fresh troops oor Latyn

fresh troops

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The fresh troops were driven back along with the wounded fugitives, confused by their own alarm and by the difficulties of the road.
pulsi cum sauciis integri suomet ipsi metu et angustiis viarum conflictabantur.
Piotr Szelma

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The fresh troops were driven back along with the wounded fugitives, confused by their own alarm and by the difficulties of the road.
Neque minus ob eam causam civibus Romanis eius provinciae, sed in singulos conventus singulasque civitates certae pecuniae imperabantur, mutuasque illas ex senatusconsulto exigi dictitabant; publicanis, ut in Syria fecerant, insequentis anni vectigal promutuum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus the attack fell upon the legions, who had lost their standards and were being cut down within the entrenchments, when the fortune of the day was suddenly changed by a reinforcement of fresh troops.
et paucorum dierum iter progressus prosperas apud Bedriacum res ac morte Othonis concidisse bellum accepit: vocata contione virtutem militum laudibus cumulat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus, new and fresh troops having come to the assistance of the fatigued, and others having made an attack on their rear, Pompey's men were not able to maintain their ground, but all fled, nor was Caesar deceived in his opinion, that the victory, as he had declared in his speech to his soldiers, must have its beginning from those six cohorts, which he had placed as a fourth line to oppose the horse.
Neque vero tam remisso ac languido animo quisquam omnium fuit, qui ea nocte conquieverit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Neither in position nor in numbers was the contest an equal one to the Romans; at the same time, being exhausted by running and the long continuation of the fight, they could not easily withstand fresh and vigorous troops.
C. Cestio M. Servilio consulibus nobiles Parthi in urbem venere, ignaro rege Artabano.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Paullinus alleged that he feared the effects of so much additional toil and so long a march, apprehending that the Vitellianists might issue fresh from their camp, and attack his wearied troops, who, once thrown into confusion, would have no reserves to fall back upon.
postremo stagnum calidae aquae introiit, respergens proximos servorum addita voce libare se liquorem illum Iovi liberatori.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Accordingly he led his troops out of the camp, and ranged them in order of battle, at first on their own ground, and at a small distance from Pompey's camp: but afterward for several days in succession, he advanced from his own camp, and led them up to the hills on which Pompey's troops were posted, which conduct inspired his army every day with fresh courage.
All participants were instructed to read aloud daily a text with positive characteristics of themselves.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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