debemini oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

second-person plural present passive imperative of dēbeō
second-person plural present passive indicative of dēbeō

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Ad scribendum programmas APL, habere claviaturam propriam debet.
Without these APIs, the programmer needs to write these functionalities entirely themselves.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Profecto iustitiae ex officio debitae et inique denegatae caritas vicaria succedere nequit.
Admittedly, no vicarious charity can substitute for justice which is due as an obligation and is wrongfully
Inter Status necessitudines uniuscuiusque dominium servare debent, at etiam procedendi communiter statuere rationes, ut locorum ruinae, omnibus damnum facturae, vitentur.
Relations between states must be respectful of each other’s sovereignty, but must also lay down mutually agreed means of averting regional disasters which would eventually affect
Cur id tibi dare debeo?
Why should I give you that?tatoeba tatoeba
Remuneratio autem istius modi reddi poterit tum per salarium tamiliare, quod dicitur — unicum id est salarium capiti tributum familiae ob ipsius laborem ut ita necessitatibus familiae satisfaciat neque alius oporteat labor retributivus extra domum ab uxore suscipiatur — tum per alia praesidia socialia, qualia sunt scidulae nummariae familiares vel subsidia matri concessa, quae soli se familiae dedit, quae subsidia veris necessitatibus debent convenire, scilicet numero ipsi hominum e familia pendentium in totum illud tempus, quamdiu nequeunt in se digne recipere propriae vitae curandae officium.
Such remuneration can be given either through what is called a family wage-that is, a single salary given to the head of the family fot his work, sufficient for the needs of the family without the other spouse having to take up gainful employment outside the home-or through other social measures such as family allowances or grants to mothers devoting themselves exclusively to their families. These grants should correspond to the actual needs, that is, to the number of dependents for as long as they are not in a position to assume proper responsibility for their own
Ea igitur servire debet veritati.
It should therefore serve the
Ut vero valide liciteque itineris tempore adsistere possit matrimonio, Apostolatus Maritimi Operae cappellanus delegationem accipere debebit ab Ordinario vel a parocho paroeciae in qua alterutra contrahens pars domicilium aut quasi domicilium habet vel commorationem unum saltem mensem extentam, vel, si de vagis et errantibus agitur, paroeciae ipsius portus ubi navem conscenderunt.
In order to assist validly and licitly at a marriage during the voyage, the chaplain of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate must be delegated by the Ordinary or by the parish priest of the place where one or other of the contracting parties has a domicile or quasi-domicile or has been staying for a least one month, or, if they are transients, by the parish priest of the port parish where they boarded the
Iamvero multi ex vobis vitam transigere debent, saltem ex parte, in mundo, qui in tendit, ut hominem a se ipso abalienet eiusque cum Deo conunctionem, una cum spirituali eiusdem unitate, in discrimen adducat.
Many of you will in fact be obliged to lead your lives, at least in part, in a world which tends to exile man from himself and to compromise both his spiritual unity and his union with
Iuvenes simpliciter tamquam Ecclesiae sollicitudinis pastoralis obiectum considerari non debent; de facto sunt et animati sunt, ut activa sint subiecta, evangelizationis actores et socialis artifices renovationis (Cfr. Propositio 52).
Youth must not simply be considered as an object of pastoral concern for the Church: in fact, young people are and ought to be encouraged to be active on behalf of the Church as leading characters in evangelization and participants in the renewal of society.(
Sapientibus autem debitores sumus non minus quam insipientem, ita ut cum illis in acie stare, hos debeamus labantes erigere ac confirmare.
"We are indebted to the wise men" no less than "the ignorant," so we should stand in the battle line with the wise and if the ignorant falter, we should lift them up and strengthen
De concilianda tandem optatissima pace utique a multis disseritur, scribitur, praedicatur; sed ea, quae solida huius pacis fundamenta esse debent, a nonnullis vel negleguntur, vel aperte repudiantur.
Though many are discoursing, writing and speaking on the method needed to arrive finally at the peace that is so much desired, some have neglected or openly repudiated the principles that must constitute its solid
Liber etiam arguit scientiam religionem inritam facere non posse, et Christianos conservativosque evolutionem recipere posse et debere.
This book also argues that science cannot invalidate religion, and that Christians and conservatives can and should accept evolution.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Omnes cives confessionem ducis accipere debebant nisi emigrare voluerint.
It is likely that the Dogon of today combine several groups of diverse origin who migrated to escape Islamization.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hanc nactus appellationis causam Quintilius circuire aciem Curionis atque obsecrare milites coepit, ne primam sacramenti, quod apud Domitium atque apud se quaestorem dixissent, memoriam deponerent, neu contra eos arma ferrent, qui eadem essent usi fortuna eademque in obsidione perpessi, neu pro his pugnarent, a quibus cum contumelia perfugae appellarentur. Huc pauca ad spem largitionis addidit, quae ab sua liberalitate, si se atque Attium secuti essent, exspectare deberent.
"Quintilius, making this a pretext for addressing them, began to go round Curio's lines, and to entreat the soldiers ""not to lose all recollection of the oath which they took first to Domitius and to him their quaestor, nor bear arms against those who had shared the same fortune, and endured the same hardships in a siege, nor fight for those by whom they had been opprobriously called deserters."" To this he added a few words by way of encouragement, what they might expect from his own liberality, if they should follow him and Attius."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Magna Nos tenet spes has difficultates sublatum iri, prudenti intercedente philosophica et theologica institutione, quae numquam in Ecclesia desinere debet.
I trust most sincerely that these difficulties will be overcome by an intelligent philosophical and theological formation, which must never be lacking in the
Haec est interrogatio praecipua pro homine: est interrogatio fundamentalis iuventutis vestrae, quae ad totum propositum vitae vim habet, quod in ipsa iuventute suscipi debet.
This is a key question for man: it is the fundamental question of your youth, one that concerns the whole plan of life which must be formed precisely in
Quapropter antequam est Verbi praeco Episcopus, una cum suis sacerdotibus et sicut quisque fidelis, immo sicut ipsa Ecclesia,67 Verbi debet esse auditor.
Before becoming one who hands on the word, the Bishop, together with his priests and indeed like every member of the faithful and like the Church herself,67 must be a hearer of the
Quos quoniam fortuna in nostram detulit potestatem, si, id quod facere debetis, rem publicam cum optimo quoque defendetis, certum est vobis vitam et pecuniam donare. Quapropter quid sentiatis proloquimini.'
"If, therefore, now that fortune has put you in our power, you will take this opportunity to unite with the good citizens, in the defense of the commonwealth, I am determined to give you life and money: therefore speak openly your sentiments."""latin-ancient latin-ancient
Idem gravi eoque expedito scribendi genere, subtilique et festiva verborum sententiarumque usus varietate, qua praecepta commendantur fiuntque gratiora legentibus, postquam exposuit, esse nobis ab omni culpa, malis a propensionibus, a rebusque inutilibus ac noxiis abstinendum, dicere aggreditur quibus exercitationibus animum excolere et qua ratione cum Deo coniungi debeamus.
15. He wrote at all times in a dignified but facile style, varied now and then by a marvelous acuteness in thought and grace of expression, and by reason of these qualities his writings have proven themselves quite agreeable reading. After having pointed out how we must flee sin, fight against our evil inclinations, and avoid all useless and harmful actions, he then goes on expounding the nature of those practices of piety which cause the soul to grow, as well as how it is possible for man to remain ever united to
Quod significat morales aestimationes et scientificam inquisitionem coniunctim crescere debere, et caritatem veluti in concinno et interdisciplinari complexu, unitate et distinctione constituto, eas stimulare.
This means that moral evaluation and scientific research must go hand in hand, and that charity must animate them in a harmonious interdisciplinary whole, marked by unity and
b) Christiana navitas caritativa a factionibus et doctrinis seiuncta esse debet.
b) Christian charitable activity must be independent of parties and
Normae et spiritus, quibus respondere debet accommodata renovatio, non solum e Decreto Perfectae caritatis, sed etiam ex aliis Concilii Vaticani II documentis, praesertim ex capitibus V et VI Constitutionis dogmaticae Lumen gentium, colligi debent.
The norms and spirit to which adaptation and renewal must correspond should be gathered not only from the Decree Perfectae Caritatis but also from other documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially from chapters 5 and 6 of the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen
Hoc agnosci potest peculiaribus manifestationibus reverentiae erga Eucharistiam, ad quam iter mystagogicum fideles introducere debet.(
This can be expressed in concrete outward signs of reverence for the Eucharist which the process of mystagogy should inculcate in the
Thomas inquit Mariam illud cur fecerit Ioanni dicere non debere.
Tom said Mary shouldn't tell John why she did that.tatoeba tatoeba
Vos hortamur praeterea, Venerabiles Fratres, ut in singulis Nationibus haec virorum Officia, sive ad rem cinematographicam, sive ad radiophonicam, sive denique ad televisificam pertinent, vel ab uno eodemque Consilio pendeant, vel saltem adiutricem invicem operam praestent; itemque hortamur, ut christifideles, ii praesertim, qui in Actionis Catholicae agminibus militant, debito modo edoceantur, ita ut necessitatem percipiant communem efficacemque operam hisce Officiis praestandi libenter.
Moreover, Venerable Brethren, We urge that in each country, these Offices dealing with Motion Pictures, or Radio or Television should depend on one and the same Committee, or at least, act in close cooperation. At the same time, We urge the faithful, particularly those who are vigorous members of Catholic Action, to be suitably instructed so that they may perceive the need to give willingly to these Offices their united and effective
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