Star Trek: The Original Series oor Sweeds

Star Trek: The Original Series

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Star Trek: The Original Series

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As a basis, he turned to the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Naked Time."
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Fontana had previously worked on Star Trek: The Original Series, including the episode "Journey to Babel".
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The first episode of Star Trek: The Original Series I ever saw was " The Galileo Seven. "
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The colors are based on Star Trek: The Original Series.
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She had previously appeared as Number One in the first Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and as Christine Chapel in Star Trek: The Original Series and movies.
För pengarna han hade på sigWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was joined by fears of superintelligent machines, and rebellion amongst them, which was a recurring theme of Star Trek, from the original series to Star Trek: The Next Generation to Star Trek: Voyager in the 1990s.
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The theme of the episode, where a humanoid gains the powers of a god is a recurring theme from Star Trek: The Original Series, having featured in several episodes including the second pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and "Charlie X".
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A further change seen in season two, which increased later in the season, was an increased focus on the trio of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William T. Riker and Lt Cmdr. Data, reminiscent of Captain James T. Kirk, Dr. Leonard McCoy and Commander Spock in Star Trek: The Original Series.
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Kelley portrayed McCoy throughout the original Star Trek series and voiced the character in the animated Star Trek.
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She married Roddenberry in Japan on August 6, 1969, after the cancellation of the original Star Trek series.
I det här fallet skulle sådan kompensation ha gällt varvet eller moderföretaget IzarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She had appeared in The Original Series and two Star Trek films as Christine Chapel, and as Number One in the original pilot "The Cage".
Det kändes som hon var där... i husetWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her books include Vulcan! and Death's Angel, two of the earliest original novels based on the 1960s Star Trek TV series.
Men de spanska erövrarna hade krutWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Richard Hanley's book The Metaphysics of Star Trek the appearance of the Traveler in "Where No One has Gone Before" was described as a continuation of intellectually-advanced aliens in Star Trek, beginning in The Original Series with Apollo in "Who Mourns for Adonais?" and Gary Mitchell in "Where No Man Has Gone Before".
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Initially, Worf was not intended to be a regular character, as Gene Roddenberry wanted to avoid "retreads of characters or races featured prominently in the original Star Trek series".
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Star Trek The Original Series
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Star Trek: The Original Series
För att göra en lång historia kortParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Roddenberry realized early on that a series with the original crew from Star Trek was unlikely to be practical, nor did he want to recast the roles or have a "retread" crew – a series of different characters in very similar roles to the original series.
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Filmation with Paramount Television produced the first post original series show, Star Trek: The Animated Series.
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Star Trek: Red Alert features memorable characters such as Dr. McCoy, Spock, and Captain Kirk as played by William Shatner in the original Star Trek series.
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The pilot episode takes place ten years before the founding of the Federation and over one hundred years before the original Star Trek series .[25] The series depicts the exploration of space by the crew of the Earth starship Enterprise.
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“The Test” combines clips from the 2009 movie reboot of Star Trek with clips from the original Star Trek TV series to visualize a story already well established in fan fiction at the time: in the reboot movie, when Spock Prime transferred memories of the destruction of Romulus to Kirk, he also inadvertently transferred memories of events from the original series, including memories of sexual attraction or involvement between himself and the Kirk from his timeline.
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Despite his character's prominence, Kelley's contract granted him only a "featuring" credit; it was not until the second season that he was given "starring" credit, at the urging of producer Robert Justman.[20] Kelley was apprehensive about Star Trek's future, telling Roddenberry that the show was "going to be the biggest hit or the biggest miss God ever made".[5]:146 Kelley portrayed McCoy throughout the original Star Trek series and voiced the character in the animated Star Trek.[1]
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Star Trek: The Next Generation actor Wil Wheaton reviewed the episode for the Huffington Post after the end of the series, describing John de Lancie in his role of Q as "brilliant casting and masterful acting", and thought that overall the episode was reminiscent of the original series and had some good points.
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A lot of words containing the letter L were intentionally written into the dialogue because the writers "enjoy the way Tom says them".[4] Astronaut Race Banyon is a parody of Jonny Quest character Race Bannon. The music at the start of the episode of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoon parodies the theme from the original Star Trek series.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation, also known as "TNG", takes place about a century after The Original Series (2364–2370).
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