Wiradjuri oor Spaans


An indigenous people of Australia who live in a large area of New South Wales west of the Blue Mountains.

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An extinct Pama–Nyungan language of the Wiradhuric subgroup formerly spoken in New South Wales, Australia.
Lengua pama-nyungan extinta de la rama wiradhuric anteriormente hablada en Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia.

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There is concern among environmental groups and the local Wiradjuri Aboriginal people that the cyanide used in the mining process prior to 2007 could lead to the contamination of the lake.
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Marrin is the word for “body” in the Wiradjuri language of New South Wales, and Gamu is the word for “body” in the Kalaw Kawaw Ya language from the Torres Strait.
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The Wiradjuri people are being joined in their campaign by various Australian environmentalist groups who formed the Coalition to Protect Lake Cowal initiated by the Rainforest Information Centre and Friends of the Earth Australia.
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The Wiradjuri diet included yabbies and fish such as Murray cod from the rivers.
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Governor Macquarie was presented with one of these cloaks by a Wiradjuri man when he visited Bathurst in 1815.
Sientense, por favorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The settlers who crossed the Blue Mountains were harassed by Wiradjuri warriors, who killed or wounded stock-keepers and stock and were subjected to retaliatory killings.
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Macquarie's aide, Major Antill, also remarked positively of the Wiradjuri, writing in his journal "They appear to be a harmless and inoffensive race, with nothing forbidding or ferocious in their countenance ...
En efecto, dicha disposición es fundamental para el Departamento ya que permite el inicio de proyectos para la mejora de la calidad medioambiental así como de la rentabilidad económica de la agricultura de YvelinesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is the case among the Wiradjuri, the Wakelbura and the Bunta-Murra on the Bulloo River (Howitt, Nat.
¿ Se quitaron la ropa?Literature Literature
Local Wiradjuri groups under leaders such as Windradyne resisted the settlers until the Frontier Wars of the early 1820s ended the open conflict.
No, venga, no es necesario vacilarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Noel Beddoe's novel The Yalda Crossing also explores Wiradjuri history from an early settler perspective, bringing to life a little-known massacre that occurred in the 1830s.
La razón porque mi padre se peda tanto en la iglesia los domingos... es por el gran contenido de sulfuro en los frijoles cocinadosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Wiradjuri travelled into Alpine areas in the summer to feast on Bogong moths.
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The Bathurst region was originally occupied by the Wiradjuri Aboriginal people.
Los que dejaron indefensos en sus hogares...... para vestir elegantemente...... para enjuiciar y bailar...... que grave!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Wiradjuri autonym is derived from wirraay, meaning "no" or "not", with the suffix -dhuurray or -juuray meaning "having".
Es un tema fascinanteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While there were reports of massacres of warriors as they attempted to bury their dead, the main victims appear to have been the Wiradjuri women and children, shot, poisoned, and driven into gorges.
Entonces, quiero que sigamos hablando con Nelson GuerraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lake Cowal is known as the heartland of the Wiradjuri nation and is rich in artifacts.
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The Wiradjuri were also known for their handsome possum-skin cloaks stitched together from several possum furs.
Domicilios: a) Al-Razi Medical Complex, Jabal Al-Hussein, Ammán, Jordania; b) Apdo. correos #, Ammán #, Jordania; c) Apdo. correos #, Ammán #, JordaniaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite their inferior weaponry, the Wiradjuri's superior bushcraft allowed them to attack unexpectedly, and disappear back into the bush before the whites could respond.
Tenía que saber qué había hechoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With the armed settlers now backed by the military the violence quickly escalated, and the Wiradjuri were terrorised and killed in increasing numbers.
Por consiguiente, es necesario efectuar la distribución orientativa de la cantidad disponible entre los Estados miembros correspondientes, según lo dispuesto en el artículo #, apartado #, del Reglamento (CE) noWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the first twenty-five years of British settlement, the Wiradjuri's land in the central part of New South Wales remained isolated from the settlers due to the intervening barrier of the Blue Mountains.
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There is evidence that the early encounters between the Wiradjuri and the British were quite affable.
Eso te excluye, NellyWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Wiradjuri people still revere Windradyne today as a great warrior, and his grave site is recognised and respected as an important site.
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The Wiradjuri regrouped, and Windradyne told the elders that, in line with Wiradjuri custom, he would lead the revenge against the whites.
Al menos yo tengo un apartamentoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Murray River formed the Wiradjuri's southern boundary, the change from woodland to open grassland formed their eastern boundary».
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Brisbane favoured a faster pace of settlement, and a flood of settlers were granted land in the region; their influx quickly strained the available resources, as well as relationships with the Wiradjuri.
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