spuda oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Lojban - Engels


to make a reply or response to


to give a written or spoken response


to say something in return

Geskatte vertalings

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mi pu spuda le preti
I answered the question.tatoeba tatoeba
no tadni pu ka'e spuda lo preti
No students could answer the question.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
mi na'e djuno fi lo te spuda be ti
I don't know how to handle this.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
e'inai do spuda le za'u se retsku
You don't have to answer these questions.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
mi na'e djuno lo du'u .ei spuda ko'a ma kau
I don't know how to deal with this.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
mi da'i ganai na spuda gi na pu cusku
If I gave no answer, I would not have spoken.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
lo te spuda be tu'a do cu bavlamdei
You shall have my answer tomorrow.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
doi la tom ko spuda mi
Tom, answer me!Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
mi ka'e spuda lo preti be fi ra
I can respond to his question.tatoeba tatoeba
.au nai mi spuda le ra xatra
I do not want to reply to his letter.tatoeba tatoeba
na tcini lo nu mi spuda
I'm not in a position to answer.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
lu ti te spuda fi le me la.rab,rt. li'u lu do skudji lu fi la.rab,rt. li'u vau xu li'u lu na go'i .i go'i lu le me la.rab,rt. li'u .i pa da me ra li'u
"Here's the Robert's reply." "You mean Robert's?" "No, it's the Robert. There's only one."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
lo fonxa ca'o se sance .i lu mi spuda .ai li'u
"The phone is ringing." "I'll get it."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
lu doi .meris. .i .e'o ko spuda li'u se retsku la .adEl. noi troci lo nu jitro lo ka xanka
"Mary, will you answer my question?" asked Adèle while trying to control her excitement.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
mi nelci lo ka spuda lo tai se retsku
I like to answer these kind of questions.tatoeba tatoeba
fi di'u spuda fa mi lo do preti
There is my answer to your question.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
do na bilga lo ka spuda lo preti
You don't need to answer this question.tatoeba tatoeba
ko spuda loi mi preti
Answer my questions.tatoeba tatoeba
37 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.