Jack Earle oor Italiaans

Jack Earle

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Jack Earle


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Like they didn't rate to be in the same room with Jack and Earl.
Come se non si sentissero degni di essere nello stesso luogo di Jack ed Earl.Literature Literature
Before he jumped down, Ben lighted cigarettes and gave them to Jack and Earl.
Prima di saltare giù, Ben accese tre sigarette e ne dette una a Jack e una a Earl.Literature Literature
One of the more remarkable was ‘Jack’ Howard, Earl of Suffolk.
Uno dei più famosi fu «Jack» Howard, conte di Suffolk.Literature Literature
Gosh Hall pushed Jack and Earl Roach toward the stall that Butzy was in and mumbled something, probably swearing.
Gosh Hall spinse Jack ed Earl Roach verso il box in cui si trovava Butzy e borbottò qualcosa, forse una bestemmia.Literature Literature
“Be up before you can say Jack Robinson,” said Earl.
«Sarò su prima che possiate dire Jack Robinson» disse Earl.Literature Literature
And this is my fiancé Jack Warriner, the Earl of...?’
E questo è il mio fidanzato Jack Warriner, Conte di...?»Literature Literature
Jack Gurney, the earl of Gurney.
Jack Gurney, il conte di Gurney.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jack, the 14th earl.
Jack, il 14esimo conte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jack filed away the earl's mention of Jamaica.
Jack archiviò l’accenno del conte alla Giamaica.Literature Literature
She wasn’t brave like Alexi or her younger brother, Jack, or Ned, the earl’s heir, who stood with them.
Lei non era coraggiosa come Alexi o il suo fratello minore, Jack, o ancora come Ned, l’erede del conte.Literature Literature
But it’s my understanding that you’ve got connections with Bobby Earl, that Jack Gates is a button man for you.”
Ma mi è stato detto che hai qualcosa a che fare con Bobby Earl, e che Jack Gates è un tuo sicario.Literature Literature
But it's my understanding that you've got connections with Bobby Earl, that Jack Gates is a button man for you.""
Ma mi è stato detto che hai qualcosa a che fare con Bobby Earl, e che Jack Gates è un tuo sicario.Literature Literature
Earl Sanderson, and Jack Braun.”
«Earl Sanderson e Jack Braun.»Literature Literature
"Jack said: ""They should attack Earl William's storehouses, not Prior Philip's."
Jack disse: «Dovrebbero attaccare i magazzini del conte William, non quelli del priore Philip.Literature Literature
Only the Secret Service representatives, Earl Biggs and Jack Renfro, remained silent.
Soltanto i rappresentanti del Secret Service, Earl Biggs e Jack Renfro, tacevano.Literature Literature
“The earl is dead,” Jack said, gesturing for the solicitor to have a seat.
— Il conte è morto — disse Jack facendo segno al legale di sedersi.Literature Literature
Earl Warren and Jack Washington are the other two saxists, each of whom are better than average.
Gli altri due sax sono Earl Warren e Jack Washington, e tutti e due sono ben al di sopra della media.Literature Literature
Jack was a member, and Earl Sanderson, and David Harstein.
Ne facevano parte Jack, Earl Sanderson e David Harstein.Literature Literature
‘This is Lady Dulcinea, the Earl of Stockport’s sister,’ Jack said meaning fully.
«Vi presento Lady Dulcinea Wycroft, la sorella del Conte di Stockport» disse Jack con uno sguardo eloquente.Literature Literature
They dress and take two Union Jack mugs of tea with them: Earl Grey for her, Barry’s Gold for him.
Si vestono e prendono due tazze di tè con sopra la bandiera britannica: Earl Gray per lei, Barry’s Gold per lui.Literature Literature
I take it that the Earl was mine, while Jack belonged to half the ladies of the West Indies and beyond.”
“Il Conte” era mio, mentre Jack apparteneva a metà delle donne delle Indie Occidentali e anche oltreLiterature Literature
Tachyon stirred in his wheelchair, and handed the Earl Sanderson glider back to Jack.
Tachyon si agitò sulla sedia a rotelle e gli restituì l’aliante di Earl Sanderson.Literature Literature
"""Earl really was a Communist, Jack."
«Earl era davvero un comunista, Jack.Literature Literature
Earle had a bottle of Jack Daniel’s and was passing it over to Beau between sips.
Earl aveva in mano una bottiglia di Jack Daniel’s e la passava a Beau tra un sorso e l’altro.Literature Literature
Earl really was a Communist, Jack.
«Earl era davvero un comunista, Jack.Literature Literature
55 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.