animals oor Latyn


Plural form of animal.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
Omnia animalia paria sunt, sed quaedam animalia pariora sunt ceteris.
Glosbe Research


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
Omnia animalia paria sunt, sed quaedam animalia pariora sunt ceteris.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn




Pink Floyd album

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

agitatus · animatus · erectus · vegetus · vivatus
equipped for yoking ten draught animals
any horned animal
wild animal
resembling|typical of wild animal
horn-bearing|horned animal
Fictional animals
Animalia ficticia
Animals that can change color
Animalia quae coloribus commutari possunt
she who quickens|animates


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These include the 2002 animated series Stargate Infinity.
quo pudore haud plures quam centum equites restitere: iuvit locus, artiore illic via et fracto interfluentis rivi ponte, qui incerto alveo et praecipitibus ripis fugam impediebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This means that moral evaluation and scientific research must go hand in hand, and that charity must animate them in a harmonious interdisciplinary whole, marked by unity and distinction.
Segni Condrusique, ex gente et numero Germanorum, qui sunt inter Eburones Treverosque, legatos ad Caesarem miserunt oratum, ne se in hostium numero duceret neve omnium Germanorum, qui essent citra Rhenum, unam esse causam iudicaret: nihil se de bello cogitavisse, nulla Ambiorigi auxilia
From an ecological perspective the Australasian realm is a distinct region with a common geologic and evolutionary history and a great many unique plants and animals.
fusi Numidae, multosque post annos Furio nomini partum decus militiae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Crassus, having exhorted the commanders of the horse to animate their men by great rewards and promises, points out to them what he wished to have done.
Frumenta ceterosque fructus patientius, quam pro solita Germanorum inertia, laborant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nero puerilibus statim annis vividum animum in alia detorsit: caelare pingere, cantus aut regimen equorum exercere; et aliquando carminibus pangendis inesse sibi elementa doctrinae ostendebat.langbot langbot
Animal survive.
isdem rursus vestigiis situm est, postquam interiecto quadringentorum quindecim annorum spatio L. Scipione C. Norbano consulibus flagraverat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dictionary definitions can be broad, using phrases such as "any living structure, such as a plant, animal, fungus or bacterium, capable of growth and reproduction".
neque propinquis aut amicis adsistere, inlacrimare, ne visere quidem diutius dabatur, sed circumiecti custodes et in maerorem cuiusque intenti corpora putrefacta adsectabantur, dum in Tiberim traherentur ubi fluitantia aut ripis adpulsa non cremare quisquam, non contingere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Our men, animated by the confusion of the enemy, entered the camp in several places at the same time, and running down from the higher ground, put a great number of them to the sword.
Ita saepius rem frustra temptatam Caesar aliquando dimittendam sibi iudicat et de bello agendum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The lion is an animal.
dari navis ac vehicula abeuntibus iubet; libellos epistulasque studio erga se aut in Vitellium contumeliis insignis abolet; pecunias distribuit parce nec ut periturus.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I bought a book about animals.
Rursus cum in eum locum unde erant egressi reverti coeperant, et ab eis qui cesserant et ab eis qui proximi steterant circumveniebantur; sin autem locum tenere vellent, nec virtuti locus relinquebatur, neque ab tanta multitudine coniecta tela conferti vitare poterant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In assessing the environmental impact of any project, concern is usually shown for its effects on soil, water and air, yet few careful studies are made of its impact on biodiversity, as if the loss of species or animals and plant groups were of little importance.
prorumpunt quintani ante alios et acri pugna hoste pulso recipiunt cohortis alasque fessas
Yet at the same time they should show themselves animated by a spirit of understanding and unselfishness, ready to cooperate loyally in achieving objects which are good in themselves, or can be turned to good.
Per idem tempus Plautius Silvanus praetor incertis causis Aproniam coniugem in praeceps iecit, tractusque ad Caesarem ab L. Apronio socero turbata mente respondit, tamquam ipse somno gravis atque eo ignarus, et uxor sponte mortem
A large house with many people and animals would have had to have a drainage system.
filia pulchra estWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was likewise needful to familiarize his horses to the cry, smell, and figure of these animals; in all of which he succeeded to a wonder; for the soldiers quickly came to touch them with their hands, and to be sensible of their tardiness; and the cavalry attacked them with blunted darts, and, by degrees, brought their horses to endure their presence.
Proelium commissum est magna contentione Rhodiorum; qui cum in omnibus dimicationibus et scientia et virtute praestitissent, tum maxime illo tempore totum onus sustinere non recusabant, ne quod suorum culpa detrimentum acceptum videretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Category:Paleocene animals
Postquam vero castra castris contulit, despectis eius copiis omnem timorem deponit.langbot langbot
People say that the fox is more cunning than other animals.
Reliquae Caesaris naves eius fuga se Adrumetum receperunt.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Many animals that have since died out in other parts of Europe still survive in Poland, such as the wisent in the ancient woodland of the Białowieża Forest and in Podlaskie.
Vir iuris peritus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(19) ‘Quemadmodum’ inquit ‘editum animal intellectum habere aut salutarisaut mortiferae rei potest?
Interim equitum turmae, [ut] fugere covinnarii, peditum se proelio miscuere.Literature Literature
Such species are also able to survive extremes of temperature, and so, for Borgonie, the fact the first animal discovered at this depth was a worm was unsurprising.
Sic rebus omnibus confectis et collocatis ipse [itinere terrestri] profectus est in Syriam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Charity does not exclude knowledge, but rather requires, promotes, and animates it from within.
Hos sequnntur Bullidenses, Amantini et reliquae finitimae civitates totaque Epiros et legatis ad Caesarem missis, quae imperaret, facturos
The use of these instruments by professionals in communication and their reception by the public demand both a work of education in a critical sense, which is animated by a passion for the truth, and a work of defence of liberty, respect for the dignity of individuals, and the elevation of the authentic culture of peoples which occurs through a firm and courageous rejection of every form of monopoly and manipulation.
Caesar consilio eius probato, etsi opinione trium legionum deiectus ad duas redierat, tamen unum communis salutis auxilium in celeritate
Even though Paul, in the Letter to the Romans, wrote that "the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now"(3), even though man knows and is close to the sufferings of the animal world, nevertheless what we express by the word "suffering" seems to be particularly essential to the nature of man.
In quo proelio Pacideius graviter pilo per cassidem caput ictus compluresque duces ac fortissimus quisque interfecti vulneratique
The animal is eating.
liberto et accusatori praemium operae locus in theatro inter viatores tribunicios datur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Milites contra nostri, quamquam periculoso genere proeli locoque iniquo premebantur, tamen omnia fortissimo sustinebant animo.langbot langbot
In which language do you want to see names of animals?
advertere proximi, deinde plures: hinc per omnem aciem miraculum et questus et saevissimi belli execratio.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
205 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.