benevolence oor Galisies


(uncountable) disposition to do good

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I endeavor to draw myself nigh to Thee through Thy invocation, and I pray to Thee to intercede on my behalf, and I entreat Thee by Thy benevolence to draw me nearer to Thee.
Eu vos rogo e encargo que ides en devanditos navíos e fagades o que polo devandito Vicerrei forvos ordenado, que ademais do servizo que faredes ao noso Señor eu serei moi servido, e mandarei ter conta con iso para que recibades mercé en houbere lugar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Renton described this as follows: "A crucial aspect of this depiction of the Declaration as a product of British benevolence, as opposed to realpolitik, was that the British had a natural and deep-rooted concern for the rights of Jews and specifically their national restoration, which was an ingrained part of British culture and history.
Notas explicativas e perspectivas académicas Renton o describe como segue: «Un aspecto crucial desta representación da Declaración como produto da benevolencia británica, oposto á realpolitik, foi que os británicos tiñan consciencia natural e de profundas raíces cara os dereitos dos xudeus e en especial pola súa restauración nacional, que quedou integrada na cultura e historia británicas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1938, having auctioned off her movie costumes and donated the money to Chinese aid, the Chinese Benevolent Association of California honored Wong for her work in support of Chinese refugees.
En 1938, tras vender o seu vestiario de varios filmes e doar os cartos obtidos para axudas á causa chinesa, a asociación Chinese Benevolent Association of California honrouna polo seu traballo en apoio ós refuxiados chineses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The critic John Warrack wrote, "There are no sadder pages in symphonic literature than the close of the First Symphony's Adagio, as horn and trombones twice softly intone a phrase of utter grief", whereas to Michael Kennedy, the movement is notable for its lack of anguished yearning and angst and is marked instead by a "benevolent tranquillity."
O crítico John Warrack escribiu: «non hai páxinas máis tristes na literatura sinfónica que o peche do «Adagio» da Primeira sinfonía, como as trompas e trombóns que entoan dúas veces suavemente unha frase de dor total», mentres que para Michael Kennedy, o movemento caracterízase pola súa carencia de desexo angustioso e desasosego.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How formidably benevolent he seems.
Que aspecto máis formidábel e benévolo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The third criticism that Hume offers is that even if the argument did give evidence for a designer; it still gives no evidence for the traditional 'omnipotent', 'benevolent' (all-powerful and all-loving) God of traditional Christian theism.
A terceira crítica que formula Hume é que mesmo se o argumento proporciona realmente a proba da existencia dun deseñador; aínda non proporciona probas do tradicional Deus 'omnipotente' e 'benevolente' do teísmo cristián tradicional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled.
O seu sombreiro ancho negro, pantalóns baggy, a súa gravata branca, o seu sorriso simpático, e aspecto xeral de peering e curiosidade benevolente foron, como o Sr John Hare só podería ter igualado.QED QED
Pyrrhus was known for his benevolence.
Pirro era tamén coñecido por ser moi benevolente.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1953, however, the Southern Cameroons representatives, unhappy with the domineering attitude of Nigerian politicians and lack of unity among the ethnic groups in the Eastern Region, declared a "benevolent neutrality" and withdrew from the assembly.
En 1953, porén, os representantes de Camerún do Sur, descontentos coa actitude dominante dos políticos nixerianos, declararon unha “neutralidade benevolente” e a súa marcha da Asemblea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Palestine, benefiting from the benevolent policies of Severus, has a significant economic revival.
Palestina, beneficiándose das políticas benevolentes de Severo, experimenta un significativo auxe económico.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His conclusion was "that man with all his noble qualities, with sympathy which feels for the most debased, with benevolence which extends not only to other men but to the humblest living creature, with his god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system—with all these exalted powers—Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin."
A súa conclusión foi "que a xente con todas as súas nobres cualidades, coa simpatía que sente polos máis depravados, coa benevolencia que vai máis aló da xente e chega as máis entrañables criaturas viventes, co seu intelecto propio de deuses que lles permite entrar nos movementos e na constitución do sistema solar - con semellante soñado poder - o Home aínda leva na armazón do seu corpo a indeleble estampa da súa humilde orixe".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" in bestowing his benevolence on all species of life...
" no momento de dar a súa benevolencia a todas as especies...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She wrote of "her feelings of horror and regret at the result of this bloody civil war", and insisted, urged on by Albert, that an official proclamation announcing the transfer of power from the company to the state "should breathe feelings of generosity, benevolence and religious toleration".
Escribiu sobre o seu «sentimento de horror e arrepentimento polo resultado desta guerra civil sanguenta», e insistiu, incentivada por Alberte, que debía anunciar que a proclamación oficial afirmando a transferencia de poder da compañía ao Estado «debía mostrar un sentimento de xenerosidade, benevolencia e tolerancia relixiosa».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contemporaneous writers describe John as a man of wit, very keen on concentrating power on himself, but at the same time with a benevolent and kind personality.
Cronistas contemporáneos describen a Xoán I como un home agudo, coidadoso en conservar o poder, pero ao mesmo tempo benevolente e de personalidade agradable.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His way of reconciling that with his belief in a benevolent God was to assume that life had more pleasure than pain.
A súa maneira de reconciliar iso coa súa crenza nun Deus benevolente era asumir que na vida hai máis pracer que dor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whereas most dragons in European mythology are linked to the elements of fire and destruction, dragons in Korean mythology are primarily benevolent beings related to water and agriculture, often considered bringers of rain and clouds.
Mentres que a maioría dos dragóns europeos están vinculados a elementos de lume e destrución, os dragóns na mitoloxía coreana son principalmente seres benevolentes relacionados coa auga e a agricultura, a miúdo considerados portadores da choiva e as nubes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.
Un xamán é unha persoa que se considera que ten acceso e influencia dentro do mundo dos espíritos benévolos e malévolos, e que entra nun estado de transo durante un ritual, e practica a adiviñación e a curación.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Norse mythology, a dís ("lady", plural dísir) is a ghost, spirit or deity associated with fate who can be either benevolent or antagonistic towards mortals.
Na mitoloxía nórdica, unha dís ("dama" en antigo nórdico, e dísir en plural) é unha pantasma, espírito ou deidade asociada co destino que poden ser benevolentes ou malvadas coa xente mortal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Please grant Your benevolence to our supplications.
Ti outorgas os Teus beneficios perante as nosas súplicas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Harvests for example were seen as the benevolence of fertility deities.
As colleitas, por exemplo, eran vistas como a benevolencia da fertilidade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her father was a benevolent king and well loved by his subjects.
É un bo rei, amado de todos os seus súbditos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Satanic Temple describes its mission as follows: The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will.
O Templo Satânico describe a súa misión da seguinte forma: "A misión do Templo Satánico é fomentar a benevolencia e empatía entre todos os pobos rexeitando a autoridade tiránica, defender o bo sentido práctico e a xustiza.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Their stated mission is "to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people".
Esta organización abertamente atea e humanista declara que "buscamos estimular a benevolencia e a empatía entre todos os pobos".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bible commentator William Jenks described the book in 1838 as "a work highly celebrated for the justness of its reflections, and the benevolence, good sense, and piety which it breathes."
O comentador da Biblia William Jenks describiu o libro en 1838 como "un traballo moi celebrado pola xustiza das súas reflexións, e a benevolencia, bo senso, e devoción que respira."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Zoroastrian tradition, the "chaotic" is represented by Angra Mainyu (also referred to as "Ahriman"), the "Destructive Principle", while the benevolent is represented through Ahura Mazda's Spenta Mainyu, the instrument or "Bounteous Principle" of the act of creation.
Na tradición zoroastriana, o mal é representado por Angra Mainyu (tamén chamado "Ahriman"), o "Principio Destrutivo", mentres que o ben se representa mediante o Spenta Mainyu de Ahura Mazda, o instrumento ou "principio xeneroso" do acto da creación.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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