geology oor Baskies


/dʒiːɑlədʒɪ/ naamwoord
The science that studies the structure of the earth (or other planets), together with its origin and development, especially by examination of its rocks

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the study of the earth

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structural geology
Geologia estrukturala
mining geology
history of geology
Geologiaren historia
regional geology
petroleum geology
planetary geology
historical geology
Eskala geologiko
marine geology
itsas geologia


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Knowledge of Geology – Practical, but limited.
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James Hutton--the founder of modern geology.
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Over the next two years, they would perform regularly in Vancouver, but managed only short, sporadic tours due to conflicts with King's geology studies.
Burua lasaitzen zien lapur txikiei ugazabarentzat lan egiten zutela sentitzeak: aurki edozein soldatapeko bezain duintzat hartu zuten beren burua; erakunde bateko kideak ziren eta errurik egotekotan beren buruzagiak ziren errudun.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
William Buckland, who lectured on geology at the University of Oxford, often visited Lyme on his Christmas vacations and was frequently seen hunting for fossils with Anning.
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It is large enough to retain an atmosphere through gravity alone and large enough that its molten core remains a heat engine, driving the diverse geology of the surface (the decay of radioactive elements within a planet's core is the other significant component of planetary heating).
— Izan ere bada diferentziarik franko, bistan da, hezkuntza jaso duen norbaiten eta zergabiltzaile den karabinero-ohi baten artean. Seiak jo zuten. Binet sartu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In geology, when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock, it can be determined that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock.
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This process is rapid, observed happening in the space of a few days, weeks or months, a rate of change rather unusual in geology—especially for Mars.
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Hutton's work established geology as a science, and as a result he is referred to as the "Father of Modern Geology".
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Their use for Earth geology is unofficial.
Annari esan zion: – Koch hil dute. Goazen hemendik! Elurrak utzi bezain bizkor ibili zen, orain ezkerretara hartuz orain eskubitara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Major subdisciplines are mineralogy and petrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, paleontology, stratigraphy, structural geology, engineering geology, and sedimentology.
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Much of 19th-century geology revolved around the question of the Earth's exact age.
Neskatxoak desadostasuna sentitzen du.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although Anning knew more about fossils and geology than many of the wealthy fossilists to whom she sold, it was always the gentlemen geologists who published the scientific descriptions of the specimens she found, often neglecting to mention her name.
Oraindik ez duzu ikusi, ezta? Aita-anaiek zutaz galdetzen dute, baita Bernadettek eta Rooney senar-emazteek ere. Igandeko ibilaldian izan nintzen eta [...].WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In geology and paleontology, the year is not so precise and varies depending on the author.
Uste baino luzeago jo dio Onofreri Askadaren maneiua erakusteak. Yachetik txalupara, zagan ekarri duen Maskoltxu horretara igaro denerako mendien lepoa utzita egon da eguzkia. Elkar besarkatu dutenean soingainekoari azken begirada luzatu dio Onofrek. Bakea bailetorren egin dio barruak, tak! Arrenguren tanbutxoari giltza eman dio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Darwin was rather bored by Robert Jameson's natural-history course, which covered geology—including the debate between Neptunism and Plutonism.
Azpitituluak behera eramaten dituWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She chose to study geology as an elective, and under the guidance of Professor Henry Caselli Richards she graduated in 1928 with a First Class Honours degree in Geology and the University's Gold Medal for Outstanding Merit.
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Geology describes the rocky parts of the earth's crust (or lithosphere) and its historic development.
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He returned to university in 1908, studying geology under Sir Edgeworth David.
Medikuntzan eta biologian bereziki hauek errespetatuko dira: pertsona bakoitzak ondo informatuta dagoela eta askatasunaz emandako onespena errespetatuko da, betiere, legeak ezarritako moduen arabera;WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Concerned about her financial situation, her old friend William Buckland persuaded the British Association for the Advancement of Science and the British government to award her an annuity, known as a civil list pension, in return for her many contributions to the science of geology.
Hautatu zuzen batekin ebakiko duzun poligonoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anning's correspondents included Charles Lyell, who wrote to her to ask her opinion on how the sea was affecting the coastal cliffs around Lyme, as well as Adam Sedgwick—one of her earliest customers—who taught geology at the University of Cambridge and who numbered Charles Darwin among his students.
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A few years later he became a professor of mineralogy and geology and afterwards Rector of the University of Liège.
Kontseiluak, Batzordeak proposatuta, Europako erregelamenduak onar litzake III-167 eta III-168. artikuluak aplikatzeko, eta, bereziki, III-168. artikuluko 3. paragrafoaren aplikazio-baldintzak eta paragrafo horretan ezarritako prozeduratik salbuetsita geratzen diren laguntza-motak finkatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The establishment and evolution of the present-day fauna was apparently shaped by the unique climate and the geology of the continent.
Ezin izan da sareko konexioa sortuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This principle he endeavoured to deduce from his knowledge of geology, in contrast to Lorenz Oken, who developed the same theory on biological grounds.
Goiko balioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are four major disciplines in earth sciences, namely geography, geology, geophysics and geodesy.
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