pregustasse oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of pregustare

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anticipate · relish · to anticipate · to foretaste


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Era come se Meg pregustasse, tanto quanto Dominic, l’inevitabile coronamento di quel gioco seduttivo.
It was as though Meg anticipated the inevitable end of such teasing as much as Dominic did.Literature Literature
Padre O’Brien si fregò le mani, come se pregustasse la sfida.
Father O’Brien rubbed his hands together, as if anticipating the challenge.Literature Literature
Sentì che le labbra si distendevano sui denti e si rese conto che stava ridendo, come se pregustasse l’idea.
He felt his lips stick to his teeth and realized he was grinning in anticipation.Literature Literature
Il sorriso che le incurvava le labbra era di sublime piacere, come se pregustasse quel che stava per accadere.
The smile that curved her lips was one of sublime pleasure, as if she anticipated what was forthcoming.Literature Literature
Uscì dallo spaventoso abisso, le mascelle si aprivano e si chiudevano come se pregustasse già il festino.
Out of the frightful pit it came, its jaws opening and closing as if it already anticipated its feast.Literature Literature
Il viso del bambino era privo di espressione, ma gli brillavano gli occhi, quasi come se pregustasse qualcosa.
The child’s face was expressionless, but his eyes gleamed with something that could almost be anticipation.Literature Literature
Ho visto il sindaco Longsight deglutire, come se pregustasse questo sogno di distruzione.
I noticed Mayor Longsight swallow, and it was as though this dream of destruction was something delicious.Literature Literature
Umar incrociò le braccia sullo stomaco rinsecchito e sorrise, gli occhi luccicanti come se pregustasse il mio consenso.
Umar folded his arms over his shrunken belly and smiled, his eyes gleaming as he anticipated my assent.Literature Literature
Scostò i capelli rossi dietro la spalla e sorrise a Hayden come se pregustasse un dolce.
She swished her red hair across one shoulder and smiled at Hayden like he was dessert.Literature Literature
Ma intuivo che Jake era di buon umore, come se pregustasse avvenimenti piacevoli.
But I sensed that Jake was in a good mood, as though he were anticipating pleasant events.Literature Literature
Di quando in quando, lui si sfiorava le labbra con le nocche, come se pregustasse già il suo sapore.
From time to time, he brushed his lips with his knuckles, as if he already anticipated the taste of her.Literature Literature
Sorrise come se pregustasse un piacere futuro.
He smiled as if anticipating some future pleasure.Literature Literature
Al contrario, era come se pregustasse un coinvolgimento maggiore con lei.
On the contrary, it was almost as though he’d relish the opportunity of getting more involved with her.Literature Literature
Poi Laity passò dietro il bancone frigo e sorrise al formaggio come se pregustasse un assaggio.
Then Laity was behind the refrigerated counter grinning at the cheese like he was anticipating a quick nibble.Literature Literature
Il fuoco, come se pregustasse il trionfo, ruggì più forte.
The fire, like a sentient being smelling triumph, roared louder.Literature Literature
Jenna aveva l'impressione che anche lui pregustasse il ritorno di Hayden.
Jenna thought he too was anticipating Hayden’s return.Literature Literature
Il fantasma di un sorriso le attraversò il viso, come se pregustasse la vittoria.
The ghost of a smile swept across her face, as if she tasted victory.Literature Literature
— Daisy strinse insieme le mani guantate come se pregustasse già di torcere il collo alle sue giovani vittime
Daisy’s gloved hands clutched at each other as if she were already anticipating wringing the necks of her young victims.Literature Literature
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