folk etymology oor Sweeds

folk etymology

A modification of a word resulting from a misunderstanding of its etymology, as with island, belfry, and hangnail.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


false etymology


change in a word or phrase over time resulting from the replacement of an unfamiliar form by a more familiar one

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This, however, is probably a folk etymology.
Den kommitté som ansvarar för att öppna anbuden skall bestå av minst tre ledamöter som skall företräda minst två organisatoriska enheter inom byrån, utan hierarkisk koppling sinsemellan, varvid åtminstone den ena inte får lyda under den behörige utanordnarenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among the group exists a folk etymology for this term, which relates it to the Spanish verb matar, to kill.
Jag vill kanske inte vara den onda killen längreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A common folk etymology attributes the name to the Roman numeral for four (IV), asserting that there was such a sports league originally with four members.
Utan att det påverkar tillämpliga förfaranden enligt gemenskapslagstiftning och nationell lagstiftning får kommissionen anmoda den europeiska samordnaren om ett yttrande vid handläggningen av ansökningar om gemenskapsbidrag till projekt eller grupper av projekt som ingår i den europeiska samordnarens uppdragWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A popular but erroneous folk etymology holds that Holland is derived from hol land ("hollow land" in Dutch) purportedly inspired by the low-lying geography of the land.
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The alternative spelling leithbrágan stems from a folk etymology deriving the word from leith (half) and bróg (brogue), because of the frequent portrayal of the leprechaun as working on a single shoe.
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According to textual scholars, this section of the Book of Samuel, the sanctuaries source, derives from a fairly late source compared with other parts, and hence this justification of his name may simply be a folk etymology.
Ökade satsningar på förebyggande åtgärder samt på att förbereda och utbilda personal kan också göra stor skillnad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name Erbil was mentioned in Sumerian holy writings of third millennium BC as Urbilum, Urbelum or Urbillum, which appears to originate from Arbilum Later, the Akkadians and Assyrians by a folk etymology rendered the name as arba'ū ilū to mean (four gods).
Men han är snart uteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One sprang from the autochthonous Telchines of Rhodes and would have colonized the region at the time of Deucalion's flood; the other Lycus was an Athenian brother of Aegeus driven from Athens, a seer who introduced the cult of Lycaean Apollo, which a folk etymology connected with Lycia and therefore made him its Athenian colonizer: see Lycus (mythology).
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23) is incorrect (belongs to the root), but exhibits all the characteristics of folk-etymology.
Det är nog ingen bra idéParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The development of the term hammock is a typical example of a folk etymology.
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Lika, according to folk etymology, got its name from the word ‘lik’, which in a Croatian dialect spoken in the area of Lika means a cure or medicine.
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According to textual scholars,[4] this section of the Book of Samuel, the sanctuaries source, derives from a fairly late source compared with other parts, and hence this justification of his name may simply be a folk etymology.
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12 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.