governing body of Church oor Latyn

governing body of Church

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Piotr Szelma

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During the Protestant Reformation, reformers asserted that the New Testament prescribed an ecclesiastical government different from the episcopal polity maintained by the Roman Catholic Church, and consequently different Protestant bodies organized into different types of polity.
Per Reformationem ecclesiae, Protestantes arguebant Novum Testamentum structuras mandavisse quae a structura Ecclesiae Catholicae Romanae illius temporis, magnopere discrepabant, atque varia corpora Protestantia ergo variis politiae generibus uti solebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the rest, it is a holy truth that by governing well their own Church as a portion of the universal Church, they themselves make an effective contribution to the whole mystical body, which is also a body of Churches''.206
Ceterum hoc sanctum est quod bene regendo propriam Ecclesiam ut portionem Ecclesiae universalis, ipsi efficaciter conferunt ad bonum totius mystici Corporis, quod est etiam corpus Ecclesiarum »
47) “For the rest, it is true that by governing well their own Church as a portion of the universal Church, they themselves are effectively contributing to the welfare of the whole Mystical Body, which is also the body of the Churches”.(
47) «Ceterum hoc sanctum est quod, bene regendo propriam Ecclesiam ut portionem Ecclesiae universalis, ipsi efficaciter conferunt ad bonum totius mystici Corporis, quod est etiam corpus Ecclesiarum».(
Precisely because the Church's unity, which the Eucharist brings about through the Lord's sacrifice and by communion in his body and blood, absolutely requires full communion in the bonds of the profession of faith, the sacraments and ecclesiastical governance, it is not possible to celebrate together the same Eucharistic liturgy until those bonds are fully re-established.
Cum prorsus Ecclesiae unitas, quam per sacrificium atque communionem corporis et sanguinis Domini Eucharistia complet, necessarium omnino habeat postulatum integrae communionis in vinculis professionis fidei, Sacramentorum et ecclesiastici regiminis, fieri non potest ut eadem liturgia eucharistica celebretur donec universitas talium vinculorum
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