on the wrong track oor Katalaans

on the wrong track

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

en mal camí


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‘I think we’re on the wrong track, commissaire.
Crec que estem seguint una pista equivocada, comissari.Literature Literature
Anyway, no, I wasn’t in the car with him, but I think you’re on the wrong track.
De totes maneres, no, i no tan sols no el vaig acompanyar, sinó que penso que vostè s'equivoca.Literature Literature
“Ingrid, you are totally on the wrong track!
—Ingrid, t'estàs equivocant de mig a mig!Literature Literature
Afterwards, he said he was on the wrong track.
Després, va dir que anava pel camí equivocat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But what did it mean that he was racing on the wrong track?
Però què volia dir que corria per una pista equivocada?Literature Literature
But he says you're on the wrong track.
Només que diu que aneu errat de camí.Literature Literature
Whatever Lucy and Paul think, they’re on the wrong track.”
Sigui el que sigui el que pensin en Paul i la Lucy, estan equivocats.Literature Literature
They had been on the wrong track.
Havien seguit una pista falsa.Literature Literature
Klemet, we’ve been on the wrong track since the beginning.
Klemet, des del principi hem seguit pistes falses.Literature Literature
And I was already off on the wrong track with Gant.
I ja havia emprès el camí fals amb Gant.Literature Literature
“The count was doing his best to put you on the wrong track.
El comte va fer tot el possible per fer-vos incórrer en aquest error.Literature Literature
I began to realize I had been on the wrong track with the fruits of lien.
Vaig començar a adonar-me que amb els fruits de l'infern havia seguit un camí equivocat.Literature Literature
Believe me, religions are on the wrong track the moment they moralize and fulminate commandments.
Cregui’m, les religions l’espifien així que estableixen morals i fulminen manaments.Literature Literature
He urged workers, if their union seemed on the wrong track, to form alternative associations.
Demanava als treballadors, que si el seu sindicat semblava anar en una mala direcció, que formessin associacions alternatives.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Are you saying that your police expert thinks the FBI has been on the wrong track all these years?”
—Vols dir que el teu expert de la policia creu que l’FBI ha anat pel camí equivocat tots aquests anys?Literature Literature
The officer has only done his duty, but I told him at once he was on the wrong track....”
L’oficial no ha fet més que complir el seu deure, però jo li he dit de seguida que seguia una pista falsa... «Ah sí?»Literature Literature
1944-1947: Les Fausses Routes - On the wrong track: During this period, Vasarely experimented with cubistic, futuristic, expressionistic, symbolistic and surrealistic paintings without developing a unique style.
1944-1947: Les Fausses Routes - Els camins equivocats: durant aquest període, va experimentar amb la pintura cubista, futurista, expressionista, simbolista i surrealista sense desenvolupar un estil únic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the airport, Cole leaves a last message telling the scientists that in following the Army of the Twelve Monkeys they are on the wrong track, and that he will not return.
Arribat a l'aeroport, Cole deixa un missatge advertint els científics que no tornarà i que l'Exèrcit dels dotze simis no té cap relació amb el virus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The material on this album is darker and angrier in tone than some of his earlier work; Hicks can be heard screaming at his audience in between chapters, and very prominently during the track "You're Wrong Night".
El material d'aquest àlbum té un to més obscur i enfadat que altres de les seves obres prèvies; es pot sentir a Hicks cridant a la seva audiència entre cada capítol, i de forma molt clara durant "You're Wrong Night".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My Forever (2010) Acoustic/Live EP (2010) Track list: And Run (acoustic/live) Happily Ever After (acoustic/live) Everything You Do (acoustic/live) Blame It on the Rain (acoustic/live) All About Us (acoustic/live) Prove You Wrong (acoustic/live) Fall (acoustic/live) Forever and Ever (acoustic Live) Skip To the Good Part - EP (2011) Track list: All About Us (feat.
My Forever (2010) Acoustic/Live EP (2010) And Run (acústica/en viu) Happily Ever After (acústica/en viu) Everything You Do (acústica/en viu) Blame It on the Rain (acústica/en viu) All About Us (acústica/en viu) Prove You Wrong (acústica/en viu) Fall (acústica/en viu) Forever and Ever (acústica en viu) Skip To the Good Part - EP (2011) All About Us (feat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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