ginocchioni oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels


noun verb
L’entrata del suo tempio era così bassa che vi si poteva accedere solo ginocchioni.
Her temple had an entrance so low that it was possible to enter only on one’s knees.
kneeling; on one's knees

on one's knees

[ on one’s knees ]
L’entrata del suo tempio era così bassa che vi si poteva accedere solo ginocchioni.
Her temple had an entrance so low that it was possible to enter only on one’s knees.

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Si interruppe soffocato e cadde ginocchioni, tenendosi delicatamente il braccio sinistro col destro, e vomitò.
He broke off strangledly and got down on his knees, holding his left arm gingerly with his right, and vomited.Literature Literature
«Al contrario, Struan, Miss Meadowfield preferirebbe procedere ginocchioni, piuttosto che montare sul mio cavallo.»
‘On the contrary, Struan, Miss Meadowfield would rather crawl on all fours than climb up beside me.’Literature Literature
Costrinse il proprio corpo terrorizzato ad obbedire, si mise ginocchioni e poi si alzò di scatto.
She forced her terrified body to obedience, rolled and struggled to her knees, then stopped abruptly.Literature Literature
Ma prima, ginocchioni e quasi svenuto, sentii Peggy urlare in preda a un terrore mortale.
But not before, on my knees and almost gone, I heard Peggy scream out in mortal terror.Literature Literature
Sanguinando copiosamente, l’Uomo ombra cadde ginocchioni sul pavimento, ruggendo come una belva in trappola.
Bleeding profusely, The Shadow collapsed on hands and knees, snarling like a cornered animal.Literature Literature
Bo era ginocchioni sotto i sedili, come se cercasse qualcosa.
Bo was crawling between the seats, as if he was looking for something.Literature Literature
Con quell’orrendo Lucio Pisano che gli dava manforte, anche se lui non è caduto ginocchioni.
With that repellent man Lucius Piso adding his voice, though he didn’t fall to his knees.Literature Literature
Si voltò alla chiamata del dottore, sentendosi subito colpevole, lei e Jervaulx ginocchioni dietro i fiori.
The doctor’s call made her turn, instantly guilty as she and Jervaulx knelt behind the flowers.Literature Literature
Tutti cadono ginocchioni, a pregare.
All fall upon their knees in prayer.Literature Literature
Ginocchioni, perlustriamo i campi riarsi in cerca di radici e semi...
On hands and knees, we all scour the parched fields for vagrant roots and seeds . . .Literature Literature
Spendlove si mise ginocchioni per bere e per lavarsi, e si rialzò toccandosi con precauzione i capelli.
Spendlove knelt to drink and to wash, and rose again touching his scalp cautiously.Literature Literature
Sahak terminò in fretta la sua preghiera, si levò da ginocchioni e si diede subito da fare col suo piccone.
Sahak immediately rose from his knees and his prayer and began working busily with his pick.Literature Literature
Alcuni si gettavano ginocchioni, altri strillavano con tutte le loro forze: «O inviato di Dio!
Some fell on their knees, others cried out as loud as they could, “Oh, you are sent from God!”Literature Literature
Con quell'orrendo Lucio Pisano che gli dava manforte, anche se lui non e caduto ginocchioni.
With that repellent man Lucius Piso adding his voice, though he didn't fall to his knees.Literature Literature
Stan Devers colpì Trask alla spalla e Trask fece una mezza giravolta e cadde ginocchioni per terra.
Stan Devers shot Trask in the shoulder and Trask turned half around and fell to his knees on the pavement.Literature Literature
Poi all'improvviso posò bottiglia e bicchiere e scivolò ginocchioni vicino al dìvano.
But then he suddenly set his glass and bottle aside and got down on his hands and knees near the couch.Literature Literature
Sentivo Lavedrine aprire e chiudere armadi e cassetti, mettersi ginocchioni per guardare sotto il letto.
I heard Lavedrine opening and closing cupboards and drawers, dropping down on his knees to look under the bed.Literature Literature
Si presentava di notte ubriaco, si buttava ginocchioni per terra e, coprendomi la mano di baci, mi chiedeva perdono.
He would show up drunk at night, get down on his knees, and, covering my hand with kisses, ask me to forgive him.Literature Literature
Petrítskij a un tratto saltò su ginocchioni e si volse a guardare.
Petritsky jumped up suddenly onto his knees and looked round.Literature Literature
urlò il cellario, cadendo ginocchioni.
the cellarer shouted, falling to his knees.Literature Literature
Io ero ginocchioni a lavare il pavimento, nascosta fra due banchi.
I was down on my hands and knees wiping the floor, so I was hidden between two desks.Literature Literature
Ma un secondo pugno sulla testa lo mandò ginocchioni, mezzo intontito.
A second blow on the head drove him to his knees, half stunned.Literature Literature
Mastro Robinton, ginocchioni, cercava il modo di aprire una cassa che sembrava ermeticamente chiusa.
Master Robinton was on his knees, trying to figure out how to open a crate that seemed to be sealed tight.Literature Literature
Cercò di respirare a fondo e ritrovare la compostezza, ma la nausea l’assalì di nuovo e quasi cadde ginocchioni a terra.
She tried to take a deep breath and restrain herself, but nausea hit again and she almost fell to her knees.Literature Literature
Hassan si buttò ginocchioni su di lui e premette con il suo bastone sul collo con tutta la forza delle sue due mani.
Hassan knelt on top of him and pressed his cudgel on the man 's neck with all the strength of both his hands.Literature Literature
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