legacy oor Latyn


naamwoord, adjektief
(law) money or property bequeathed to someone in a will

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[ lēgātum ]
money or property bequeathed to someone in a will


money or property bequeathed to someone in a will


money or property bequeathed to someone in a will

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receiving legacy early
legacy hunter
captator · captatrix · heredipeta
person bequeathed a legacy in common with others
collegatarius · conlegatarius
of legacy-hunters
of|concerning legacy-hunting|hunters
hunt legacy
captator · heredipeta


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His written legacy includes an autobiography and numerous sermons, which in some measure of contrast with others of his day, tended to accent God as an accessible and welcoming figure in the individual life.
Inter sua opera scripta sunt autobiographia et multae contiones, quae ab aliis suae aetatis aliquantulum discrepant, Deum habere solebant figuram facilem et accipientem in vita hominis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thomism is the philosophical school that arose as a legacy of the work and thought of Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), philosopher, theologian, and Doctor of the Church.
Thomismus est schola philosophica quae nata est ex hereditate operis et cogitationis Sancti Thomae Aquinatis (1225–1274), philosophi, theologi, et doctoris ecclesiae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(248) In this precious legacy handed down from the earliest ecclesial tradition, we find elements of great wisdom that guide Christians in their involvement in today's burning social issues.
248) Hoc in summi pretii patrimonio, iam ab antiquissima ecclesiali traditione derivato, elementa deteguntur quae mores christianorum sapientissime moderantur coram acutis quaestionibus socialibus.vatican.va vatican.va
Kain (Legacy of Kain)
Kainlangbot langbot
7. One pope bequeathed, as it were, to another pope, as a sacred legacy, the care of the whole Christian flock; with the same pastoral concern each of them declared his paternal love for all mankind.
Alter Pontifex Pontifici alteri universum christianum pascendum gregem, quasi sacram hereditatem, veluti manu tradere visus est; nec minus luculenter patuit utriusque pastoralis sollicitudo, qua paterna eorum erga omnes gentes caritas declaratur.vatican.va vatican.va
This is true, but at the same time it is difficult to overlook the fact that the Council drew much from the experiences and reflections of the immediate past, especially from the intellectual legacy left by Pius XII.
Hoc verum est, at simul difficile est non animadvertere conciliarem congressionem ex superioris aevi usibus et deliberationibus multum sumpsisse, ex doctrina praesertim Pii XII.vatican.va vatican.va
But if we ask what is the core of the great legacy it leaves us, I would not hesitate to describe it as the contemplation of the face of Christ: Christ considered in his historical features and in his mystery, Christ known through his manifold presence in the Church and in the world, and confessed as the meaning of history and the light of life's journey.
At si magnam hereditatem, quam eadem nobis ministrat, summatim exponere volumus, absque dubitatione eam deprehendimus in Christi vultu contemplatione: is sua in historica effigie ac mysterio consideratur, in sua multiplici in Ecclesia Mundoque praesentia suscipitur, tamquam historiae sensus nostrique itineris lux agnoscitur.vatican.va vatican.va
Many of his works helped shape the American character and its legacy, particularly with the poem "Paul Revere's Ride".
Multa eius operum ingenium Americanum et eius heredium formare adiuverunt, praecipue per poema "Paul Revere's Ride."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This rich legacy of reflection must not be allowed to disappear, but must be implemented in practical ways.
Copiosum hoc deliberationum patrimonium non licet ad nihilum recidere, sed decet illud re ipsa aliquid operari.vatican.va vatican.va
In this post - synodal apostolic exhortation, I take up anew the rich legacy resulting from the reflections, endeavors and indications which were made during the synod's preparation, as well as those which accompanied the work of the synod fathers, and as the bishop of Rome and successor of Peter I add my voice to theirs - addressing it to each and every one of the faithful, and in particular to each priest and to those involved in the important yet demanding ministry of their formation.
Nunc ad hanc Adhortationem Apostolicam quae Synodum sequitur multas repetentes meditationes, consilia et monita quae labores Patrum synodalium praeparaverunt et comitata sunt, Nostram Romani Episcopi atque Petri Successoris vocem aliis adiungimus, qua corda omnium ac singulorum christifidelium alloquimur, praesertim vero presbyterorum corda et eorum omnium qui operam navant difficili eorum formationis ministerio.vatican.va vatican.va
Now the charity displayed at the centre of Catholicism will in some way flow back to the world through this sign, which is meant to be an enduring legacy and remembrance of the communion experienced during the Jubilee.
Nunc caritas expressa in corde catholicitatis quodam modo denuo vertitur in mundum per hoc signum, quod maneat volumus uti fructus et vivens memoria communionis habitae occasione Iubilaei.vatican.va vatican.va
Consequently, each particular Church should be concerned to celebrate its own saints who were Bishops and also to remember those pastors who by virtue of their holy lives and enlightened teachings handed down to their people a particular legacy of admiration and affection.
Itaque quaeque particularis Ecclesia suos sanctos Episcopos celebrandos curabit, Pastores quoque commemorando qui sanctitate vitae ac spectabili doctrina populo peculiarem admirationis affectionisque hereditatem reliquerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Accordingly, having weighed their plans one against each other, they decided that a letter should be written in the prince's name, to the effect that full discharge was granted to those who had served in twenty campaigns; that there was a conditional release for those who had served sixteen, and that they were to be retained under a standard with immunity from everything except actually keeping off the enemy; that the legacies which they had asked, were to be paid and doubled.
igitur volutatis inter se rationibus placitum ut epistulae nomine principis scriberentur: missionem dari vicena stipendia meritis, exauctorari qui sena dena fecissent ac retineri sub vexillo ceterorum inmunes nisi propulsandi hostis, legata quae petiverant exsolvi duplicarique.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Some even claimed the legacy of the Divine Augustus, with words of good omen for Germanicus, and, should he wish for empire, they showed themselves abundantly willing.
fuere etiam qui legatam a divo Augusto pecuniam reposcerent, faustis in Germanicum ominibus; et si vellet imperium promptos ostentavere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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