.
Después de la inyección, no se debe realizar masaje de la zona de inyecciónUN-2 UN-2
―Jacob‘s sense of right and wrong isn‘t based on an internalized moral code.
En Sand Creek pasado mañanaLiterature Literature
With regard to a transcendent God, the human internal moral law is externalized in such a deity.
Cuando se enteró que haríamos despedir a Ned Flanders, insistió en ayudarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was internalized morality that forced Marcel Proust to suppress his rebellion.
No se puede evitarLiterature Literature
It is the capacity to adhere to social norms by internalizing moral and ethical standards for behavior.
Informe sobre la Agenda Social Renovada [#/#(INI)]- Comisión de Empleo y Asuntos SocialesLiterature Literature
Modern pacifism and modern international morality are nonetheless products of capitalism.
Si los Vicepresidentes tienen esa posibilidad -y le deseo la mejor de las suertes-, ¿también la tienen otros diputados?Literature Literature
The principled level: This level is characterized by a person’s adherence to an internal moral code.
Puede ser una buena idea, GobernadorLiterature Literature
The responsibility to protect is an international moral obligation that we cannot shirk
No puedo verte másMultiUn MultiUn
The responsibility to protect is an international moral obligation that we cannot shirk.
No quiero ser tu hijaUN-2 UN-2
Sequestration is very bad for internal morale, and these people are all outstanding.
Recurso que carece manifiestamente de todo fundamento jurídico»Literature Literature
Her internalized moral obligations are second-order constraints on her first-order preferences.
Me dañas, ¿ Lo sabias?Literature Literature
These fundamental human rights are the basis of international moral order that nations must respect, especially in times of war and fear
Eso fue muy rápidoMultiUn MultiUn
These fundamental human rights are the basis of international moral order that nations must respect, especially in times of war and fear.
¿ Qué demonios sucedió?UN-2 UN-2
As I pointed out to Commissioner Borg only last month, we must pay particular attention to our international moral obligations to Africa.
Dónde escondía el dinero, nunca lo supeEuroparl8 Europarl8
Moral Re-Armament (MRA) was an international moral and spiritual movement that, in 1938, developed from American minister Frank Buchman's Oxford Group.
Mejor que bien, diviértete... mira a esas nenas tan interesantesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When they were oppressed under unfair sanctions, we acted in the defence of international morality and the principles of the United Nations Charter
Qué raro, se diría que fuiste al rastro y te hiciste con un par de pelotasMultiUn MultiUn
When they were oppressed under unfair sanctions, we acted in the defence of international morality and the principles of the United Nations Charter.
Lo que intentamos aclarar es un asesinato, muchachoUN-2 UN-2
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