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Pacific Ocean 태평양


"Vertaalde frases kan baie betekenisse hê. Bykomende inligting wat in die ""definisie"" -veld gegee word, maak dit makliker om hulle te onderskei. Die volgorde van die betekenisse moet van die gewildste wees."

FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
FORM.partOfSpeech.root proper proper
definisie the world's largest body of water
voorbeeld Leatherback turtles travel across the **Pacific Ocean** from Indonesia to the coasts of California. 인도네시아에서 출발한 장수거북은 **태평양**을 가로질러 캘리포니아 해안에 도달합니다.
FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
definisie The world's largest body of water, to the east of Asia and Australasia and to the west of the Americas.
FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
FORM.partOfSpeech.root proper proper
voorbeeld All of the earth’s land surfaces could fit into the **Pacific Ocean**, with room to spare. **태평양**은 지구의 지표면 전체가 들어가고도 남는 공간이 있을 정도로 넓습니다.

Position on the translation page

Position in translation page is determined by translation popularity. It measures how likely word is translated into other. 0 means -- very unlikely (will be on the bottom of the page). 100 means -- very popular. To edit these values click them to go to the edit page.

Popularity Pacific Ocean → 태평양 : 100

Popularity 태평양 → Pacific Ocean : 100


Gebruik keurders om twee tydpunte te kies

2020.03.20 10:38 · GlosbeMT_RnD ADD · kommentaar: batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24
2019.10.30 10:33 · GlosbeRobot EDIT · kommentaar: merge
2019.10.28 11:24 · GlosbeRobot INITIAL · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2019.10.30 10:33

merge · @GlosbeRobot
Pacific Ocean→태평양: 100
태평양→Pacific Ocean: 100

hersiening 2020.03.20 10:38

batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24 · @GlosbeMT_RnD
Pacific Ocean→태평양: 100
태평양→Pacific Ocean: 100

FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
FORM.partOfSpeech.root proper proper
definisie the world's largest body of water
FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
FORM.partOfSpeech.root proper proper
definisie the world's largest body of water

FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
definisie The world's largest body of water, to the east of Asia and Australasia and to the west of the Americas.
FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
definisie The world's largest body of water, to the east of Asia and Australasia and to the west of the Americas.

FrasesPacific Ocean태평양
FORM.partOfSpeech.root proper proper
voorbeeld All of the earth’s land surfaces could fit into the **Pacific Ocean**, with room to spare. **태평양**은 지구의 지표면 전체가 들어가고도 남는 공간이 있을 정도로 넓습니다.

Id: -7066074707252466977