busy Lizzie oor Spaans

busy Lizzie

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Busy Lizzies are doing very well.
Las " impatiens ", van bien.

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Busy Lizzie

A common flowering plant, Impatiens walleriana.

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Instead I’m in here with Busy Lizzie ticking me off every ten minutes to check I’m still alive.”
En cambio estoy aquí con la pesada esa haciéndome cosquillas cada diez minutos para comprobar si estoy vivo.Literature Literature
Busy Lizzies are doing very well.
Las " impatiens ", van bien.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We got busy Lizzies
Tenemos miramelindosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“But let us return to business, Lizzie.
—Pero volvamos a nuestro asunto, Lissy.Literature Literature
Rather, his mute scrutiny of her told her that Busy Lizzie had mentioned Kerra’s visit to Pink Cottage.
Su examen callado le decía más bien que Alegría le había mencionado la visita de Kerra a la casita rosa.Literature Literature
Busy Lizzies are doing very well
Las " impatiens ", van bienopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
There are certain busy Lizzies who scoot around taking potshots
Hay ciertos entrometidos que se escabullen tratando de dispararmeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
We got busy Lizzies Hanging geraniums, all right, see
Tenemos miramelindos Geranios colgantes, todo ahí, venOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fiona looked at the window boxes with the geraniums and busy lizzies in them, clustered in little pots.
Fiona contempló las ventanas con geranios y florecillas blancas, acomodados en pequeñas macetas.Literature Literature
There are even plants: a small yucca, two busy Lizzies and a dwarf cactus like a booby–trapped golf–ball.
Incluso hay plantas: una pequeña yuca, dos alegrías y un cactus enano como una trampa de pinchos en una pelota de golf.Literature Literature
Watery shades also dominate their colours: blue, violet, and green are their favourites, and their favourite flowers are variegated and colourful: tulips, hortensias, and busy lizzy.
Las tonalidades acuáticas también predominan en sus colores: el azul, el violeta y el verde son sus favoritos. Sus flores preferidas son diversas y coloridas: tulipanes, hortensias y valeriana.Common crawl Common crawl
I stayed too long with the business of Lizzie and Sam Collins.
Me entretuve demasiado en el asunto de Lizzie y de Sam Collins.Literature Literature
She' s a busy Miss Lizzy!
Ella es la Señorita Lizzy ocupada!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She's a busy Miss Lizzy!
Ella es la Señorita Lizzy ocupada!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It wasn’t spring break, but neither was it any of her business, so Lizzy decided to let it go.
No eran las vacaciones de primavera, pero tampoco era asunto suyo, así que lo dejó correr.Literature Literature
She told Blue she was going out to see a friend, but he was busy with Lizzie and didn’t mind.
A Blue le contó que iba a ver a un amigo, pero el chico estaba entretenido con Lizzie y no le importó.Literature Literature
With Mal now busy talking to Lizzy and Anne, he had no distractions.
Ahora que Mal estaba absorbido por Lizzy y Anne, no tenía distracciones.Literature Literature
She was too busy talking to Lizzie to care about much else.
Estaba demasiado ocupada charlando con Lizzie para pensar en nada más.Literature Literature
Lizzie gettin busy with colin fizz-irth.
Lizzie enrredandose con Collin Firth.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lizzie Mantle, busy for a moment jotting down a note, looked up.
Lizzie Mantle, ocupada por un momento escribiendo una nota, levantó la vistaLiterature Literature
Lizzie was busy in the kitchen, putting the final touches on a rhubarb pie.
Lizzie estaba atareada en la cocina dando los últimos retoques a un pastel de ruibarbo.Literature Literature
I then gave the gallant major a succinct account of the whole business, as told me by Lizzie.
Hice entonces para el galante oficial un relato sucinto de todo el asunto, tal como me lo relatara Lizzie.Literature Literature
Lizzie let the business pass over her and then asked him for the promised walk.
Lizzie se dejó hacer y reclamó luego el paseo prometido.Literature Literature
61 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.