Wild Brain oor Spaans

Wild Brain

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A wild-brained notion, to be sure, but he had naught to lose and everything to gain.
Una idea descabellada pero él no tenía nada para perder y todo para ganar.Literature Literature
We've had to chain her and I got a barber to come and shave her head to cool her wild brain.
Tuvimos que encadenarla e hice que viniera un barbero para afeitarle la cabeza y refrescarle los sesos enloquecidos.Literature Literature
I’m supposed to have this wild free brain without conventional barriers.
La gente supone que poseo un cerebro salvaje y libre, que se salta a la torera todas las barreras convencionales.Literature Literature
It was a wild, hare-brained plan that depended upon many things over which I had no control.
Era un plan salvaje, atolondrado, que dependía de muchos factores que yo no podía controlar.Literature Literature
Elsie was right; in her wild, mad brain she had held onto a core of truth all these years.
Elsie tenía razón; todos esos años su cerebro enloquecido se había aferrado a un pedazo de verdad.Literature Literature
Looks, brains, wild card.
Chico lindo, cerebro, loco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But the unconscious brain, wild and abandoned, was dangerous and destructive when its impulses were manifested.
Pero cuando el cerebro subconsciente, salvaje y abandonado, manifestaba sus impulsos, era peligroso y destructivo.Literature Literature
His anger bubbles up, thoughts of destroying her run through his brain, wild, uncontrolled.
Bulle de ira, la idea de matarla le pasa por la cabeza, salvaje, descontrolada.Literature Literature
And where in the brain, wild-hearted Solanka only half rhetorically asked himself, is the seat of stupidity?
¿Y dónde se asienta en el cerebro, se preguntó el Solanka de corazón salvaje solo semirretóricamente, la estupidez?Literature Literature
I could hear her giggling from the next room, while visions of a Halo civilization ran wild through my brain.
La oía reír mientras por mi mente cruzaban visiones de la civilización del Halo.Literature Literature
Come out of the shadows, traitor, and stand upon the wild brink of my brain!
¡Sal de las sombras, traidor, y asómate a los salvajes confines de mi cerebro!Literature Literature
When we reached the end of the plain, my brain went wild, digging in its mental heels.
Cuando llegamos al fin de la planicie, mi cerebro enloqueció, se clavó en sus talones mentales.Literature Literature
Through the Old Lady’s brain passed wild thoughts of her mother’s silk dresses.
Por el cerebro de la anciana pasaron pensamientos descabellados sobre los vestidos de seda de su madre.Literature Literature
When my baby died, my brain grew wild.
Cuando murió mi niño mi cerebro se extravió.Literature Literature
Wild animals are wild because the only brain they possess is a lizard brain.
Los animales silvestres lo son porque el único cerebro que tienen es el de lagarto.Literature Literature
But a wild part of Trumper’s brain was chanting, Show yourself, Old Dick!
Pero una parte alocada del cerebro de Trumper entonaba un cántico: ¡Muéstrate, Moby Dick!Literature Literature
My brain went wild, issuing commands, move this, do that, look, sniff, listen, scream.
Mi cerebro lanzaba órdenes salvajes, mueve esto, haz esto, mira, huele, escucha, grita.Literature Literature
He remembered her as a little girl, all eyes and wild hair and a brain that wouldn’t quit.
La recordó de niña, toda ojos y pelo salvaje y un cerebro que no desconectaba.Literature Literature
Nothing on Earth would cause me to risk my scholarly reputation by taking part in your ludicrous hare-brained wild-goose chase of an expedition!
Nada en este mundo me hará arriesgar mi reputación académica por tomar parte en esta delirante e inútil expedición!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wonder where our big military brain from the wild blue yonder is.
Me pregunto dónde se ha metido nuestro capitán.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I hesitate to record the wild theories that barraged my brain.
Vacilo en registrar las teorías salvajes que bombardearon mi cerebro.Literature Literature
Into the brain of this wild beast there had not penetrated, even vaguely, any idea of rights or duties.
En el cerebro de aquella bestia fiera no habían entrado, ni aun vagamente, ideas de derechos y de deberes.Literature Literature
For a few moments the awful choice he now had to make caused wild agitation in his tired brain.
Por unos momentos, la terrible disyuntiva con que se veía enfrentado le torturó atrozmente el cansado cerebro.Literature Literature
Wild ideas bounced around his brain, thoughts that he dared not latch onto for fear of where they would carry him.
Ideas salvajes saltaban sobre su cerebro, pensamientos que no se atrevía a coger por miedo de a dónde le llevarían.Literature Literature
Processions of thoughts hammer at you, gouge and scrape until the brain is a wild thing seeking some kind of release.
Un rosario de pensamientos te obsesiona, te atormenta, hasta que el cerebro alucinado busca cualquier especie de alivio.Literature Literature
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