修饰符 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels


grammar: qualifying word, clause or phrase

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
The find duplicate keywords tool now ignores the broad match modifier match type when you select the “Duplicates can have different match types” option.support.google support.google
This article explains what broad match modifiers are and how they can be used to help your ads reach more relevant customers.support.google support.google
Both name and age are private (default for class) and print() is declared as public which is necessary if it is to be used from outside the class.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
注 意 , Element 类中的 content 方法并没有标上 abstract 修饰符
Note that the contents method in class Element does not carry an abstract modifier.Literature Literature
最后, Scala 还 提供 了 比 privat e 限制范围更小的访问修饰符
Finally, Scala also has an access modifier which is even more restrictive than private.Literature Literature
So while using a broad match modifier can increase the relevance of your keywords, it in turn can decrease your expected traffic.support.google support.google
如 示例 10.7 所示,可以在 ArrayElement 的 demo 方法前放一个 final 修饰符
As shown in Listing 10.7, you could place a final modifier on ArrayElement's demo method.Literature Literature
Close variants for broad match modifier include misspellings, singular and plural forms, abbreviations and acronyms, and stemmings (like "floor" and "flooring").support.google support.google
我们在第 13 章 讨论包和访问修饰符的时候曾经提到过这个话题 。
We touched on this subject when we discussed packages and access modifiers in Chapter 13.Literature Literature
在方法名前面的 implicit 修饰符告诉编译器,可以在某些场合自动应用这个转换 。
The implicit modifier in front of the method tells the compiler to apply it automatically in a number of situations.Literature Literature
举例来说, private 这个修饰符表示某个类 、 特质、宇段或方法是私有的 。
For example, the private modifier indicates that a class, trait, field, or method being defined is private.Literature Literature
广泛匹配修饰符可确保您的广告仅在用户搜索您标有加号的字词(如“+quick +hardwood +flooring”安装)或这些字词的紧密变体形式时才进行展示。
Broad match modifiers ensure that your ads will only show when someone’s search includes words you’ve marked with a plus sign, such as +quick +hardwood +flooring installation or close variations of these terms.support.google support.google
The suffix modifiers for literals are fixed by the C++ specification, and C++03 code cannot create new literal modifiers.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Synonyms (like "quick" and "fast") and related searches (like "tile" and "laminate") aren't considered close variants for broad match modifier.support.google support.google
Modifiers add more specificity to your broad match keywords, and therefore narrow their reach.support.google support.google
If the keyword is a phrase, BMM, or broad match keyword, then whichever keyword or dynamic ad target is predicted to perform better with the highest ad rank will have priority.support.google support.google
在 Scala 中 ,跟 Java 一样, 可以通过在成员前面加上 final 修饰符来实现 。
In Scala, as in Java, you do this by adding a finalmodifier to the member.Literature Literature
如果需要手动指定调用规则为cdecl,编译器可能会支持如下语法: return_type _cdecl funct(); 其中_cdecl修饰符需要在函数原型中给出,在函数声明中会覆盖掉其他的设置。
To manually define a function to be cdecl, some support the following syntax: return_type _cdecl func_name(); The _cdecl modifier must be included in the function prototype and in the function declaration, to override any other settings that might be in place.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
你需要多写一个 case 修饰 符,并且你的类和对象会变得大那么一点 。
You have to write the case modifier, and your classes and objects become a bit larger.Literature Literature
但实际上,到目前为止,还没有任何Sender ID的实现指定定位修饰符
In practice, so far no positional modifier has been specified in any Sender ID implementation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
下面列出了当前可用的 PCRE 修饰符
The current possible PCRE modifiers are listed below.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
在 Java 平台上,可以使用访问修饰符 (后面将会介绍)来区分公共 与私有 对象关系的性质。
On the Java platform, you can use access modifiers (which I introduce later in the tutorial) to vary the nature of object relationships from public to private .ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
一个取反字符类比如 [^a] 总是匹配换行符,而不依赖于这个修饰符的设置。
A negative class such as [^a] always matches a newline character, independent of the setting of this modifier.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
指定项目修饰符(例如,干得好,稀有,西红柿等 ) 。
Assign item modifiers (for example, well done, rare, tomato etc).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
U (PCRE_UNGREEDY ) 这个修饰符逆转了量词的"贪婪"模式。 使量词默认为非贪婪的,通过量词后紧跟?
U (PCRE_UNGREEDY ) This modifier inverts the "greediness" of the quantifiers so that they are not greedy by default, but become greedy if followed by ? .ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
87 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.