in the long run oor Katalaans

in the long run

(idiomatic) After a very long time; eventually; over a long period of time; more generally.

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But in the long run, loneliness... gets you down.
quedarà aleshores oberta la via contenciosa administrativa .OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It’s the easiest path to choose, moment to moment, although it’s nothing but hell in the long run.
No exactamentLiterature Literature
Have you ever realized that very little, in the long run, just happens naturally?
Elimina l' elementted2019 ted2019
I ought to have known that you would conquer in the long run, living like this!""
Bàsics del & kexiLiterature Literature
In the long run, despite the pain, it brings good results.
Estic tot tapatjw2019 jw2019
In the long run, that must have an effect on one’s character.
Farem un atac generalLiterature Literature
In the long run he left her anyway.
– Quina tempesta! – Tanca aquella porta!Literature Literature
In the long run, such a system was totally out of the question.
centre docent privat Mireia , de Barcelona , en els termes que s ' especifiquen aLiterature Literature
Not because of her upbringing, but because she had discovered it made life easier in the long run.
Mostra la barra d' estatLiterature Literature
In the long run we are all dead—now that was Keynes.”
En cas que l ’ autoritat laboral , en l ’ exercici de les seves facultats , no homologués alguna de les seves clàusules o articles , o que fos anul · lat totalment o parcialment per la jurisdicció laboral , ambdues parts negociaran la totalitat o parcialitat anul · lada , i la resta del Conveni quedarà en vigor .Literature Literature
Might not the beatific vision become a source of boredom, in the long run?
& kde; afegeix localitzacions per a $ KDEDIRS així com perfils. S' usa per als fitxers de menú. desktop i. directory. Els fitxers. desktop estan en $ XDG_ DATA_ DIRS/applications. Els fitxers. directory estan sota $XDG_ DATA_ DIRS/desktop-directoriesLiterature Literature
However, in the long run, science won’t be able to part with its element of witchcraft.’
I això és tot el que sap?Literature Literature
Such an administrative system became ruinous in the long run.
li ha dit com trobar- meLiterature Literature
We're also saying that only applications that take advantage of Windows will be competitive in the long run."
Tens un llit?- A l’ esquerraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And he had just planted disinformation that in the long run might prove invaluable.
Commuta la miniatura per la finestra actualLiterature Literature
He was the kind to succeed in the long run.
Serveis de càrrega sota demandaLiterature Literature
But in the long run, no competition for a woman like Máanu.
Gestiona objectes sense encriptarLiterature Literature
In the long run men hit only what they aim at.
Assigna amb la plantillaLiterature Literature
We wouldn’t have been happy, not in the long run.
Feu un clic per obrir un fitxer o feu un clic i manteniu per seleccionar un fitxer recentLiterature Literature
I thought it might be for the best, in the long run.
Posa els elements seleccionats sobre la barra de miniatures de la taula de llumLiterature Literature
In the long run, that led to the dismissal of the corrupt governors who supported them.
L' Eagle ha allunatLiterature Literature
It will save us both trouble in the long run.""
A faltarus trobaréLiterature Literature
In the long run, you’ll wish you hadn’t gone back to it.”
Xxxt...EscoltaLiterature Literature
But hunger and wretchedness rise superior to fears in the long run.
Directori arrelLiterature Literature
Qxb4 16.Rab1 Nxd3!? 17.Rxb4 Nxb4 white's material advantage should tell in the long run.
Velocitat normalWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
265 sinne gevind in 50 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.