felicitades oor Engels



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Están as matrículas de honra, as felicitacións...
There's the honor roll, the congratulations.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unha edición das obras de Franck contén unha cantata para o Día de Aninovo, Erschallet nun wieder, glückwünschende Lieder (Soade de novo, felicitando cancións), que puido ter servido de modelo.
A printing of Franck's works contains a cantata for New Year's Day, Erschallet nun wieder, glückwünschende Lieder (Sound again, congratulating songs) that may have served as a model.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Recibiu felicitacións do mesmo presidente Coolidge.
Anderson received the personal congratulations of President Hazell.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eloxiou os seus intentos de reforma social e felicitou a Sun pola loita contra o imperialismo estranxeiro.
Lenin praised Dr. Sun, his attempts on social reformation and congratulated him for fighting foreign Imperialism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha gravación da Orquestra Sinfónica do Estado de Moscova en 1962 foi felicitada polo compositor por facer soar a música rusa «que é o correcto», mais o xuízo final de Stravinskii é que ningunha destas tres interpretacións pagaba a pena ser preservada.
He praised a 1962 recording by The Moscow State Symphony Orchestra for making the music sound Russian, "which is just right", but Stravinsky's concluding judgement was that none of these three performances was worth preserving.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O correspondente foi felicitado.
The correspondent was congratulated.Literature Literature
Nin sequera lle direi que te felicite.
She won't even congratulate you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A Dominica gustaríalle felicitar á delegación xaponesa.
Dominica would like to compliment the Japanese delegation.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As palabras e a música baséanse posiblemente nunha cantata de felicitación secular —en alemán Glückwunschkantate— que se perdeu.
Words and music are possibly based on an earlier lost secular Glückwunschkantate (congratulatory cantata).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
«Todos os nobres e outras persoas diríxense a nos pola rúa para felicitar a Wolfgang.
"All the noblemen and other people constantly address us in the street to congratulate Wolfgang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O chinés devolveulle as gabanzas, chamándoo "grande home", e enviando as súas felicitacións pola revolución en Rusia.
Dr. Sun also returned the praise, calling him a "great man", and sent his congratulations on the revolution in Russia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estaba moi contenta, felicitoume.
She was very happy. She congratulated me.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A oposición contra a voda só se tranquilizou un tanto cando o tsar Nicolao II de Rusia enviou as súas felicitacións ao rei de Serbia, aceptando ser a principal testemuña da súa voda.
Opposition to the union seemed to subside somewhat for a time upon the publication of Tsar Nicholas II's congratulations to the king on his engagement and of his acceptance to act as the principal witness at the wedding.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coñeceu a Raymond Duncan, irmán de Isadora, nesta mesma festa, que a felicitou pola súa actuación, e novamente recuperou a súa paixón pola danza.
She met Raymond Duncan, brother of Isadora, at this same party, who congratulated her on a wonderful performance, and again she was back into her passion for dance.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como podemos ser xenerosos con respecto a felicitar a outros polo que fan ben?
How can we be generous in giving commendation?jw2019 jw2019
Este traballo mereceu a aprobación e felicitación do propio autor.
We recognize and salute the work of our representatives.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Outros dos motivos da súa popularidade en Inglaterra considerados por Riding inclúen "un grao de felicitación propia nacional", o atractivo da pintura como entretemento sensacionalista e a coincidencia no tempo de dous espectáculos de teatro baseados nos eventos do propio naufraxio que tomaron prestados moitos elementos da representación de Géricault.
There may have been other reasons for its popularity in England as well, including "a degree of national self-congratulation", the appeal of the painting as lurid entertainment, and two theatrical entertainments based around the events on the raft which coincided with the exhibition and borrowed heavily from Géricault's depiction.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Felicitacións! "
Congratulations!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Agora, un discurso de felicitación.
Now let's take congratulations from our assembled guests.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ao felicitar ao equipo Lotus polo cuarto posto de Herbert, Murray Walker pechou a súa transmisión coas palabras "¡Lotus regresou!".
Complimenting the Lotus team on Herbert's fourth-place finish, Murray Walker closed his broadcast with the words "Lotus are back!".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estas estampas tiñan o número dos días de cada mes agochados no deseño, e regalábanse nos Aninovos en forma de felicitacións personalizadas, levando a sinatura do cliente en lugar da do artista.
These prints had the number of days for each month hidden in the design, and were sent at the New Year as personalized greetings, bearing the name of the patron rather than the artist.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lord Illingworth, todos me felicitaron, Lady Hunstanton e Lady Caroline, e... todos.
Lord Illingworth, every one has been congratulating me, Lady Hunstanton and Lady Caroline, and ... every one.Literature Literature
Se o fixeran estamos seguros de que a súa tendencia sería prexudicial, e non hai, polo tanto, unha causa para felicitación no feito de que a música de Wagner, a pesar de toda a súa prodixiosa habilidade e poder, repele a un número maior dos que fascina".
If they did we are certain their tendency would be mischievous, and there is, therefore, some cause for congratulation in the fact that Wagner's music, in spite of all its wondrous skill and power, repels a greater number than it fascinates.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Udalbiltza e Batasuna felicitaron o paso dado polos xóvenes e desexaron que poidan dar froitos no futuro.
Udalbiltza and Batasuna welcomed the step taken by young people and wished that may bear fruit in the future.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os fillos necesitan que os pais os animen e feliciten.
Children benefit when you encourage and commend them.jw2019 jw2019
41 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.