maliciousness oor Galisies


The condition of being malicious; malevolence or malice

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malicious software
software malicioso
malicious mischief
malicious user
usuario malintencionado


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When some albums and some categorical evidence of his knowledge of the classical approach laid these malicious comments bare, then came the most twisted condemnations.
Cando os discos e as probas categóricas de que manexaba ben as formas clásicas deixaron ver o malicioso deses comentarios, os ataques fixéronse máis retorcidos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ransomware is a type of malicious software from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim's data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid.
O ransomware (/rænsəmwɛə/) é un tipo de malware que amenaza con publicar os datos do sistema da vítima ou bloquear o acceso a eles perpetuamente a menos que se pague un rescate por eles.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Disadvantages include the increased size of the email, privacy concerns about web bugs, abuse of HTML email as a vector for phishing attacks and the spread of malicious software.
As desvantaxes inclúen o incremento do tamaño do correo, a intimidade dos web bugs, o abuso do correo HTML como vector por ataques phishing e a extensión de malware.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Architectures other than pub/sub, such as client/server systems, are also vulnerable to authorized message senders that behave maliciously.
As arquitecturas que non sexan pub/sub, como os sistemas cliente / servidor, tamén son vulnerables aos remitentes de mensaxes autorizadas que se comportan de forma maliciosa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Trojan horse — a malicious program that is disguised as legitimate software.
Un Cabalo de Troia, un programa informático considerado malicioso.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the mid to late 1990s, Century Media had a label offshoot called Century Black, which served to be the "Miramax Films" of black metal, releasing or re-releasing hard-to-find black metal albums that normally would be near impossible to find in America (usually released under smaller labels such as Malicious Records or Candlelight Records).
Dende mediados ata finais dos anos 90, Century Media tivo un selo irmán chamado Century Black, centrado na edición e re-edición de álbums de black metal difíciles de atopar nos Estados Unidos (normalmente publicados inicialmente por pequenas etiquetas como Malicious Records ou Candlelight Records).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" " " the women of the Commune are malicious and mad. "
" Creo que as mulleres da Comuna son malas e están tolas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There really is malware, malicious software out there that can take over your web cam, even without the light turning on.
Hai software malicioso, programas por aí adiante que poden controlar a túa cámara web, incluso sen prender o piloto luminoso.ted2019 ted2019
DNSSEC extends the DNS protocol to use signatures to authenticate DNS records, preventing simple MITM attacks from directing a client to a malicious IP address.
DNSSEC amplía o protocolo DNS para usar firmas para autenticar rexistros DNS, evitando que os ataques MITM dirixan a un cliente a unha dirección IP maliciosa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They can't be malicious if they don't...
Non son malos, o que queren é isto...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
First, I feel it is my duty... to answer the malicious and unwarranted attack upon the chain-gang system... which we have heard here this afternoon.
Primeiro, sinto que é o meu deber... responder ao ataque inxustificado ao sistema de traballos forzados... que ouvimos acó esta tarde.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since her death and the publication of her daughter Imogen's 1989 autobiography, A Childhood at Green Hedges, Blyton has emerged as an emotionally immature, unstable and often malicious figure.
Desde a súa morte en 1968 e a publicación da autobiografía da súa filla Imogen, A Childhood at Green Hedges, Blyton aparece como unha persoa inestable emocionalmente e a miúdo maliciosa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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