kengî oor Engels


ne zaman anlamında soru, ne zaman?

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


direct question
Automobîlê de 4 mirov hebun kengî wê qeza kir.
The car was carrying 4 people when it had the accident.

what time

[dijmin kengî bûye dost, heta ku tu li dostaniya mar digeri?: since when have enemies become friends, that you are seeking the friendship of the snake?] /[hetta kengî dê hutuwe bê şol di xanî da rûnêy, linga dirêj key?: how long are you going to sit idle like this in the house, (simply) stretching your legs?] /[ma kengî sultanê ıstembolê nanek daye te, kêm yan zor çakîyek digel te kiriye?: when has the sultan of ıstanbul ever given you a loaf, or done you any good, great or small?] /[kengê ez hatim, min got: when ı came, ı said...] (hun kengî çûn?: when did you go?)_(kengî ez bêm def te?: when do ı come to your house? )
when? , [conj.] when, never, how is that?, when?

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Em keyfxwesh bun kengî me dît ronî ji dur.
We were glad when we saw a light in the distance.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
kengî ev êşa sing dest pê kirî ye?
when this chest pain started?Tico19 Tico19
Wî got ku rê jê re vekirî bû daku vegere kengî xwest.
He said he was allowed to leave when he wanted
li gorî zimanê zikmakî. Ji bilî ku hûn kengî hînî zimanê duyemîn bûne
But regardless of when you acquire additional languages, being multilingual gives your brain some remarkable advantages.ted2019 ted2019
Dê heta kengî bidome?
How long will the epidemic last?Tico19 Tico19
Derbarê kesên desteserkirî de ti zanyarî nayên wergirtin. Herwiha nayê zanîn ku kengî hatine desteserkirin jî.
Human rights advocates from various human rights organizations holding a training meeting in Büyükada, one of the Prince Islands, on protection of human rights advocates were detained yesterday (July 5).Bianet Bianet
Automobîlê de 4 mirov hebun kengî wê qeza kir.
The car was carrying 4 people when it had the accident.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Kengî gengaz bike emê hewl bidin ku COVID-19 bi SARS û nexweşiyên din ên ji ber CoV, sîndroma bêhntengiya Rojhilata Navîn (MERS , ku di 2012-an de derket holê) danberhev bikin.
Whenever possible, we will try to compare COVID-19 with SARS and another CoV-caused disease, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS, an outbreak in 2012).Tico19 Tico19
Lêkolîner destûreke erêkirinê ya devkî ji kesên hevpeyvîn bi wan re kirin stend, û ji wan re got bê çima Human Rights Watch lêkolîna han çê dike, ku îfadeyên wan dê çawa bên bikaranîn, û ku ne neçarin bersiva wan pirsan bidin yên ku ew ji xwe re baştir dibînin ku nebersivînin, û ku ew dikarin hevpeyvînê rawestînin kengî dilê wan xwast.
Researchers obtained oral informed consent from interviewees, and told them why Human Rights Watch was doing the research and how it would use their accounts, that they did not need to answer any questions they preferred not to answer, and that they could stop the interview at any
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