Medieval Market of Turku oor Fins

Medieval Market of Turku

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Do you want to support the Medieval Market of Turku?
Muut olisivat antaneet sinun hukkuaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During summer, music festivals and cultural events take the city by storm: from one of the oldest festivals in Europe, Ruisrock, to the historical re-enactment event Medieval Market of Turku, summer seems endless in its possibilities.
Rotarixin vaikuttavat aineet ja muut aineet on lueteltu selosteen lopussaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Musicians, minstrels and jesters amused the merry market crowd at the Medieval Market on the Old Great Square of Turku!
Sellaisten tuotteiden kohdalla, jotka toimivat akkuvirralla ollessaan kytkettyinä irti verkkovirrasta, akku on jätettävä testin ajaksi paikalleenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
155 000 visitors at the Medieval Market 3.7.2016 - Finland’s largest medieval and historical event, the Medieval Market, was held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 30th to July 3rd 2016.
Kerron, miten selviätte tulleistaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
136 000 visitors at the Medieval Market 8.7.2019 - Finland’s largest medieval and historical event, the Medieval Market, was held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 27th to June 30th 2019.
Merci, monsieur.Tee olisi mukavaksiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Like most of the people living near Turku, I went to the annual Medieval Market - "Finland’s largest medieval and historical event held at the Old Great Square of Turku in June". Here are some of the pictures I took there.
Hän haluaa tavata Mandelan kasvotustenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Old Great Square (Finnish: Vanha Suurtori, Swedish: Gamla Stortorget) is a medieval market square located in the city centre of Turku, Finland.
Sitten voit palata Coloradoon tapaamaan poikaasi CameroniaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Finland’s largest medieval and historical event, the Medieval Market, was held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 29th to July 2nd 2017. The total number of visitors of the Medieval Market was 163 000. Read more about 163 000 visitors at the Medieval Market ...
b) lähetys ei ole ollut kosketuksissa muiden eläinperäisten tuotteiden eikä elävien eläinten kanssa, jotka olisivat voineet aiheuttaa vakavan tartuntataudin leviämisriskinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Turku medieval market is like a big gettogether of all the medievalists in Finland.
Mietintö: SIMPSON A#-#/# – lainsäädäntöpäätöslauselmaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Half of it was already shot at Turku medieval market.
Se on oikein vahvaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At the heart of Medieval Turku is an intimate market atmosphere created by the compact rows of market stalls. Here, sellers and craftsmen from near and far sell a wide variety of handmade products and medieval delicacies.
Jotta varmistetaan, että tuki on tarpeen ja edistää tietyn toiminnan kehittämistä, tätä asetusta ei tulisi soveltaa tukeen, jota myönnetään sellaiseen toimintaan, jota tuensaaja harjoittaisi jo pelkästään markkinaolosuhteissaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Finland’s largest medieval and historical event, the Medieval Market, was held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 29th to July 2nd 2017.
Hän kävi Italiassa ensimmäistä kertaa sodan jälkeenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Finland’s largest medieval and historical event, the Medieval Market, was held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 30th to July 3rd 2016.
Pitkä oleskelu ulkoavaruudessa on aina vaarallistaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
5.7.2017 Finland’s largest medieval and historical event, the Medieval Market, was held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 29th to July 2nd 2017.
Ei, kylmeneeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It’s that time of year again – Turku goes medieval with the annual medieval market and Merry Swan goes to market.
Valiant MetsäkyyhkyParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Medieval Market is Finland’s largest medieval and historical event held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 25th to 28th 2015, 12–20 on Thu–Fri and 12–18 on Sat–Sun.
Kerro kollegalle, mitä tapahtui.- Löysimme heidät, mutta emme laatikkoaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Medieval Market is Finland’s largest medieval and historical event held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 28th to July 1st 2018, 12–20 on Thu–Fri and 12–18 on Sat–Sun.
Palvelut ja muut ovat sisäisiä ja horisontaalisia toimintoja, joita tarvitaan yhteisöjen toimielinten ja muiden elinten toiminnan ylläpitämiseenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Medieval Market is Finland’s largest medieval and historical event held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 27th to June 30th 2019, 12–20 on Thu–Fri and 12–18 on Sat–Sun.
artiklan mukaisesti hyväksytyille hakijoille; taiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Medieval Market is Finland’s largest medieval and historical event held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 29th to July 2nd 2017, 12–20 on Thu–Fri and 12–18 on Sat–Sun.
Ruoka kääritään muoviin, joka tehdään öljystäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Medieval Market is organised in the Old Great Square of Turku on June 27th to June 30th 2019, Thu−Fri from 12pm to 8pm and Sat−Sun from 12pm to 6pm.
Kolonnin täyttämisen järjestelyt (ks. kuvaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In addition, I actively engage in public history: since 2015, I have worked as the historical expert of the Medieval Market event in Turku, and I am currently taking part in two public history projects: Vihan pitkät jäljet on the long history of hate speech (2017–2018), and Vammaisuuden vaiettu historia on disability history (2017–2019).
Minä olen Forrest GumpParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Medieval Market is Finland’s largest medieval and historical event held at the Old Great Square of Turku on June 25th to June 28th 2020, 12–20 on Thu–Fri and 12–18 on Sat–Sun. The Medieval Market is about guaranteed marketplace atmosphere: hustle and bustle, happy reunions, rumors and pompous words about market peace, posh ladies and pretty maidens, noble gentlemen, vendors selling their wares and the market full of love!
Tässä yhteydessä on erityisen tärkeää muistaa, että vuoden # tammikuuhun saakka huomattavaa osaa tarkasteltavana olevasta tuotteesta koskivat määrälliset rajoituksetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At Turku medieval market last weekend I sold all the lucets I had in stock and several of my own.
Asianmukaisesti perustelluista syistä, jotka jompikumpi budjettivallan käyttäjä ottaa esille edellä mainitussa määräajassa, sovelletaan # artiklan mukaista menettelyäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The first medieval market was held on the Brinkkala courtyard, where vendors sold their high-quality handicrafts and various performers led the visitors to the exciting world of medieval Turku!
Mitä ystäväsi tekee, jos et ilmesty Vermontiin?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the centre of Turku, you can sense the medieval atmosphere; when you walk the cobbled streets of Finland's oldest city, on the riverside walk and the Market Square, you will sense it.
Komission yksiköt perustivat vuonna # finanssipalvelujen käyttäjien foorumin (FIN-USE) taatakseen sen, että käyttäjät voivat entistä aktiivisemmin ja tietoisemmin osallistua omalla asiantuntemuksellaan finanssipalveluja koskevaan Euroopan komission politiikantekoonParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
30 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.