bear oor Mohawk


/bɛə(r)/, /bɛɚ/, /bɛə/ adjektief, Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
A large omnivorous mammal, related to the dog and raccoon, having shaggy hair, a very small tail, and flat feet; a member of family Ursidae, particularly of subfamily Ursinae.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mohawk





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A large beast of prey of the family Ursidae, related to the dog and raccoon, having shaggy hair, a very small tail, and flat feet.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mohawk

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teddy bear
ohkwá:ri kaia'tón:ni


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yakohskaré:wake she is of the bear clan
yakohskaré:wake she is of the bear clanlangbot langbot
ohkwá:ri bear
ohkwá:ri bearlangbot langbot
yotihskaré:wake they (Fs) are of the bear clan
yotihskaré:wake they (Fs) are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
Little ones love teddy bears.
Ohkwá:ri kaia'tón:ni ratinón:we's nihonná:sa.langbot langbot
GENESIS 1 1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. 6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. 9And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 10And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. 11And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so. 12And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and God saw that it was good. 13And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. 14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: 15and let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16And God made the two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth, 18and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. 19And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. 20And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 21And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature that moveth, wherewith the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind: and God saw that it was good. 22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth. 23And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. 24And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind: and it was so. 25And God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the ground after its kind: and God saw that it was good. 26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food: 30and to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so. 31And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
GENESIS 1 Kakahrahráston Tsi Ní꞉ioht Tsi Tiotahsawánion 1Tsi tiotáhsawe Rawenni꞉io wahá꞉ronhionhni tánon waronhontionhni, 2nok nonhwéntsa áre khók oʼthé꞉nen shiioterihwakanonhní꞉ʼon tánon iáh oʼthe꞉nen tekénʼne, tánon tetiókarahskwe ne è꞉neken nawenkéhshons tsi niionohteshónhne, tánon tsi niiohwerahshátste Rawennió꞉ke nontá꞉we tho teioweratá꞉se è꞉neken ne kaniatarakehkowáhne. 3Eʼthó꞉ne ne Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Teioswátheʼn” tánon watiohswátheʼne. 4Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahatkáhtho ne tho kahswathéhtshera tsi ioiánere: tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wathakáhshi ne teioswáthe tánon ne tetió꞉karas. 5Ne Rawenni꞉io ne teioswáthe, “entiekhenékha wahanáhtonhkwe,” ók ne tetió꞉karas “ahshonthenʼnéhkha” nen né꞉ʼe wahanáhtonhkwe. Tánon iaʼóhkarahwe tánon iaʼóhrenʼne né꞉ne tontenhniserentiérenhte. 6Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Iohní꞉ronhak wanonhwaró꞉rok tánon tekakháhsi nohné꞉ka.” 7Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io warón꞉ni ne iohní꞉ron iononhwaró꞉ron tánon ne watakháhsi nohné꞉ka ne ehtá꞉ke nakaronhiá꞉ti tánon ne è꞉neken naʼkarónniaʼti. Tánon tho naʼá꞉wenʼne. 8Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io ne iotenonwaró꞉ron karonhiá꞉ke wahanáhtonhkwe. Tánon iaʼó꞉karahwe tánon iaʼóhrenʼne, né꞉ne tewenhniserakéhaton. 9Tánon Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Nohné꞉ka ne ehtà꞉ke nakarónniaʼti énska khók tsi nón꞉we niwatnekaró꞉rok, tánon ne iohontsáthen watotáhsi.” Tánon tho naʼá꞉wenʼne. 10Ne Rawenni꞉io ne iaonhwentsiáthen ohóntsa wahanátonhkwe, tánon nohné꞉ka ne skátne tsi nón꞉we niotnekaró꞉ron kaniatarakehkó꞉wa wahanáhtonhkwe. Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahatkáhtho tsi niioiánere. 11Eʼthó꞉ne né Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Ánion nohóntsa ne tkán꞉nio nohonteʼshón꞉ʼa, tánon ne kaienthóhsera, tánon né꞉ne wahianiióntha karontaʼshón꞉a, tsi niká꞉ien ne iotenénha né꞉ne sewahiátshon tsi niiohtitiohkó꞉tens, ne tsi ionwentsá꞉te.” Tánon tho naʼá꞉wenʼne. 12Nonhóntsa taká꞉nio ne ohonteʼshón꞉ʼa, né꞉ne kaienthóhsera ne ionénha né꞉ne tsi niiotitiohkò꞉tens, tánon ne karontaʼshón꞉ʼa ne wahianióntha ne iotenénha, né꞉ne sewahiátshon tsi niiohtitiohkò꞉ten. Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahatkáhtho tsi niioiánere. 13Tánon iaʼó꞉karahwe tánon iaʼóhrhenʼne, né꞉ne ahsénhaton niwenhniserakéhaton. 14Tánon Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Teioswátheʼk ne tsi iotenonhwaró꞉ron tsi karonhià꞉te ne taiakokháhsi nehní꞉sera tánon nokarahsnéha: tánon weʼnéhak ne tsi niwatkwenrá꞉rons tánon tsi wentaténion ó꞉ni iohsheraténion, 15tánon tekontiswáthet ne tsi iotenonhwaró꞉ron ne tsi karonhià꞉te ne ne takahswátheʼte ne tsi ionhwentsà꞉te.” Tánon tho naʼá꞉wenʼne. 16Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahrón꞉ni ne tékeni kowá꞉nen kaswathéhtshera, ne kahswathetsherowá꞉nen né꞉ne akaiatakweʼní꞉ioke nentieʼkhé꞉ne, tánon ne ká꞉ro nateiohswáthe né꞉ne akaiatakweʼní꞉ioke nahshonthén꞉ne: ó꞉ni wahatsistokonniánion. 17Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahshakonaktahsherónnien tsi iotehnonhwaró꞉ron ne tsi karonhià꞉te né꞉ne takontiswáthete tsi ionhwentsà꞉te, 18ne enkontiiatakweʼní꞉ioke nentieʼkhé꞉ne tánon nokarahsnéha, tánon takakháhsi ne teiohswáthe tsi nonkwá ne tetió꞉karas. Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahatkáhtho tsi niioiánere. 19Tánon iaʼó꞉karahwe tánon iaʼóhrhenʼne, né꞉ne kaieríhaton niwenhniserakéhaton. 20Tánon Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Ánion, ne tsi kaniatarénions ne tiakóhaf teiakoʼonwarón꞉ni tsi nahò꞉ten kón꞉nes nawénʼke, tánon otsitenʼokón꞉ʼa kontitiéhshon è꞉neken ne tsi ionhontsà꞉te iaʼtekaiá꞉iakt ne tsi iotehró꞉ron ne tsi karonhià꞉te.” 21Káti Rawenni꞉io shakoiatíson ne katsiʼnoniowá꞉nens ne kaniatarakehkowáhne nón꞉we nikón꞉nes tánon kwáh tsi niiatekarió꞉takes né kaniaʼtarénions nón꞉we nihotiʼonwahraráties, né꞉ne tsi nihotitiohkoténhshons, tánon kwáh tsi nihá꞉ti ne rononhnénion ne awenkéhshon nón꞉we nihón꞉nes, tehatinerahontshón꞉tons otsitenʼokón꞉ʼa né꞉ne tsi nihotitiohkò꞉tens. Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahatkáhtho tsi ioiánere. 22Tánon ne Rawenní꞉o wahshakoiaʼtatériste, ratónnions, “Sewawatsirowáhna tánon sewentiohkowáhna, tánon thontasewá꞉raʼn nawenkéhshons ne kaniatarakehkowáhne, tánon notsitoʼokón꞉ʼa ionatiohkowáhna né tsi ionhwentsà꞉te.” 23Tánon iaʼó꞉karahwe tánon iaʼó꞉renhne né꞉ne wískhaton niwenhniserakéhaton. 24Tánon ne Rawenní꞉o wahén꞉ron, “Ánion ne tsi ionhwentsà꞉te ne tiakóhaf ne ronnonhnénion karioʼshón꞉ʼa né꞉ne tsi nihotitiohkoténhshons: né꞉ne ienáhskwaiens tánon ne konté꞉seres tánon ne kontírios ne tsi ionhwentsà꞉te né꞉ne tsi niiotitiohkoténshons.” Tánon tho naʼá꞉wenʼne. 25Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io shakoiatíson ne kontírio ne tsi ionhwentsà꞉te né꞉ne tsi niiotitiohkoténhshons, ó꞉ni ne ienahskwáiens tsi niiotitiohkoténhshons, tánon kwáh tsi niiatehá꞉ti ne ronté꞉seres nonhwentsà꞉ke né꞉ne tsi nihotitiohkò꞉tens. Tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahatkáhtho tsi niioiánere. 26Eʼthó꞉ne ó꞉nen ne Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Ánion, rón꞉kwe etshitewaiatón꞉ni tsi nitewatkahthohtsherò꞉ten ó꞉ni kwáh tsi nitewaiatò꞉ten: tánon ánion raónha tehshakonariotáhrhok ne kentsonʼshón꞉ʼa ne kaniatarakehkowáhne, ó꞉ni tsi nonkwá ne otsitenʼokón꞉ʼa ne tsi karonhiá꞉te kontitses, ó꞉ni ne ienáhskwaiens, ó꞉ni kwáh ohontsakwé꞉kon, tánon kwáh tsi niaʼtekón꞉ti ne konté꞉seres ne tsi ionhwentsá꞉te.” 27Káti ne Rawenni꞉io waʼhoiatísa rón꞉kwe kwáh tsi nihatkahtsherò꞉ten, kwáh tsi nihaiatò꞉ten ne Rawenni꞉io wahshakoiaʼtísa: rohskenrakéhte tánon tsothonwí꞉sen, wahshakoiatísa. 28Rawenni꞉io wahshakoiatatérihste, tánon ne Rawenni꞉io wahshakóhnaʼne, “Sewawatsirowáhna tánon sewentiohkowáhna, tánon thontasewáraʼn ne tsi ionhwentsá꞉te tánon tasewaniarotáhrhok: tánon ietshiiatiaʼtakweʼní꞉iohste ne kentsonʼshón꞉ʼa ne kaniatarakehkowáhne ó꞉ni notsitenʼokón꞉ʼa ne tsi karonhiá꞉te kontitses ó꞉ni kwáh tsi nikón꞉ti ne konnónhne ne kón꞉nes ne tsi ionhwentsá꞉te.” 29Rawenni꞉io wahén꞉ron, “Sewatkáhtho, tkwá꞉wi kwáh tsi niaʼtekahón꞉take ne kaienthóhtsera né watón꞉nis nohontsakwé꞉kon, tánon niaʼtekarón꞉take ne iotenénha ne kahíkne: ne sewáhkhwa enkénhake. 30Tánon kwáh tsi niaʼtekariótake ne tsi ionhwentsá꞉te kontitses, tánon niaʼtekatsitenhserá꞉ke tsi karonhiá꞉te, tánon tsi niaʼtehá꞉ti ne ronté꞉seres tsi ionhwentsá꞉te, tánon tsi nihá꞉ti ne ronnonniserá꞉ien tsi ronnónhnhe, kwáh tewakatká꞉wen akwé꞉kon nohonteshón꞉ʼa ne káhkhwa akénhake.” Tánon tho naʼá꞉wenʼne. 31Rawenni꞉io wahatkáhtho orihwakwé꞉kon ne rohsaʼánion, tánon kwáh í꞉ken tsi ioiánere. Tánon tho iaʼókarahwe tánon iaʼóhrenʼne, né꞉ne iaiákhaton niwenhniserakéhaton.langbot langbot
rohskaré:wake he is of the bear clan
rohskaré:wake he is of the bear clanlangbot langbot
senihskaré:wake you two are of the bear clan
senihskaré:wake you two are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
Bear Clan
Bear Clanlangbot langbot
sewahskaré:wake all of you are of the bear clan
sewahskaré:wake all of you are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
sahskaré:wake you are of the bear clan
sahskaré:wake you are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
I saw a bear at the zoo.
Ohkwá:ri wá:kken kário tsi konwati'terontáhkhwa.OliverDeBriz OliverDeBriz
The bear lives in North America.
North America non kontinákere ne ohkwá:ri.OliverDeBriz OliverDeBriz
Bears live in the forest.
Ohkwá:ri kahrhà:kon ratinàkere.langbot langbot
yonkenihskaré:wake we (you & I / someone & I) are of the bear clan
yonkenihskaré:wake we (you & I / someone & I) are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
Ohkwa:rílangbot langbot
yonkwahskaré:wake you all and I / they and I are of the bear clan
yonkwahskaré:wake you all and I / they and I are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
wakhskaré:wake I am of the bear clan
wakhskaré:wake I am of the bear clanlangbot langbot
rotihskaré:wake two (Ms) are of the bear clan
rotihskaré:wake two (Ms) are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
The bear lives in Europe.
Europe non kontinákere ne ohkwá:ri.OliverDeBriz OliverDeBriz
yotihskaré:wake two (Fs) are of the bear clan
yotihskaré:wake two (Fs) are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
rotihskaré:wake they (Ms) are of the bear clan
rotihskaré:wake they (Ms) are of the bear clanlangbot langbot
21 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.