cavernous oor Galisies


resembling a cavern; vast

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“But, Mister Smith,” he added, “since I was imprisoned in this cavern, how do I find myself at the corral?”
—Pero, señor Smith —engadiu—, posto que eu estaba aprisionado naquela caverna, como é que me encontro no curro?Literature Literature
It describes the journey of the sun god Ra through the six caverns of the underworld, focusing on the interaction between the sun god and the inhabitants of the netherworld, including rewards for the righteous and punishments for the enemies of the worldly order, those who fail their judgment in the afterlife.
O texto describe a viaxe do deus do sol Ra ao longo das seis cavernas do inframundo, centrándose na interacción entre o deus do sol e os habitantes do abismo, recompensando os xustos e castigando aos que fracasaron no seu xuízo no alén e que son por tanto inimigos da orde do mundo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was the sun of this cavern and it filled it completely.
Alí estaba o sol daquela caverna e enchíaa toda.Literature Literature
Was he really eager to let the warm room, comfortably furnished with pieces he had inherited, be turned into a cavern in which he would, of course, then be able to crawl about in all directions without disturbance, but at the same time with a quick and complete forgetting of his human past as well?
Estaba realmente ansioso para deixar o cuarto morno, confort mobilidade con pezas que tiña herdada, pode converter nunha cova na que sería, por suposto, a continuación, ser capaz de rastrexar en todas as direccións sen perturbación, pero, á vez cun esquecemento rápido e completo da súa humana pasado, así?QED QED
Mutations in the upstream components of the ERK5 pathway (the CCM complex) are thought to underlie cerebral cavernous malformations in humans.
As mutacións nos compoñentes de augas arriba da vía ERK5 (o complexo CCM) crese que están detrás das malformacións cavernosas cerebrais en humanos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Every time the monsters get hungry they ring a siren... and the beautiful people rise like zombies... and march into the caverns to their death.
Cada vez que os monstros teñen fame, fan soar unha sirena... e as persoas fermosas érguense coma zombies e marchan ás cavernas para atopar a morte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like the two earlier Great Netherworld Books, the Book of Caverns first of all describes the journey of the sun god (Ra) from the western horizon to the eastern horizon through the underworld, the divine creatures that he meets, and his interaction with them.
Como o máis antigo dos libros do inframundo, o Libro das cavernas principia describindo o percorrido do deus Ra desde o horizonte occidental ata o horizonte oriental a través do submundo, as criaturas divinas coas que se encontra, e mesmo varias manifestacións súas, e as relacións que establece con elas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Scuba diving offers a chance to explore and photograph underwater caverns, wrecks, coral, sponges, and other marine life.
O mergullo ofrece a posibilidade de explorar e fotografar covas submarinas, corais, esponxas e outros tipos de vida mariña.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Book of Caverns is one of the best sources of information about the Egyptian concept of hell.
O Libro das cavernas é un das mellores fontes de información sobre a concepción exipcia do inferno.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the signalman’s table, in the caverns of man, the sound of running water, the organ of the wind.
Sobre a mesa do factor, nas covas do home, o son de mananciais, o órgano do vento.Literature Literature
Just as these meagre supplies are almost exhausted, another couple—the husband dead, the wife alive—are dropped into the cavern.
Cando estes víveres están a piques de se esgotar, outra parella (o marido morto, a muller aínda viva) aparece na caverna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In November 1961, during one of the group's frequent performances at The Cavern Club, they encountered Brian Epstein, a local record-store owner and music columnist.
Durante unha das súas frecuentes aparicións no Cavern Club coñeceron a Brian Epstein, dono dunha tenda de discos local e columnista de música.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Beatles performed at the Cavern Club nearly 300 times in their early years.
The Beatles actuaron no club preto de 300 veces nos seus primeiros anos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene of Las Breas de San Felipe, Cuba) A distal radius in Late Pleistocene deposits of San Josecito Cavern (Mexico) may belong in this genus or in Mycteria; it is smaller than that of any known American stork, Ciconia or otherwise.
(Plistoceno tardío/Holoceno temperán de Las Breas de San Felipe, Cuba) Un fragmento distal de radio atopado en depósitos do Plistoceno tardío da Cova de San Josecito (México) pode pertencer a este xénero ou ben a Mycteria; é máis pequena que outras cegoñas Ciconia fósiles americanas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The floor of the cavern must thus be situated ninety feet above the level of the sea.
O chan da caverna estaba, pois, a noventa pés sobre o nivel do mar.Literature Literature
Not much later, Jean François Champollion wrote about the Book of Caverns from this tomb providing some translations.
Pouco despois Jean François Champollion escribiu tamén sobre este texto, realizando tamén algunhas traducións fragmentarias.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The typical dragon protects a cavern or castle filled with gold and treasure and is often associated with a great hero who tries to slay it.
O típico dragón protexe unha caverna ou castelo cheos de ouro e tesouros e, adoita estar asociado cun grande heroe que trata de matalo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Subterranean rivers flow underground in caves or caverns.
Os ríos subterráneos flúen baixo terra en covas ou cavernas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Our hundredth cavern, adults one dollar, Lolita fifty cents.
A nosa caverna, número cen, un dólar os adultos, cincuenta centavos Lolita.Literature Literature
“We’ll light a fire at the entrance to the cavern,” the reporter said, “and they won’t dare cross the threshold.”
—Abondará con acender unha cacharela á entrada da caverna —dixo o correspondente— e non se atreverán a pasar do limiar.Literature Literature
The Nautilus was no longer here to illuminate this sombre cavern.
O Nautilus non estaba alí para iluminar cos seus lumes a sombría caverna.Literature Literature
Cyrus Smith and his companions slept like innocent dormice in the cavern so kindly left to them by the jaguar.
CYRUS SMITH e mais os seus compañeiros durmiron coma leironciños na cova que o xaguar tan cortesmente lles cedera.Literature Literature
Ayrton, tied up, gagged and under constant guard, lived in this cavern for four months.
Ayrton, atado, amordazado e gardado con sentinelas á vista viviu naquela caverna durante catro meses.Literature Literature
Till then, Harding and his companions had only entered the cavern by the long passage.
Ata entón Cyrus Smith e mais os seus compañeiros entraran na caverna polo antigo desaugadoiro.Literature Literature
An unfamiliar sweat appeared on his forehead, dripping into the caverns of his nose.
Sentiu unha suor descoñecida na fronte que lle pingaba polas concas do nariz.Literature Literature
46 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.