a campo traviesa oor Engels

a campo traviesa

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

across country

Luego a campo traviesa a Liverpool
This is an island.Then across country to Liverpool


Uno de mis perros viajo a campo traviesa con Santa para encontrar al otro.
So one of my dogs traveled cross country with Santa to meet the other one.

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carrera a campo traviesa
cross-country · cross-country running
el esquí a campo traviesa
cross-country skiing
una carrera a campo traviesa es una carrera de corta distancia
a cross-country race is a short distance race
correr a campo traviesa
to run cross-country
a campo travieso
la carrera a campo traviesa
cross-country · cross-country running


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El sendero era escabroso, poco mejor que avanzar a campo traviesa.
The trail was rugged, little better than forging across country.Literature Literature
Al día siguiente, Wetzel dijo a Joe que irían a campo traviesa en busca de nuevos cazaderos.
The next day Wetzel told Joe that they would go across country to seek new game fields.Literature Literature
Podremos cabalgar más deprisa por la carretera que a campo traviesa.
"""We can ride even faster on the road than we can across open fields."""Literature Literature
De ahí, a campo traviesa: ¡la libertad!
From there laid open fields and ... freedom!Literature Literature
Si tratan de escapar a campo traviesa, acaba viéndoles algún campesino que avisa por teléfono a la cárcel.
If they try to cut across country, some farmer sees them and just phones the location in to the prison.Literature Literature
Escucha, necesitamos saber quiénes corrían a campo traviesa en relevo con Paul Montgomery y Mark Coleman.
Listen, we need to figure out who ran in the cross-country relay with Paul Montgomery and Mark Coleman.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A campo traviesa, si no se pierde, tendrá que viajar unos setenta kilómetros para llegar.
Cross country, assuming that she does not get lost, she will have to travel about fifty miles to reach the ranch.Literature Literature
Cada otoño les pregunto a mis padres si puedo correr a campo traviesa.
Every fall I ask my parents if I can run cross-country.Literature Literature
Puedo ir a cualquier sitio, incluso puedo meterme a campo traviesa.
I can go anywhere, even into the fields.”Literature Literature
Entonces tienes una marcha de velocidad a campo traviesa con treinta libras de CEFO y arma.
Then you have a cross-country speed march with a thirty-pound CEFO & weapon.Literature Literature
No puedo permitir que montéis a caballo prácticamente desnuda y que cabalguéis a campo traviesa.
I cannot allow you to jump on a horse wearing practically nothing and ride across the countryside.Literature Literature
Había sido un notable corredor a campo traviesa en Cambridge; un atleta completo, pero no un jinete.
He had been a notable cross-country man at Cambridge; a very good all-round athlete, but no horseman.Literature Literature
Si me aventuraba a campo traviesa los partisanos me matarían.
If I got away into the countryside the partisans would kill me.Literature Literature
Arthur se imaginó a Clare como un gran animal peludo tratando de huir de él a campo traviesa.
Arthur had a vision of Clare as some great furry animal escaping from him across fields.Literature Literature
—No, milady, en realidad vengo a campo traviesa, de visitar a unos amigos pastores —improvisé.
No, my lady, in truth I had come cross-country, from visiting some shepherd friends, I extemporized.Literature Literature
—Diríjase hacia la derecha, a campo traviesa —dijo Jason sin responder a su pregunta—.
'Head to the right, through the field,' replied Jason without answering the question.Literature Literature
Algunos argumentan que sería el sitio perfecto para vehículos a campo traviesa porque “no hay nada allí”.
Some argue that it’s the perfect place for off-roaders because “There’s nothing there.”Literature Literature
Si saltaban la cerca y avanzaban a campo traviesa en lugar de seguir la carretera llegarían antes.
If they climbed the fence and angled overland instead of sticking to the road, they might make it faster.Literature Literature
Agua fría, andar a campo traviesa...
Cold water, cross-country...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Con las armas y la bolsa, la llevamos a campo traviesa hasta casa de los Tedford.
Carrying the weapons and the bag, we took her across the fields to the Tedfords' farm.Literature Literature
Déjame que te cuente la ruta a campo traviesa.
Let me tell you the cross-country route.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Caminaba con paso largo y ágil adquirido en años de carreras a campo traviesa.
He moved with long, easy strides and a surefootedness acquired through years of running cross-country races.Literature Literature
De pronto fui casi derribado por un hombre desnudo que huía como una exhalación a campo traviesa.
Suddenly I was almost knocked to the ground by a naked man hurtling across the flats.Literature Literature
A campo traviesa, si no se pierde, tendrá que viajar unos setenta kilómetros para llegar.
Cross-country, assuming that she does not get lost, she will have to travel about fifty miles to reach the ranch.Literature Literature
No trate de moverse a campo traviesa por la noche.
Don't try moving cross-country at night.Literature Literature
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