Algebraic number oor Nederlands

Algebraic number

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands

algebraïsch getal


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

algebraic number

(mathematics) A complex number that is a root of a polynomial equation with rational coefficients.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands

algebraïsch getal

complex number that is a root of a non-zero polynomial in one variable with rational coefficients

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

algebra & number theory
Algebra & Number Theory
algebraic number theory
algebraïsche getaltheorie
algebraic number field
Algebraïsch getallenlichaam


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Weber's main work was in algebra, number theory, and analysis.
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Both algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory build on commutative algebra.
Worden benoemd voor een periode van vijf jaar in hoedanigheid van gewoon lid en plaatsvervangend lid voorgedragen door de rectoren van de universitaire instellingen van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, in College verenigdWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Liouville's criterion essentially said that algebraic numbers cannot be very well approximated by rational numbers.
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The proof proceeds by first establishing a property of irrational algebraic numbers.
De aanhef behoort een lid meer te omvatten, waarin verwezen wordt naar artikel # van de GrondwetWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He later proved that the set of all real algebraic numbers is also denumerable.
In het rapport staat dat het vergemakkelijken van de arbeidsmobiliteit tussen landen van herkomst en landen van bestemming misschien de belangrijkste- en meest controversiële- manier is om de geldstroom naar ontwikkelingslanden te vergrotenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wirtinger also contributed papers on complex analysis, geometry, algebra, number theory, and Lie groups.
Wij zijn van mening dat mensenrechtenschendingen niet door het Internationaal Strafhof behandeld dienen te worden, maar dat de daders door ad-hoctribunalen van de VN moeten worden berecht.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He worked in algebraic number theory, contributing largely to class field theory and a new construction of L-functions.
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So given a particular complex number α one can ask how close α is to being an algebraic number.
Fokkers, leveranciers en gebruikers van niet-menselijke primaten worden evenwel minstens een maal per jaar geïnspecteerdWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Disquisitiones covers both elementary number theory and parts of the area of mathematics now called algebraic number theory.
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Aside from his work in algebraic number theory he wrote a great number of Japanese textbooks on mathematics and geometry.
gezien het Handvest van de VN en in het bijzonder de artikelen # en # en, in Hoofdstuk VII, de artikelen # enWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His early work was on algebraic number fields, how to decompose the ideal generated by a prime number into prime ideals.
Bij ministerieel besluit van # mei # wordt de vergunning om het beroep van privé-detective uit te oefenen, verleend aan de volgende personen, gewijzigd volgens de verandering van vestigingsplaatsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cantor used a cardinality argument to show that there are only countably many algebraic numbers, and hence almost all numbers are transcendental.
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She is famous for her more than 300 research papers in algebraic number theory, integral matrices, and matrices in algebra and analysis.
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The mass formula is often given for integral quadratic forms, though it can be generalized to quadratic forms over any algebraic number field.
In toepassing van artikel #bis, § #bis van de arbeidswet van # maart # en overeenkomstig de bepalingen van het koninklijk besluit van # september # tot vaststelling van de onderhandelingsprocedure tot verhoging van het quotum overuren waarvoor de werknemer kan afzien van de inhaalrust in toepassing van artikel #bis, § #bis van de arbeidswet van # maart #, wordt, voor de werknemers bedoeld in artikel #, het aantal overuren waarvoor kan worden afgezien van inhaalrust verhoogd tot # urenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1874, he showed that the set of all real numbers is uncountably infinite but the set of all algebraic numbers is countably infinite.
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He received his doctorate in 1921 with a thesis in algebraic number theory at the University of Hamburg under the supervision of Erich Hecke.
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Based on his research of the structure of the unit group of quadratic fields, he proved the Dirichlet unit theorem, a fundamental result in algebraic number theory.
gelet op artikel #, lid # en artikel # en artikel #, lid # van het EGVerdrag, op grond waarvan het voorstel door de Commissie bij het Parlement is ingediend (CWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Grothendieck's construction of new cohomology theories, which use algebraic techniques to study topological objects, has influenced the development of algebraic number theory, algebraic topology, and representation theory.
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In the 1960s the method of Alan Baker on linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers reanimated transcendence theory, with applications to numerous classical problems and diophantine equations.
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An ideal in the ring of integers of an algebraic number field is principal if it consists of multiples of a single element of the ring, and nonprincipal otherwise.
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John Torrence Tate Jr. (born March 13, 1925) is an American mathematician, distinguished for many fundamental contributions in algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry and related areas in algebraic geometry.
Gelet op het decreet van # juli # houdende de Vlaamse Wooncode, inzonderheid op de artikelen # tot en met #, zoals gewijzigd bij het decreet van # meiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Central to the development of these subjects were the rings of integers in algebraic number fields and algebraic function fields, and the rings of polynomials in two or more variables.
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Its influence has gradually expanded and presently includes commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, representation theory, mathematical physics, operator algebras, complex analysis, and the theory of partial differential equations.
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He was awarded the 2012 Infosys Prize in mathematics for his "extraordinarily original work in algebraic number theory, which has revolutionized the way in which number fields and elliptic curves are counted".
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Compared with other methods in number theory, sieve theory is comparatively elementary, in the sense that it does not necessarily require sophisticated concepts from either algebraic number theory or analytic number theory.
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