spem reduxit oor Engels

spem reduxit

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

he has restored hope

Motto of New Brunswick.

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Si nobis sperare non licet ultra ea quae singulis momentis re obtineri possunt atque politicae et oeconomicae potestates sperandum nobis offerunt, vita nostra eo reducitur ut mox spe careat.
If we cannot hope for more than is effectively attainable at any given time, or more than is promised by political or economic authorities, our lives will soon be without hope.vatican.va vatican.va
Signo honoris et spe Confoederationis in Unionem cum bona pace reductae, Grant concessit ut Lee eius gladium praefecti et Viatorem equum retineret.
In an untraditional gesture and as a sign of Grant's respect and anticipation of peacefully restoring Confederate states to the Union, Lee was permitted to keep his sword and his horse, Traveller.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Inceptum interea istud tam actuose provehitur, ut multifariam sibi civium assensum conciliet, et ipsos complurium catholicorum animos spe capiat alliciatque talis efficiendae unionis quae cum Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae votis congruere videatur, cui profecto nihil antiquius quam ut devios ad gremium suum filios revocet ac reducat.
This undertaking is so actively promoted as in many places to win for itself the adhesion of a number of citizens, and it even takes possession of the minds of very many Catholics and allures them with the hope of bringing about such a union as would be agreeable to the desires of Holy Mother Church, who has indeed nothing more at heart than to recall her erring sons and to lead them back to her bosom.vatican.va vatican.va
691). Ceterum nonne vos magis quam alii constanter cogitare debetis actione Ecclesiae continuare actionem Christi in hominum commodum, tantummodo quatenus ipsum Christi cursum vivendi sequunini, qui omnia ad Patrem suum reducit: Omnia enim vestra sunt . . . Vos autem Christi, Christus autem Dei (1 Cor 3, 22-23; cf CONC. VAT. II, Const. past. Gaudium et spes, 37: AAS 58 (1968), p.
63) Besides, must not you more than others untiringly recall that the Church's activity continues that of the Savior, for the good of men, only by entering into the activity of Christ Himself, who brings all back to His Father: "All are yours; and you are Christ's; and Christ is God's"?(vatican.va vatican.va
4 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.