with a beard oor Spaans

with a beard

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Mommy, why don't I have an uncle with a beard?
Mamá, ¿por qué no tengo ningún tío que tenga barba?

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a man with a beard
un barbas · un hombre barbudo · un hombre con de barba
man with a beard


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I don't want a mommy with a beard.
No quiero una madre con barba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The commander had a thin, intelligent face with a beard, and Muhammad’s courtly manner of speech.
El comandante tenía una cara delgada e inteligente, llevaba barba y hablaba con la misma obsequiosidad que Muhammad.Literature Literature
There was a young man with a beard behind the counter.
Había un joven con barba tras el mostrador.Literature Literature
Stamping gold coins with a bearded profile?
¿Estampar monedas de oro con tu perfil barbudo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A huge man with a beard and paunch interrupted the conversation and showed Jensen a list.
Un hombre grandote con barba y vientre prominente interrumpió la conversación y le mostró a Jensen una lista.Literature Literature
an older man with a beard asked.
—le preguntó un hombre mayor con barba.Literature Literature
Would you still kiss me, with a beard like that?’
¿Me besarías entonces, con una barba como esa?Literature Literature
In one corner of the kitchen a man with a beard was trying to hide under a blanket.
En un rincón de la cocina, un hombre barbudo intentaba esconderse bajo una manta.Literature Literature
“You and Stross,” he added, nodding to his first mate, a brutish man with a beard.
Tú y Stross —agregó, señalando con la cabeza a su primer oficial, un hombre tosco y barbudo—.Literature Literature
I just hope he's not born with a beard.
Da la impresión de que nacerá con barba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stephen Barrettson had been supremely attractive with a beard, but clean-shaven, he was nothing short of devastating.
Stephen Barrettson estaba extremadamente atractivo con barba, pero limpio y afeitado, era irresistible.Literature Literature
He’s thirty-six years old, with a beard and shaved head, and a permanent big grin.
Es un hombre de treinta y seis años, con barba, cráneo rapado al cero y una eterna y gran sonrisa.Literature Literature
Maybe we should find someone with a beard who can do that whole turning-water-into-wine thing.
Quizás encontremos a alguien con barba que pueda hacer eso de transformar el agua en vino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Surely Elisabeth wouldn’t have married someone with a beard.
Elisabeth nunca se casaría con un tipo con barba.Literature Literature
A man in the sky with a beard makes as much sense as anything else.
Un hombre con barba en el cielo tiene tanto sentido como cualquier otra cosa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I don’t know if I’ve ever kissed a man with a beard.
—No sé si he besado nunca a un hombre con barba.Literature Literature
“Miss Eileen Breon talking in the lobby with a bearded man wearing spectacles and a black caped topcoat.
—La señorita Eileen Breon habla en el vestíbulo con un hombre que lleva barba, gafas y una capa.Literature Literature
Mommy, why don't I have an uncle with a beard?
Mamá, ¿por qué no tengo ningún tío que tenga barba?tatoeba tatoeba
Don't know too many soldiers with a beard.
No conozco muchos soldados con barba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Outside the scoring box an old man with a beard began to pray to the thunder: ‘Bah!
Fuera de la cabina, un hombre viejo con barba se puso a rezarle al trueno: –¡Bah!Literature Literature
He was portrayed as a powerful male with a beard, a lookalike of Zeus, holding a trident.
Se le representaba como un hombre poderoso con barba, parecido a Zeus y con un tridente.Literature Literature
“A man with a beard and mustache is trustworthy; a man with a goatee is scary.”
—Los hombres con barba y bigote inspiran confianza; los hombres con perilla dan miedo.Literature Literature
When I was little I thought Jesus looked like our Lucia, only with a beard.
Cuando era pequeña, creía que Jesús era como Lucía, pero con barba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With a beard he could be a little monkey, Jonathan thinks.
Con barba parecería un mono, piensa Jonathan.Literature Literature
It was her features I saw on the winged bull, a beautiful woman’s face with a beard.
Fueron sus rasgos los que vi en el toro alado: los de una mujer hermosa, con barba.Literature Literature
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