misapprehension oor Kroaties


a failure to understand something; an illusion, misconception or misunderstanding

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You're under a misapprehension as to why you're here.
Vi ste u zabludi u vezi toga zašto ste ovdje.




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Also, I'd like to straighten out any misapprehensions you may have as to why you were picked for this detail.
Također bih želio pojasniti svaku nedoumicu koju imate u vezi vašeg izbora za ovu postrojbu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The biggest misapprehension of different methods of emaciation and diet is that our body weight will be reduced by the reduced nourishment .
Najveća zabluda raznih metoda mršavljenja i dijeta je ta da će se smanjenom prehranom smanjiti i tjelesna težina .hrenWaC hrenWaC
In addition, Ireland asked the Commission to further clarify some aspects of its investigation into the 1991 and 2007 tax rulings which, according to Ireland, seemed to be based on a misapprehension by the Commission as to the applicable national law.
Osim toga, Irska je od Komisije zatražila da dodatno pojasni neke aspekte svojeg istražnog postupka u pogledu poreznih rješenja iz 1991. i 2007. za koje se, prema mišljenju Irske, činilo da se temelje na zabludi Komisije u pogledu primjenjivog nacionalnog prava.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Colonel Baird, I think you may be laboring under a slight misapprehension.
Pukovnik Baird, mislim da se može trudi Pod blagim zabludi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, I can see that I've been laboring under a misapprehension.
Pa, vidim da sam radio sa zloupotrebom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For the canals, spacecraft missions provided the means of correcting our misapprehensions.
Što se tiče kanala, misije svemirskih letjelica su dale sredstva za ispravljanje naših krivih shvaćanja.Literature Literature
Mr. Christie, I have got to suggest to you, and I do not want there to be any misapprehensions about it, that you are responsible for the death of Mrs. Evans and of the little girl.
Gospodine Kristi, moram da pretpostavim, i ne želim da bude bilo kakve zablude oko toga, da ste odgovorni za smrt gospođe Evans i male devojčice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Bella, you seem to be under a misapprehension.”
“Bella, sve mi se čini da si u zabludi.”Literature Literature
This argument is based on a complete misapprehension of the working of competition.
Taj argument za osnovu ima posvemašnje nerazumijevanje funkcioniranja konkurencije.Literature Literature
In response to a request by Ireland to further clarify its State aid assessment in light of those elements and in light of the allegation made by Ireland that the Commission's assessment appeared to be based on a misapprehension by the Commission as to the applicable national law, the Commission's services sent the letter of 17 April 2015 to Ireland in the interest of transparency, which the latter transmitted to Apple.
Kao odgovor na zahtjev Irske da Komisija dodatno pojasni svoju ocjenu državne potpore s obzirom na te elemente i s obzirom na tvrdnju Irske da se čini da se ocjena Komisije temeljila na zabludi Komisije u pogledu primjenjivog nacionalnog prava službe Komisije poslale su Irskoj dopis od 17. travnja 2015. u svrhu transparentnosti, a Irska je dopis proslijedila društvu Apple.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
You're under a misapprehension as to why you're here.
Vi ste u zabludi u vezi toga zašto ste ovdje.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And due to this misapprehension that I'm the only blonde girl with a record in all of South Florida,
I zbog te zablude da sam jedina plavuša sa dosjeom u cijeloj južnoj Floridi,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Only trouble is she's labouring under a misapprehension
Jedini je problem što živi u zabludi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You are under a misapprehension, mon ami.
Pogrešno shvacate, prijateIju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So we have to keep plugging away, trying to correct the misapprehensions so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread.
Dakle, moramo ustrajno raditi, pokušavajući ispraviti zablude da se jedino bezopasne i korisne varijante naših ideja nastave širiti.ted2019 ted2019
Aren't you under a misapprehension?
Niste se vi zabunili?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
McBee had corrected this childish misapprehension and had suggested that he do some research.
Gospođa McBee je ispravila ovu dječju zabludu i predložila mu da malo istraži tu temu.Literature Literature
It is difficult to see how we could view the stories of Jesus’ miracles as “misapprehensions of quite ordinary events.”
Teško je Isusova čuda objašnjavati “krivim shvaćanjem sasvim običnih zbivanja”.jw2019 jw2019
At the very outset, however, we meet with an ambiguity which may cause great misapprehension.
No odmah na poCetku pokazuje se ovdje dvoznaCnost koja moZe prouzroCiti velik nesporazum.Literature Literature
That is an actual fundamental misapprehension of the warnings that Orwell issued in "1984."
To je doista temeljito pogrešno shvaćanje upozorenja koje je Orwell dao u ''1984''-toj.ted2019 ted2019
Dr. Huxley, you seem to be under some misapprehension.
Dr. Huxley, čini se da se nismo razumjeli.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The first four questions appear to be based on a misapprehension of the architecture of Directive 2001/23, in that they are predicated on the assumption that the case-law of the referring court dating back to 17 January 1980 precluding pre-insolvency periods of employment in the transferees’ occupational pension obligations to transferred employees, falls with the scope of Member State discretion inherent in the words unless ‘Member States provide otherwise’ in Article 3(4)(a) of Directive 2001/23, or that they might be subject to compliance with Article 3(4)(b) of that directive.
Čini se da se prva četiri pitanja temelje na pogrešnom shvaćanju strukture Direktive 2001/23, u smislu da se temelje na pretpostavci da sudska praksa suda koji je uputio zahtjev od 17. siječnja 1980. – koja preuzimatelje lišava obveza u pogledu strukovnih mirovinskih prava prenesenih zaposlenika koja se temelje na radnom stažu prije pokretanja stečajnog postupka – spada u okvir diskrecijske ovlasti države članice koja proizlazi iz riječi „[o]sim ako države članice ne odluče drukčije” iz članka 3. stavka 4. podstavka (a) Direktive 2001/23 ili da možda podliježu članku 3. stavku 4. podstavku (b) te direktive.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Besides, I've read Dimotheos's book and it's full of mistakes and misapprehensions.
Osim toga, i sam sam pročitao Dimotejevu knjigu i uočio da je prepuna pogrešaka i zabluda.Literature Literature
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