contract theory oor Nederlands

contract theory

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in economics, studies how economic actors can and do construct contractual arrangements, generally in the presence of asymmetric information

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Chapter 9 has more on the importance of contract theories.
een aantasting die meetbare en aantoonbare gevolgen heeft voor de natuurlijke kenmerken van een speciale beschermingszone, in de mate er meetbare en aantoonbare gevolgen zijn voor de staat van instandhouding van de soort(en) of de habitat(s) waarvoor de betreffende speciale beschermingszone is aangewezen of voor de staat van instandhouding van de soort(en) vermeld in bijlage # van dit decreet voor zover voorkomend in de betreffende speciale beschermingszoneLiterature Literature
That’s because contract theory bases ethics on things people are more familiar with from real life.
Lidstaten stellen de Commissie en de overige lidstaten onmiddellijk in kennis van alle in het kader van dit artikel genomen besluiten over de aanwijzing van verleners van luchtverkeersdiensten in specifieke luchtruimblokken binnen het luchtruim dat onder hun verantwoordelijkheid valtLiterature Literature
We examine the contract-based thinking of Thomas Hobbes, who was the originator of modern social contract theory.
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His papers contain a description of the famous Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction Theory.
Mevrouw de Voorzitter, twee van deze gijzelaars worden al sinds bijna een jaar vastgehouden, ik herhaal, sinds een jaar, en de andere vijf zitten al meer dan twee maanden gevangen!Literature Literature
The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction Theory applied in all its remarkable meaning.
We hadden een date en hij was geweldig.En dus vroeg hij mijLiterature Literature
Contract theory: ways economic actors use to construct contractual arrangements, generally in the presence of asymmetric information.
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Both of these words are pretty ugly, so for our discussion, we simply call this type of ethics contract theory.
Papiloedeem, verminderde gezichtsscherpte *, myopie *Literature Literature
His 1651 book Leviathan established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory.
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Maskin has worked in diverse areas of economic theory, such as game theory, the economics of incentives, and contract theory.
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Because of its connections with both agency and incentives, contract theory is often categorized within a field known as Law and economics.
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Such a procedure has been used in the contract theory framework to several typical situations, labeled moral hazard, adverse selection and signalling.
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In contract theory and economics, information asymmetry deals with the study of decisions in transactions where one party has more or better information than the other.
Het feit dat voor een aantal in de lijst opgenomen evenementen slechts dient te worden voorzien in voldoende niet-rechtstreekse uitzendingen, versterkt de proportionaliteit van de maatregelen van het Verenigd KoninkrijkWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contract theory also utilizes the notion of a complete contract, which is thought of as a contract that specifies the legal consequences of every possible state of the world.
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He is considered one of the most significant philosophers of his era mainly for his critique of Thomas Hobbes' defense of absolutism in Leviathan (1651) and of his social contract theory.
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A standard practice in the microeconomics of contract theory is to represent the behaviour of a decision maker under certain numerical utility structures, and then apply an optimization algorithm to identify optimal decisions.
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This is not possible under service contracts because, in theory, the price results from individual negotiations with the shipper.
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Thus the police rule out other theories of a contract killing.
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They developed versions of the theory of a “social contract” between rulers and the ruled.
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With regard to the classification of public-law contracts, the Regional Government observes that, in the case of mixed contracts, sometimes the absorption theory is propounded, which means that the preponderant part of the contract determines the legal classification of the entire contract, and sometimes the combination theory, which means that each part of the contract is governed by the special rules for the type of contract in question.
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The passing on of the tax liability results directly from a private law contract and is therefore, in theory not generally applicable.
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Marriage contracts are basically business arrangements, and in theory advantageous for both families.
Mijnheer de Voorzitter, ik verwelkom de mededeling van de Commissie, maar bovenal wil ik mijn collega Van den Berg feliciteren met zijn uitstekende verslag, dat naar mijn mening elementen en maatregelen bevat die onontbeerlijk zijn voor deze taak.Literature Literature
From the beginning of negotiations for a contract there arises between the parties, according to that theory, a fiduciary relationship comparable to that of a contract.
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60 Assuming that the theory of ostensible authority is recognised in Community law, particularly with regard to the representation of parties to a contract, applying that theory necessarily presupposes that the third party pleading that authority establishes that the circumstances of the case justified his belief that such ostensible authority accorded with reality.
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Assuming that the theory of ostensible authority is recognised in Community law, particularly with regard to the representation of parties to a contract, applying that theory necessarily presupposes that the third party pleading that authority establishes that the circumstances of the case justified his belief that such ostensible authority accorded with reality.
In 1955 heb ik persoonlijk in Zuid-Amerika extreme armoede en ongelijkheid leren ervaren.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the United Kingdom, the logistic organisation of the theory test has been contracted out on basis of an open call for tender.
Dientengevolge is gewaarborgd dat een vergoeding voor eigen middelen alleen in het geval van voldoende winsten plaats heeft en geen staatssteun voor betalingen aan aandeelhouders wordt gebruiktEurLex-2 EurLex-2
318 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.