animal nature oor Latyn

animal nature

the physical (or animal) side of a person as opposed to the spirit or intellect

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Piotr Szelma

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of animal that died natural death|its flesh


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Should he aspire to be pure spirit and to reject the flesh as pertaining to his animal nature alone, then spirit and body would both lose their dignity.
Si vero solus spiritus homo esse studet cupitque carnem reicere veluti hereditatem ut ita dicamus tantum animalis propriam, tunc dignitatem suam tam spiritus quam corpus
Man is by nature a political animal.
Homo natura animal politicum est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Aristotle's teleology recognized a perfect being, and he also arranges all animals by a single natural scale according to the degree of perfection of their souls.
Teleologia Aristoteliana ens perfectum agnovit, qui ordinat omnia animalia per unam scalam naturalem secundum gradum perfectionis eorum animarum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
True penitence, however, cannot ever prescind from physical asceticism as well. Our whole being in fact, body and soul, (indeed the whole of nature, even animals without reason, as Holy Scripture often points out)(46) must participate actively in this religious act whereby the creature recognizes divine holiness and majesty.
In germana autem paenitentiae virtute disciplina «asceseos», quae corporis etiam castigationem complectitur, nequit praetermitti, cum totus homo, anima scilicet et corpus - quin immo natura quoque rationis expers, ut saepe Sacra Scriptura memorat -(46) huic sacrae exercitationi se dedat oporteat, qua omnes creatae res sanctitatem Dei et maiestatem
It argues that just as selection pressure led to animals evolving useful ways of interacting with the natural environment, so also it led to the genetic evolution of advantageous social behavior.
Arguit sicuti pressura selectionis sivit ut animalia utiles interactionis cum circumiectis naturalibus modos evolverent, ita geneticam utilium morum socialium evolutionem amplificavit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Natural history – scientific research of plants or animals, leaning more towards observational rather than experimental methods of study, and encompasses more research published in magazines than in academic journals.
Historia naturalis est investigatio scientifica plantarum vel animalium, rationibus studii plus ad observationes quam experimenta tendens, quae investigationes praecipue in periodicis scientificis editas comprehendit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although people are rightly worried — though much less than they should be — about preserving the natural habitats of the various animal species threatened with extinction, because they realize that each of these species makes its particular contribution to the balance of nature in general, too little effort is made to safeguard the moral conditions for an authentic "human ecology".
Dum enim iuste profecto, etsi multo minus quam oportet, cogitatur de areis naturalibus diversorum generum animalium, quae ne exstinguantur periculum est, quoniam intellegitur eorum unumquodque peculiariter conf erre ad terrae generalem temperationem, parum curatur de « oecologiae humanae » condicionibus moralibus
The faithful assembled as a Paschal Church, celebrating the feast of the Lord present in their midst, expect much from this preaching, and will greatly benefit from it provided that it is simple, clear, direct, well-adapted, profoundly dependent on Gospel teaching and faithful to the magisterium, animated by a balanced apostolic ardor coming from its own characteristic nature, full of hope, fostering belief, and productive of peace and unity.
Ab ea enim fideles, coadunati ut Ecclesiam paschalem efforment, quae festum Domini in medio eorum adstantis celebrat, multum sibi exspectant laetosque fructus percipiunt, modo sit simplex, perspicua, directa, accommoda, in Evangelii doctrina posita atque infixa, Ecclesiaeque pariter Magisterio fideliter adhaerens, apostolico incitata ac temperata ardore, qui ei suapte natura obveniat, plena bonae spei, fidem enutriens, pacem progignens et
They are living in close harmony with Nature—the majestic temple of Creation. Their work has to do with the life of plants and animals, a life that is inexhaustible in its expression, inflexible in its laws, rich in allusions to God the Creator and Provider.
Quibus sane perspectum cognitumque esse debet, quem laborem sustineant, eum esse honestissimum; quod in amplissimo quasi mundi templo suscipitur; quod saepius arboribus et animantibus impertitur, quorum vita, veluti infinita quaedam significans, certisque astricta legibus, plurima habet ad Deum Creatorem et Providum
Even though Paul, in the Letter to the Romans, wrote that "the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now"(3), even though man knows and is close to the sufferings of the animal world, nevertheless what we express by the word "suffering" seems to be particularly essential to the nature of man.
Quamquam enim Paulus scribit in Epistula ad Romanos: “Scimus enim quod omnis creatura congemiscit et comparturit usque adhuc”,(3) et passim etiam animalia circa nos dolore laborare videmus, nihilominus, quod “doloris” nomine exprimitur, humanae naturae singulari ratione proprium esse
Man dominates the earth by the very fact of domesticating animals, rearing them and obtaining from them the food and clothing he needs, and by the fact of being able to extract various natural resources from the earth and the seas.
Homo terrae quidem iam eo ipso dominatur quod animalia mansuefacit, ea nutricans indeque cibum et indumenta capiens necessaria, et eo quod e terra et mari varii generis opes elicit
This communion is rooted in the natural bonds of flesh and blood, and grows to its specifically human perfection with the establishment and maturing of the still deeper and richer bonds of the spirit: the love that animates the interpersonal relationships of the different members of the family constitutes the interior strength that shapes and animates the family communion and community.
Huiusmodi communio in naturalibus carnis et sanguinis vinculis est insita, atque, spiritus nexus etiam interiores et uberiores instituendo atque ad maturationem adducendo, provehitur et propie humano modo perficitur: amor, qui inter varia familiae membra, uti inter personas, mutuas alit rationes intercedentes, ipse est vis intima domesticam communionem et societatem efficiens atque
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