honor oor Latyn


/ˈɒnə/, /ˈɑnɚ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(chiefly US) An objectification of praiseworthiness, respect. (I.e., something that represents praiseworthiness, respect.)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


The centurions he promoted to higher ranks, and conferred on the Roman knights the honor of tribunes.
Quos ille postea magno in honore habuit; centuriones in priores ordines, equites Romanos in tribunicium restituit honorem.


The worthiness and respectability of an individual which affects his or her self-evaluation and standing in society.
The centurions he promoted to higher ranks, and conferred on the Roman knights the honor of tribunes.
Quos ille postea magno in honore habuit; centuriones in priores ordines, equites Romanos in tribunicium restituit honorem.


think of, respect highly

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honestas · colo · decus · dignitas · honoro · adoro · augeo · celebro · cohonesto · dignatio · gloria · honesto · insigne · laurus · macto · orno · revereor · veneratio · veneror · Honor · adorno · amplector · beneficium · concelebro · condecoro · conesto · decoro · defero · dignor · existimatio · glorifico · honestum · honorifico · laudo · laurea · lorea · maiestas · modestia · muneror · observo · ornamentum · percolo · prosequor · pudor · sanctitas · splendor · suspicio · titulus · venero · verum · vir

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A female given name.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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with honor|respect
that does honor
do honor to
cohonesto · honorifico
show honor
His/Hers Honor village/town official
mark of honor
badge of honor
infula · insigne · nomisma
not conferring honor on a person
honorable pride


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She respects individuals and cultures, and she honors the sanctuary of conscience.
Ecclesia proponit, nihil imponit: reveretur personas et culturas, et cessat ante conscientiae sacrarium.vatican.va vatican.va
At rural affairs and union meetings, the farm women would bring "suppers" and would vie with each other to see who could feed the troupe most, and after the affair the farmers would have earnest discussions about who would have the honor of taking them home for the night.
Per negotia rustica et conventus syndicati, mulieres cenas ferebant et inter se certabant ut probarent quam gregem maxime pascere potuerit, et agricolae post negotia intente disceptabant de quibus honoris causa eorum hospites nocte domi fuerint.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
625 quae sors nostra fuit, cui te, cum prima subiret, eripuit sine honore dies et funere carpsit?’
Quæ sors nostra fuit, cui te, quum prima subiret, Eripuit sine honore dies, et funere carpsit?»Literature Literature
Et ambitio quid nisi honores quaerit et gloriam; cum tu sis prae cunctis honorandus unus et gloriosus in aeternum?
Et ambitio quid nisi honores quærit et gloriam; cum tu sis præ cunctis honorandus unus et gloriosus in æternum?Literature Literature
That he would therefore instantly set about what he had intended to put off till a more distant day, and would break up his camp the next night, in the fourth watch, that he might ascertain, as soon as possible, whether a sense of honor and duty, or whether fear had more influence with them.
Itaque se quod in longiorem diem conlaturus fuisset repraesentaturum et proxima nocte de quarta, vigilia castra moturum, ut quam primum intellegere posset utrum apud eos pudor atque officium an timor plus valeret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In fact, priests are to be found among all peoples whose customs are known, except those compelled by violence to act against the most sacred laws of human nature. They may, indeed, be in the service of false divinities; but wherever religion is professed, wherever altars are built, there also is a priesthood surrounded by particular marks of honor and veneration.
Siquidem penes omnes populos, quorum mores in comperto sunt, modo contra sanctissimas humanae naturae leges facere ne cogantur, sacrorum administri habentur, quamvis saepenumero vanis superstitionibus serviant; itemque ubicumque aliquam profitentur homines religionem, ubicumque aras erigunt, nedum ibi sacerdotibus careant, peculiari eos honore venerantur.vatican.va vatican.va
It is up to the Christian communities to analyze with objectivity the situation which is proper to their own country, to shed on it the light of the Gospel's unalterable words and to draw principles of reflection, norms of judgment and directives for action from the social teaching of the Church. This social teaching has been worked out in the course of history and notably, in this industrial era, since the historic date of the message of Pope Leo XIII on "the condition of the workers", and it is an honor and joy for us to celebrate today the anniversary of that message.
Etenim ipsae christianae communitates id agere debent, ut propriae regionis statum ex rei ventate perscrutentur, ut eum luce immutabilium Evangelii verborum illustrent, ut principia cogitandi, iudicandi normas, regulas operandi e sociali doctrina Ecclesiae hauriant; doctrinam dicimus eau, quae temporum cursu est confecta, maxime vero hac machinaria aetate, ex illo scilicet die, historia digno, quo Leo XIII «de opificum condition» nuntium edidit, cuius anniversariam memoriam recolere est Nobis hodie et honoris et laetitiae causa.vatican.va vatican.va
The Council of Trent punishes with singular and severe penalties those who engage in these contests or in any way participate in them. Indeed, above all other punishments it brands these persons with disgrace; expelled from the bosom of the Church, they are judged unworthy of the honor of ecclesiastical burial if they die in the struggle.
In omnes qui illas ineunt, aut quoquo modo participant, singulari poenarum severitate animadvertit Tridentina Synodus, quippe quae, praeter alia, etiam ignominiae notam iis inussit, eiectosque Ecclesiae gremio, honore indignos censuit, si in certamine occumberent, ecclesiasticae sepulturae.vatican.va vatican.va
Honor Blackman
Honor Blackmanlangbot langbot
The name was specially chosen to honor Miss.
Ad eius honorem Fuchsia nominata est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pius V declares in the bull Mirabilis that heresies, confounded and convicted by the same teaching, were dissipated, and the whole world daily freed from fatal errors; others, such as Clement XII in the bull Verbo Dei, affirm that most fruitful blessings have spread abroad from his writings over the whole Church, and that he is worthy of the honor which is bestowed on the greatest Doctors of the Church, on Gregory and Ambrose, Augustine and Jerome; while others have not hesitated to propose St.
Pius V (Bulla Mirabilis) vero fatetur eadem doctrina haereses confusas et convictas dissipar orbemque universum a pestiferis quotidie liberari erroribus; alii cum Clemente XII, (Bulla Verbi Dei) uberrima bona ab eius scriptis in Eclesiam universam dimanasse, Ipsumque eodem honore edendum esse affirmant, qui summis Ecclesiae doctoribus, Gregorio, Ambrosio, Augustino et Hieronymo defertur; alii tandem s.vatican.va vatican.va
109. These heralds of the gospel dedicate and consecrate their lives to God in order that the light of Jesus Christ may enlighten every man who comes into the world, (55) that the grace of God may enter and support every soul, and that all men may be aroused to a life that is good, honorable, and Christian.
Io 1,9), ut divina eius gratia omnes animos pervadat ac foveat, utque ad probe, exculte, christianeque vivendum salutariter cuncti excitentur.vatican.va vatican.va
Asteroid 153298 Paulmyers is named in his honor.
Asteroides 153298 Paulmyers ex eo appellatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the midst of the grave difficulties with which the Church must contend today, the heart of the Supreme Pastor is greatly comforted, Venerable Brothers, when We see that virginity, which is flourishing throughout the world, is held in great honor and repute in the present as it was in past centuries, even though, as We have said, it is being attacked by errors which, We trust, will soon be dispelled and pass away.
In gravibus difficultatibus, quas hodie Ecclesia eluctari debet, Noster Supremi Pastoris animus magno solacio afficitur, Venerabiles Fratres, cum cernimus virginitatem, quae ubique terrarum floret, nostra quoque ut superioribus aetatibus, magna in aestimatione magnoque in honore esse, quamvis, ut diximus, erroribus impugnetur, quos tamen, ut evanidos, quam primum dilapsuros confidimus.vatican.va vatican.va
John Eudes was responsible for the first liturgical office celebrated in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus whose solemn feast, with the approval of many Bishops in France, was observed for the first time on October 20th, 1672.
Ioannes Eudes auctor fuit primi officii liturgici, honori Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu celebrandi, cuius quidem sollemne festum, multis Episcopis Galliae probantibus, die XX mensis Octobris anno MDCLXXII primum peractum est.vatican.va vatican.va
And I would approve of this opinion (for honor is a powerful motive with me), could I foresee no other loss, save that of life; but let us, in adopting our design, look back on all Gaul, which we have stirred up to our aid.
Atque ego hanc sententiam probarem (tantum apud me dignitas potest), si nullam praeterquam vitae nostrae iacturam fieri viderem: sed in consilio capiendo omnem Galliam respiciamus, quam ad nostrum auxilium concitavimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He has won numerous national awards and honors, and created over 1000 commissioned oil and charcoal portraits.
Plus quam 100 commentationes et plures libros edidit et praemia multarum terrarum accepit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Not a few of his descendants also received the legates of the Roman pontiffs with due honor and were fraternally united with other Catholic communities, even after the Church of Constantinople was separated by the lamentable schism.
Ex iis autem non pauci, qui ex nobili eius genere orti sunt, postquam etiam Constantinopolitana Ecclesia diro schismate seiuncta est, Romanorum Pontificum Legatos debitis honoribus exeepere, fraternaeque necessitudinis vinculis cum ceteris catholicorum communitatibus devincti sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Although Caesar considered it ruinous to leave the war and the enemy, yet, being well aware what great evils generally arise from internal dissensions, lest a state so powerful and so closely connected with the Roman people, which he himself had always fostered and honored in every respect, should have recourse to violence and arms, and that the party which had less confidence in its own power should summon aid from Vercingetorix, he determined to anticipate this movement; and because, by the laws of the Aedui, it was not permitted those who held the supreme authority to leave the country, he determined to go in person to the Aedui, lest he should appear to infringe upon their government and laws, and summoned all the senate, and those between whom the dispute was, to meet him at Decetia.
Caesar, etsi a bello atque hoste discedere detrimentosum esse existimabat, tamen non ignorans quanta ex dissensionibus incommoda oriri consuessent, ne tanta et tam coniuncta populo Romano civitas, quam ipse semper aluisset omnibusque rebus ornasset, ad vim atque arma descenderet, atque ea pars quae minus sibi confideret auxilia a Vercingetorige arcesseret, huic rei praevertendum existimavit et, quod legibus Aeduorum eis, qui summum magistra tum obtinerent, excedere ex finibus non liceret, ne quid de iure aut de legibus eorum deminuisse videretur, ipse in Aeduos proficisci statuit senatumque omnem et quos inter controversia esset ad se Decetiam evocavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At the same time king Juba, seeing himself excluded from all the cities of his kingdom, and that there remained no hopes of safety; having supped with Petreius, proposed an engagement, sword in hand, that they might die honorably.
Rex interim ab omnibus civitatibus exclusus desperata salute, cum iam cenatus esset, cum Petreio, ut cum virtute interfecti esse viderentur, ferro inter se depugnant, atque firmior imbecilliorem Iubam Petreius facile ferro consumpsit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We have been pleased to sketch in brief outline, through this Encyclical Letter, the principal points in the life and holiness of Andrew Bobola, so that all sons of the Catholic Church throughout the world might not only admire, but also imitate with equal fidelity his sound religious teaching, his unwavering faith, his fortitude in defending the honor and glory of Christ even to martyrdom.
Placuit Nobis quae praecipua essent Andreae Bobolae vitae sanctitatisque lineamenta per Encyclicas has Litteras presse breviterque scribendo attingere, ut omnes, quotquot sunt ubique terrarum Caholicae Ecclesiae filii, non modo in eum mirabundi intuerentur, sed ut eius etiam illimem de religione doctrinam, fidem integerrimam, atque illius animi fortitudinem, qui ad martyrium usque pro Iesu Christi honore gloriaque decertavit, fide litate pari imitarentur.vatican.va vatican.va
The Uticans, though they hated his party, yet in consideration of his singular integrity, his behavior so different from that of the other chiefs, and because he had strengthened their town with wonderful fortifications, and increased the towers, interred him honorably.
Quem Uticenses quamquam oderant partium gratia, tamen propter eius singularem integritatem et quod dissimillimus reliquorum ducum fuerat quodque Uticam mirificis operibus munierat turribusque auxerat, sepultura adficiunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So far did it operate among those barbarian people, that there were found some to be the first to wage war; and so great a change of inclinations did it produce in all, that, except the Aedui and the Remi, whom Caesar had always held in especial honor, the one people for their long standing and uniform fidelity toward the Roman people, the other for their late service in the Gallic war, there was scarcely a state which was not suspected by us.
Tantum apud homines barbaros valuit esse aliquos repertos principes inferendi belli tantamque omnibus voluntatum commutationem attulit, ut praeter Aeduos et Remos, quos praecipuo semper honore Caesar habuit, alteros pro vetere ac perpetua erga populum Romanum fide, alteros pro recentibus Gallici belli officiis, nulla fere civitas fuerit non suspecta nobis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They were the first police officers, and Chestnut was the first African American, to receive the honor.
Sodalis factionis democraticae erat primus Afroamericanus qui praeses meruit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The principal mark of honor, of course, is the right to have the Cross carried in front of the kings in public procession as the most shining symbol of the Apostolate; this is in order to show that the Hungarian nation and its kings glory only in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ and that in this sign, they are accustomed always to fight for the Catholic faith and to be victorious."( 2)
Quale est illud in primis sane honorificum, quod ante reges, quando prodeunt in publicum, tamquam splendidissimum Apostolatus insigne, Crux praeferatur, idque ut ostendatur Hungaricam nationem atque eius reges gloriari unice in Cruce D.vatican.va vatican.va
206 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.