put to use oor Latyn

put to use

(idiomatic) to use; to utilise; to apply

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Piotr Szelma

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Through the Holy Spirit the Gospel penetrates to the heart of the world, for it is He who causes people to discern the signs of the times- signs willed by God- which evangelization reveals and puts to use within history.
at Messalina non alias solutior luxu, adulto autumno simulacrum vindemiae per domum celebrabat.vatican.va vatican.va
Their primary and immediate task is not to establish and develop the ecclesial community- this is the specific role of the pastors- but to put to use every Christian and evangelical possibility latent but already present and active in the affairs of the world.
Infecit ea tabes legionum quoque et auxiliorum motas iam mentis, postquam vulgatum eratlabare Germanici exercitus fidem.vatican.va vatican.va
Together with these prayers let us beg the most merciful God that the long-desired harmony among nations be restored and flourish, and that the Church's sacred rights and activities, which contribute so mightily to the true good of even human society, may once again be dutifully recognized by all, and be everywhere lawfully and successfully put to use.
Non de otiosa et quieta re loquimur et quae probitate et modestia gaudeat, sed est magna illa et notabilis eloquentia alumna licentiae, quam stulti libertatem vocitant, comes seditionum, effrenati populi incitamentum, sine obsequio, sine severitate, contumax, temeraria, adrogans, quae in bene constitutis civitatibus non oritur.vatican.va vatican.va
Of course it is necessary to know and put to good use the exigencies and the possibilities of the homily, so that it can acquire all its pastoral effectiveness.
Ad imaginem quippe Dei factus est homo.vatican.va vatican.va
If Tradition puts us in continuity with the past, eschatological expectation opens us to God's future.
maritimas tum Alpis tenebat procurator Marius Maturus.vatican.va vatican.va
Prompted then by shame, and perhaps imagining that they were not liberated from trial, but reserved to a future day, they resolved to break off from us, to put their fortune to a new hazard, and to make trial of new connections.
Cluvius comitatui principis adiectus, non adempta Hispania, quam rexit absens exemplo L. [Arrunti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I urgently ask the world's scientists and political leaders, moved by the love and respect due to every human person, to use every means available in order to put an end to this scourge.
tum omissa Armenia versaeque Artabani res, inliciente Vitellio desererent regem saevum in pace et adversis proeliorum exitiosum.vatican.va vatican.va
It also means taking on a commitment to be conformed to Christ, putting ourselves at the school of his Mother and allowing her to accompany us.
rursusque exortae adulationes censentium honorem divae et pulvinar aedemque et sacerdotem.vatican.va vatican.va
Closer to us, the Second Vatican Council has put in full light the importance of the "tradition that comes from the Apostles."
Erat in procuratione regni propter aetatem pueri nutricius eius, eunuchus nomine Pothinus.vatican.va vatican.va
Also in the ordinary conditions of society, Christians, as witnesses to man's authentic dignity, by their obedience to the Holy Spirit contribute to the manifold "renewal of the face of the earth," working together with their brothers and sisters in order to achieve and put to good use everything that is good, noble and beautiful in the modern progress of civilization, culture, science, technology and the other areas of thought and human activity.264 They do this as disciples of Christ who-as the Council writes-"appointed Lord by his Resurrection...is now at work in the hearts of men through the power of his Spirit.
quidam audentius apertis in collibus visebantur, quos dux Romanus acie suggressus haud aegre pepulit sanguine barbarorum modico ob propinqua suffugia.vatican.va vatican.va
Furthermore, taking part together in prayer accustoms us once more to living side by side and helps us in accepting and putting into practice the Lord's will for his Church.
Commius autem sive expiato suo dolore sive magna parte amissa suorum legatos ad Antonium mittit seque et ibi futurum, ubi praescripserit, et ea facturum, quae imperarit, obsidibus firmat; unum illud orat, ut timori suo concedatur, ne in conspectum veniat cuiusquam Romani.vatican.va vatican.va
Jesus himself warns us: "No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God" (Lk 9:62).
nec multo post Piso interficitur; namque aderat qui nosceret, Baebius Massa e procuratoribus Africae, iam tunc optimo cuique exitiosus et inter causas malorum quae mox tulimus saepius rediturus.vatican.va vatican.va
What is the reason for our certainty that you are with us, even though they put you to death, O Son of God, and you died like any other human being?
tum vetustas dignitasque coloniae valuit et verba Fabi salutem incolumitatemque Viennensium commendantis aequis auribus accepta; publice tamen armis multati, privatis et promiscis copiis iuvere militem.vatican.va vatican.va
Who but the guilty or unfortunate apply to us? What town puts itself under our protection but one harassed by its neighbours or by strife at home? When we plead for a province, is it not one that has been plundered and ill-treated? Surely it would be better not to complain than to have to seek redress.
Quos cum apud se in castris Ariovistus conspexisset, exercitu suo praesente conclamavit: quid ad se venirent? an speculandi causa? Conantes dicere prohibuit et in catenas coniecit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The courageous witness of so many martyrs of our century, including members of Churches and Ecclesial Communities not in full communion with the Catholic Church, gives new vigour to the Council's call and reminds us of our duty to listen to and put into practice its exhortation.
obiit abruptis brachiorum venis.vatican.va vatican.va
This provoked him to censure the magistrates and the Senate for not having used the authority of the State to put down the people. He named too the corn-supplying provinces, and dwelt on the far larger amount of grain imported by himself than by Augustus.
sententiam militum secuta patrum consulta, nec dubitatum est apud provincias.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the face of such widely varying situations it is difficult for us to utter a unified message and to put forward a solution which has universal validity.
ubi illa veterum instituta, propositam toro effigiem, meditata ad memoriam virtutis carmina et laudationes et lacrimas vel doloris imitamenta?vatican.va vatican.va
Conscious of the Risen Lord's presence among us, we ask ourselves today the same question put to Peter in Jerusalem immediately after his Pentecost speech: "What must we do?"
Ideoque et iuris civilis scientiam veteres oratores comprehendebant, et grammatica musica geometria imbuebantur.vatican.va vatican.va
The obligation to provide unemployment benefits, that is to say, the duty to make suitable grants indispensable for the subsistence of unemployed workers and their families, is a duty springing from the fundamental principle of the moral order in this sphere, namely the principle of the common use of goods or, to put it in another and still simpler way, the right to life and subsistence.
inveterascet hoc quoque, et quod hodie exemplis tuemur, inter exempla erit.'vatican.va vatican.va
He, our Teacher and Lord, who received everything from the hands of the Father, loved us to the end, to the point of putting himself totally in the hands of men and accepting all that they would do to him.
Illi supplicia cruciatusque Gallorum veriti, quorum agros vexaverant, remanere se apud eum velle dixerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
As the mutiny grew fiercer, and the soldiers went on from abuse and taunts to use their hands and their weapons, he ordered that Flavianus should be put in irons.
Neque mirum: copias enim habebat in Gallia bellare consuetas locis campestribus et contra Gallos homines apertos minimeque insidiosos, qui per virtutem, non per dolum dimicare consuerunt; tum autem erat ei laborandum ut consuefaceret milites hostium dolos insidias artificia cognoscere, et quid sequi, quid vitare conveniret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Once again it is the Apostle Paul who defines in these words our rule of conduct: ''Show yourself in all respects a model of good deeds, and in your teaching show integrity, gravity and sound speech that cannot be censured, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say of us'' (Tit 2:7-8).
et Classicus misso Aemilio Longino, desertore primae legionis, caedem eius maturavit; Herennium et Numisium legatos vinciri satis visum.vatican.va vatican.va
These by a prescriptive privilege of the Alexandrian army, used to demand the king's favorites to be put to death, pillage the properties of the rich to increase their pay, invest the king's palace, banish some from the kingdom, and recall others from exile.
Sororum filiis idem apud avunculum, qui ad patrem honor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
(56) A dialogue between those who contribute aid and those who receive it will permit a well-balanced assessment of the support to be provided, taking into consideration not only the generosity and the available wealth of the donor nations, but also the real needs of the receiving countries and the use to which the financial assistance can be put.
Quaecumque ad proximi diei oppugnationem opus sunt noctu comparantur; multae praeustae sudes, magnus muralium pilorum numerus instituitur; turres contabulantur, pinnae loricaeque ex cratibus attexuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
The awareness of the gift ought to be accompanied by a strong sense of responsibility for its use: it is, in fact, a gift that, like the talent of the gospel parable, must be put to work in a life of ever-increasing communion.
consularia insignia Nymphidio [Sabino decrecta, de quo] qu[i]a nunc primum oblatus est, pauca repetam: nam et ipse pars Romanarum cladium erit.vatican.va vatican.va
40 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.