body oor Ido


/ˈbɑdi/, /ˈbɒdi/, /ˈbɒdɪ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
To give body or shape to something.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Ido


substance, material presence








physical body of a living thing

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celestial body
robusta · sana
heavenly body
dead body
habit of body
komplexiono · konstituciono
astronomical body
komplexiono · konstituciono


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Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining to ancient Rome's legendary origins and religious system, as represented in the literature and visual arts of the Romans.
Romana mitologio esas ensemblo di tradicionala naraci apartenanta al legendala origini di antiqua Roma ed a lua religiala sistemo, kom reprezentesas en Romana literaturo ed arto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Too large for the human body, it had no attributes of humanity.
Tro granda por la korpo homal, ol havis nula traiti homal.Literature Literature
Her body was placed on a boat bound for Africa.
Lia misioni esis informar loko di navi qui provizas trupi en Afrika.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Group I: The humoral theory of medicine proposed that our bodies were made up of diverse fluids, elements, or powers, that were considered to be the basic units or fundamental building blocks of all nature.
Grupo 1: la teorio humorala di medicino propozis ke nia korpi kompozesas di diversa fluidi, elementi, o povi, qua konsideresas esar la bazala unaji o fundamentala edificanta bloki di tota naturo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She has a perfect body.
El havas korpo perfekta.tatoeba tatoeba
The Siete Partidas (Spanish pronunciation: , "Seven-Part Code") or simply Partidas was a Castilian statutory code first compiled during the reign of Alfonso X of Castile (1252–1284), with the intent of establishing a uniform body of normative rules for the kingdom.
La Siete Partidas (sep artikli), plu simple Partidas esas korpo skribita dum la regno di Alfonso la 10ma (1252 til 1284), kun skopo obtenar certa legala unigo dil rejio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This gigantic body of ore is one of the largest in the world.
Usana ekonomio esas la maxim granda del mondo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This distinction can be demonstrated for both “rigid” and “non rigid” bodies.
Ta distingo povas esas demonstrata per amba "rigida" e "ne rigida" korpi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If the axis of the rotation lies external of the body in question then the body is said to orbit.
Se l'axo di la rotaco jacas extera di la korpo en questiono lore la korpo esas dicita en orbito.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In others, there is a concerted effort among governments, trade unions, charities, religious organizations, or other co-ordinated bodies to deliver planned health care services targeted to the populations they serve.
En altri, esas kombinita eforto inter guvernerii, sindikati, karitati, religiala od altra koordinata korpi por furnisar aranjita sanesoflegoprovizerio di skopala populi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conan, stooping above the body of the Agha, made no move to escape.
Konan, inklinanta super la korpo dil Agha, ne movis por eskapar.Literature Literature
It was then found that local differences were present, since heat production and heat loss vary considerably in different parts of the body, although the circulation of the blood tends to bring about a mean temperature of the internal parts.
Esas fondita lor ke lokala diferi esas prezenta, pro ke varmegeso e perdo di varmeso varias grande en diversa parti di korpo, quankam la cirkulado di sango tendencas adportar plu baza temperaturo en l'interna parti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They have a perfect body.
Lu havas korpo perfekta.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The body and the broad, flat tail of the platypus are covered with dense, brown fur that traps a layer of insulating air to keep the animal warm.
La korpo e la larja, plata kaudo dil ornitorinko esas kovrata da densa, bruna furo quo kaptas strato de izolanta aero por mantenar l'animalo varma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bullet went through his body.
La kulgo trairis ilua korpo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
When Lehmusviita was interrogated, he said that Kyllikki was no longer alive, and her body would never be found.
Kande il mortas en 1940 pro kordio-atako, sua libri ne plus esas obtenebla.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Quito Audiencia, which was both a court of justice and an advisory body to the viceroy, consisted of a president and several judges (oidores).
La Rejala Audienco di Quito - qua esis ambe judiciala korto e konsultiva instanco por la vicerejio - havis un prezidanto e diversa judiciisti (oidores).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thermoregulation is the ability of an organism to keep its body temperature within certain boundaries, even when the surrounding temperature is very different.
Kalorala regulado esas la kapableso por organismo mantenar lua korpala temperaturo inter certa extremaji malgre ke l'extera temperaturo esas tre diferanta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The tail of this animal was long, about 70% of its total head-body length.
La maxim longa osto esas tibio, qua esas 27,5 % de la tota longeso di skeleto homala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Average body weights can vary significantly between monkey populations in different locations.
Lua klimato esas tropikala kun influo dil altitudo en kelka regioni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bodies of reptiles are covered by scales.
La korpi di la repteri kovresas da squami.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Some species have an eye-like spot on the side of the body.
Ne omna animali havas oreli en la sama parto di korpo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The surface altitude of these bodies varies for a few reasons, such as wind.
La dominacanta klimato di la regiono esas variema, pro diversa motivi, exemple l'altitudo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He has a perfect body.
Lu havas korpo perfekta.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
It no longer scuttled across the floor in a direct charge, or swung its body through the air at him.
Ol ne plus kuregis trans la pavimento en avan-atako, od ociligis sua korpo tra la aero vers il.Literature Literature
44 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.