ship of the line oor Indonesies

ship of the line

(nautical)(military) a large square-rigged warship large enough to have a place in the line of battle. with up to 140 guns on at least two decks. A capital ship from the age of sail, superior to a frigate; usually, a seventy-four, or three-decker. (Totten).

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Ship of the line

type of naval warship constructed from the 17th through to the mid-19th century

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A number of vessels, including all of the Dutch ships of the line, had escaped the raid.
Sejumlah kapal Belanda, termasuk semua kapal tiang, berhasil lolos dari serangan tersebut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first Venetian ship of the line was built in 1660.
Kapal barisan tempur Venesia yang pertama dibuat pada 1660.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was more like a ship of the line.
Dia itu kapal hebat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The collection also includes the figurehead of the Napoleonic-era ship of the line HMS Hibernia.
Koleksi tersebut juga termasuk figur manusia dari kapal pada masa Napoleon, HMS Hibernia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Later, "round ships" and galleasses were replaced by galleons and ships of the line which originated in Atlantic Europe.
Kelak "kapal bundar" dan galias tergantikan oleh galiung dan kapal barisan tempur yang berasal dari Eropa Atlantik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, the introduction of the ironclad frigate in about 1859 led swiftly to the decline of the steam-assisted ships of the line.
Namun, kemudian munculnya fregat lapis besi (Ironclad fregate) sekitar tahun 1859 menyebabkan makin berkurangnya penggunaan ship of the line yang bertenaga uap.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The British force consisted of two 74-gun ships of the line hastily paired to oppose the eastward advance of the French squadron.
Pasukan Britania terdiri dari dua ship of the line 74 meriam yang dipasangkan dengan tergesa-gesa untuk melawan pergerakan skuadron Prancis ke arah timur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The battle occurred during an extended commerce raiding operation by a French squadron led by Linois in the ship of the line Marengo.
Pertempuran tersebut terjadi dalam masa operasi perampokan kapal dagang yang dilakukan oleh skuadron kapal perang Prancis dipimpin oleh Linois dengan kapalnya Marengo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This force was under the command of Contre-Admiral Charles-Alexandre Durand Linois and consisted of the ship of the line Marengo and three frigates.
Pasukan ini dipimpin oleh Laksamana Pertama Charles-Alexandre Durand Linois dan terdiri atas kapal tempur utama Marengo dan tiga kapal fregat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These sails belonged to the 74-gun British ships of the line HMS Arrogant under Captain Richard Lucas and HMS Victorious under Captain William Clark.
Layar-layar ini berasal dari ship of the line Britania 72 meriam HMS Arrogant di bawah Kapten Richard Lucas dan HMS Victorious di bawah Kapten William Clark.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Linois later claimed that the unescorted British merchant fleet was defended by eight ships of the line, a claim criticised by contemporary officers and later historians.
Linois kemudian menyatakan bahwa kapal dagang Britania yang tidak dikawal tersebut dibantu oleh delapan kapal tempur utama (ship of the line), suatu pernyataan yang dikritik oleh para perwira seangkatan dan sejarawan modern.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The heavily armed carrack, first developed in Portugal for either trade or war in the Atlantic Ocean, was the precursor of the ship of the line.
Kapal kerakah yang bersenjata berat, pertama kali dibuat di Portugal sebagai kapal dagang atau kapal perang di Samudera Atlantik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although no warships protected the convoy, Commodore Dance knew that lookouts could, from a distance, mistake a large East Indiaman for a ship of the line.
Meskipun konvoi tidak dilindung kapal perang, Komodor Dance tahu bahwa para pengintai dapat melakukan kesalahan, dari kejauhan menganggap kapal East Indiaman besar adalah kapal tempur utama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The sailing ships followed a design by Lieutenant Colonel Francesco Rotundi of the Italian Navy Engineering Corps, reminiscent of ships of the line from the Napoleonic era.
Kapal layar ini mengikuti desain etnan Kolonel Francesco Rotundi dari Korps Teknik Angkatan Laut Italia, mengingatkan kembali ship of the line era Napoleon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The term "ship of the line" has fallen into disuse except in historical contexts, after warships and naval tactics evolved and changed from the mid 19th century.
Istilah "ship of the line" tidak lagi dipergunakan kecuali dalam konteks sejarah, setelah kapal-kapal perang dan taktik pertempuran laut berevolusi dan berubah sejak pertengahan abad ke-19.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prior to the Batavia raid however, Dutch Rear-Admiral Hartsinck had ordered his ships of the line to sail eastwards, where they took shelter at Griessie, near Sourabaya.
Sebelum penyerangan Batavia, Laksamana Belanda, Hartsink, telah memerintahkan agar kapal-kapalnya berlayar ke arah timur dan berlindung di Gresik, dekat Surabaya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From 1784 till 1786 he served as vlootvoogd (fleetguardian; admiral in charge of a fleet) in the Indian waters with four ships of the line and two frigates.
Antara tahun 1784-1786, ia bertindak sebagai pengawal armada di perairan Nusantara bersama 4 kapal barisan dan 2 fregat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 28 February, the British ships of the line HMS Sceptre and Albion joined them in the Strait and conducted them safely to Saint Helena in the South Atlantic.
Pada 28 Februari, kapal tempur Britania HMS Sceptre dan Albion bergabung dan menjaga mereka hingga selama tiba di Saint Helena di Atlantik Selatan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the Battle of the Nile, eleven French ships of the line and two frigates were eliminated, trapping Bonaparte in Egypt and changing the balance of power in the Mediterranean.
Di Pertempuran Sungai Nil, sebelas ship of the line dan dua fregat Prancis hancul, membuat Bonaparte terjebak di Mesir dan mengubah peta peperangan di Mediterania.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He would attempt to lead Sercey into believing that the convoy was formed not from lightly armed East Indiamen, but from the powerful ships of the line that the Indiamen resembled.
Dia memilih untuk menggertak Sercey untuk percaya bahwa konvoi tersebut bukan dari Armada India Timur yang memiliki persenjataan ringan, melainkan ship of the line yang kuat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ships of the line were accompanied by the frigate HMS Terpsichore under Captain Fleetwood Pellew, Admiral Pellew's son, as well as the brig HMS Seaflower under Lieutenant William Fitzwilliam Owen.
Konvoi ini juga diiringi oleh fregat HMS Terpsichore yang dikomandoi oleh Kapten Fleetwood Pellew, putra Laksamana Pellew, dan kapal brig HMS Seaflower di bawah komando Letnan William Fitzwilliam Owen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sercey turned his squadron away, Cybèle passing close by the flagship Forte, Tréhouart hailing that the British ships comprised a battle squadron of two ships of the line and four frigates.
Sercey mengubah arah pasukannya, Cybèle mendekati Forte, Tréhouart melaporkan bahwa armada kapal Inggris terdiri dari dua ship of the line dan empat fregat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite these disadvantages, the size of East Indiamen meant that from a distance they appeared quite similar to a small ship of the line, a deception usually augmented by paintwork and dummy cannon.
Meskipun ada kelemahan ini, dengan ukuran East Indiamen, dari kejauhan kapal ini terlihat mirip dengan kapal tempur utama yang kecil, untuk tipuan biasanya ditambah dengan teknik cat dan meriam tiruan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At 14:30, Forte determined that the approaching ships were British ships of the line and Sercey turned away, unwilling to risk suffering severe damage in a pointless engagement with two such powerful opponents.
Pada pukul 14.30, Forte memutuskan bahwa kapal yang mendekat adalah ship of the line Britania dan Sercey mengubah haluan, tidak mau mengambil risiko mengalami kerusakan parah dalam pertempuran sia-sia dengan dua lawan yang begitu kuat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There Rainer discovered that the Dutch ships of the line had sailed eastward from Batavia, except Shrikverwekker, which had been wrecked in the Thousand Islands on 18 May with the loss of two men.
Di sana Rainer menemukan kapal "ship of the line" Belanda tengah berlayar ke timur dari Batavia, kecuali Shrikverwekker, yang telah karam di Kepulauan Seribu pada 18 Mei dengan matinya dua awak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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