binary logarithm oor Fins

binary logarithm

The logarithm base two.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins

Binäärinen logaritmi

mathematical function

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
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Other areas in which the binary logarithm is frequently used include combinatorics, bioinformatics, the design of sports tournaments, and photography.
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Many hardware platforms include support for finding the number of leading zeros, or equivalent operations, which can be used to quickly find the binary logarithm.
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As part of his work in this area, Euler published a table of binary logarithms of the integers from 1 to 8, to seven decimal digits of accuracy.
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The fls and flsl functions in the Linux kernel and in some versions of the libc software library also compute the binary logarithm (rounded up to an integer, plus one).
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In competitive games and sports involving two players or teams in each game or match, the binary logarithm indicates the number of rounds necessary in a single-elimination tournament required to determine a winner.
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The binary logarithm also frequently appears in the analysis of algorithms, not only because of the frequent use of binary number arithmetic in algorithms, but also because binary logarithms occur in the analysis of algorithms based on two-way branching.
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In photography, exposure values are measured in terms of the binary logarithm of the amount of light reaching the film or sensor, in accordance with the Weber–Fechner law describing a logarithmic response of the human visual system to light.
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The expression rates of these genes are compared using binary logarithms.
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Binary logarithm - Wikipedia
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Leonhard Euler was the first to apply binary logarithms to music theory, in 1739.
Koska käsiteltävänämme olevat asiat ovat monimutkaisia, komissio suostuu poistamaan määräysten nopeutetun täytäntöönpanon, vaikka mielestäni onkin ehdottoman tärkeää, että kukin valtio laatii kansallisen ohjelman tämän asetuksen myötä ehdotetun lainsäädännön soveltamista varten.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The binary logarithm can be made into a function from integers and to integers by rounding it up or down.
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Binary logarithms (expressed as stops) are also used in densitometry, to express the dynamic range of light-sensitive materials or digital sensors.
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In information theory, the definition of the amount of self-information and information entropy is often expressed with the binary logarithm, corresponding to making the bit the fundamental unit of information.
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For example, the binary logarithm of 1 is 0, the binary logarithm of 2 is 1, the binary logarithm of 4 is 2, and the binary logarithm of 32 is 5.
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In mathematics, the binary logarithm of a number n is often written as log2 n.[10] However, several other notations for this function have been used or proposed, especially in application areas.
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Although the natural logarithm is more important than the binary logarithm in many areas of pure mathematics such as number theory and mathematical analysis,[27] the binary logarithm has several applications in combinatorics:
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