untoward oor Spaans


/ˌʌn.təˈwɔɹd/, /ʌnˈtɔɹd/, /ˌʌn.tʊˈwɔːd/ adjektief
Unfavourable, adverse, or disadvantageous.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


unfavourable, adverse, or disadvantageous
Some such inspections had been conducted and nothing untoward had been uncovered.
El resultado de esas inspecciones nunca ha desvelado nada adverso.


unfavourable, adverse, or disadvantageous
Wounds are raw, and untoward incidents could easily flare up and quickly get out of control.
Las heridas están frescas, y podrían estallar incidentes desfavorables que podrían rápidamente salirse de todo control.


unseemly, improper
Well, it must have seemed a little untoward, but you told her you were drugged
Bueno, admito que parece un poco impropio.. pero, ¿ le dijiste que te drogaron?

En 6 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

desventajoso · indecoroso · problemático · inconveniente · indócil · perjudicial

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

untoward response
respuesta indeseable
untoward clinic reaction
reacción clínica indeseable
untoward side effects
efectos secundarios adversos
untoward clinical reaction
reacción clínica indeseable


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Even if her thoughts had been wayward, she had done nothing untoward.
Un minuto no es tanto tiempoLiterature Literature
It was Mrs Legge who asked her if anything untoward had happened.
¿ Vas a ir a la universidad?Literature Literature
If anything untoward should happen to Iris or her daughter, Schuyler I'd like to hear about it first.
' Estuviste hermosa alli. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I fear that much of this over-hasty legislation will reveal unintended and untoward consequences.
Cielos, mire ese sudorEuroparl8 Europarl8
Nicole tried to concentrate on the wedding, but her heart was heavy after the untoward scene with Katie.
Eso quiere saber todo Washington ahora que su asesora principal...... Debra Lassiter, dejó la giraLiterature Literature
But since his life was forfeit should anything untoward befall her, she supposed she could understand his caution.
No obstante, los fabricantes podrán optar por almacenar imágenes adicionales, siempre y cuando al menos la imagen exigida pueda leerse utilizando un instrumento de exploración genérico que cumpla las especificaciones de los puntos #.#.#.# yLiterature Literature
If Tristan found nothing untoward, Roger had given him orders to return within the week.
La fiesta no es hasta esta nocheLiterature Literature
“Anna, did anything untoward happen between you and Mr Archer the day he left for London?”
Eso no es heroicoLiterature Literature
“Something untoward has happened to my husband,” Magdalen said simply.
Yo estaba nerviosoLiterature Literature
But, even better, the sound of the television is incredibly handy when it comes to muffling untoward noises.
Enviar correo de la carpeta de salida le permite especificar cuándo se deben enviar los mensajes que están en la cola, & ie;, los mensajes pendientes de envío que haya en la cola. Puede elegir entreLiterature Literature
(g) 'Adverse event' shall mean any untoward occurrence associated with the collection, testing, processing, storage, distribution, and transfusion of blood and blood components that might lead to death or life-threatening, disabling or incapacitating conditions for patients or which results in or prolongs hospitalisation or morbidity.
No puedo hablarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We searched the house and found nothing untoward.
Señor, acaban de destruir el baño.-¿ Lo hizo Ud.?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There is something untoward, isn't there, girl?
Hace poco conocí a alguien en el monasterio que venía de ahíOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Now I don’t want to say something untoward, but he always complimented me on my rear end.
por la que se nombra a un suplente español del Comité de las RegionesLiterature Literature
Nothing untoward had happened to the transmitting station responsible following the transmission.
El paso está bloqueadoLiterature Literature
And it cannot be denied that a demand for money has a sadly untoward appearance.’
La Comisión invita a los interesados a que le presenten sus posibles observaciones sobre el proyecto de concentraciónLiterature Literature
Tarquin responded as coolly as if nothing untoward had happened in the last minutes.
Directiva #/#/UE del Consejo, de # de julio de #, por la que se modifica la Directiva #/#/CE relativa al sistema común del impuesto sobre el valor añadido, en lo que respecta a las normas de facturaciónLiterature Literature
If you are suggesting that anything less than affluence is somehow untoward, Ms Walters, well, I think that I need to
Es mi esposaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
We are also happy that this has happened without any untoward incident.
¿ Por qué no tiene acento?UN-2 UN-2
(m) "serious adverse event" means any untoward occurrence associated with the procurement, testing, processing, storage and distribution of tissues and cells that might lead to the transmission of a communicable disease, to death or life-threatening, disabling, or incapacitating conditions for patients or which might result in, or prolong, hospitalisation or morbidity;
El paso está bloqueadoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This untoward intrusion into the normality of the camp was deeply that it had been sacrilegious to setting.
Cambiando a frecuenciaLiterature Literature
Flabbergasted, I walked by them to the kitchen as if nothing untoward were happening.
¿ No te gusta, Smith?Literature Literature
I was untoward.
annas por tres # annas por dosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Blue and I have personally vouched for your ability not to do anything untoward.”
¿ Puedo hablar con usted?Literature Literature
“Well, nothing of consequence, but—” “He hasn’t acted in an untoward manner toward you?”
Estás bien, bebé?Literature Literature
208 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.