postremum oor Engels


bywoord, adjektief

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

for the last time

Charlton T. Lewis

last of all

Charlton T. Lewis

at last

postremo eo furoris venere ut tres legiones miscere in unam agitaverint.
At, last, in their fury they went so far as to propose to combine the three legions into one.
Charlton T. Lewis


197) Hac tamen de re postremum iudicium ad Episcopum spectat dioecesanum.
(197) In any event, final judgment on these matters belongs to the Diocesan Bishop.
Piotr Szelma
vocative neuter singular of postrēmus
accusative neuter singular of postrēmus
accusative masculine singular of postrēmus
nominative neuter singular of postrēmus
last of all, finally

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Soortgelyke frases

after all · at last · eventually · finally · last · last of all
end · end of · final · finally · in the end · last · last part of · last|final|latest|most recent · lowest · nearest end|farthest back|hindmost · worst


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Id esse facile, quod neque legiones audeant absente imperatore ex hibernis egredi, neque imperator sine praesidio ad legiones pervenire possit. Postremo in acie praestare interfici quam non veterem belli gloriam libertatemque quam a maioribus acce perint recuperare.
That this was easy, because neither would the legions, in the absence of their general, dare to leave their winter quarters, nor could the general reach his army without a guard: finally, that it was better to be slain in battle, than not to recover their ancient glory in war, and that freedom which they had received from their forefathers.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sequitur tertia et postrema actio, quae post-scrutinium appellatur quaeque complectitur: 1) numerationem suffragiorum; 2) eorum recognitionem; 3) schedularum combustionem.
There then follows the third and last phase, also known as the post-scrutiny, which comprises: 1) the counting of the votes; 2) the checking of the same; 3) the burning of the
Syria P. Anteio destinata; sed variis mox artibus elusus, ad postremum in urbe retentus est.
Syria was to be assigned to Publius Anteius, but he was soon put off by various artifices and finally detained at Rome.latin-ancient latin-ancient
grandaevos senes, exacta aetate feminas, vilis ad praedam, in ludibrium trahebant: ubi adulta virgo aut quis forma conspicuus incidisset, vi manibusque rapientium divulsus ipsos postremo direptores in mutuam perniciem agebat.
Did a grown up maiden or youth of marked beauty fall in their way, they were torn in pieces by the violent hands of ravishers; and in the end the destroyers themselves were provoked into mutual slaughter.latin-ancient latin-ancient
saepe domi congressi, postremo in aede Apollinis, ut fama fuit, pepigere.
The words of their conversation had two witnesses in Cluvius Rufus and Silius Italicus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
mox vexilla primae, quartae, quintaedecimae, sextaedecimae legionum, dein quinta et duoetvicensima secutae; postremo agmine unaetvicensima Rapax et prima Italica incessere cum vexillariis trium Britannicarum legionum et electis auxiliis.
It was followed by the veteran troops of the 4th, 10th, and 16th legions, by the 5th and 22nd legions, and the rear was brought up by the 21st (the Rapax) and the first Italian legion with the veteran troops of three British legions, and a chosen body of auxiliaries.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Latissimo in campo, ubi oportet Ecclesiam pro munere suo operari ope dialogi, disciplina pastoralis paenitentiae et reconciliationis ad corporis Ecclesiae membra dirigitur, potissimum per consentaneam catechesim de duabus rebus distinctis et inter sese complentibus, quibus Synodi Patres peculiare tribuerunt momentum quasque in nonnullis Propositionibus postremis extulerunt: hae nominatim sunt paenitentia et reconciliatio.
In the vast area in which the church has the mission of operating through dialogue, the pastoral ministry of penance and reconciliation is directed to the members of the body of the church principally through an adequate catechesis concerning the two distinct and complementary realities to which the synod fathers gave a particular importance and which they emphasized in some of the concluding propositions: These are penance and
Per quinque annos legatus Quinti Sertorii in Hispania fuit, quem postremo coniuratione facta fraude occidit.
In Utah, firing squads consisted of five volunteer law enforcement officers from the county in which the conviction of the offender took place.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Est vitalis communicatio, quae non modo necessitudinem inter praeceptorem et educandum comparat, verum insuper utrumque in veritatem amoremque penitus inserit, ad postremam scilicet metam ad quam quisque homo a Deo Patre, Filio et Spiritu Sancto vocatur.
It is a living means of communication, which not only creates a profound relationship between the educator and the one being educated, but also makes them both sharers in truth and love, that final goal to which everyone is called by God the Father, Son and Holy
Gloria ad extremum coronata — quemadmodum postremo patet in glorioso mysterio — tamquam Angelorum Sanctorumque resplendet Regina veluti anticipatio et consummatio eschatologici Ecclesiae status.
Crowned in glory – as she appears in the last glorious mystery – Mary shines forth as Queen of the Angels and Saints, the anticipation and the supreme realization of the eschatological state of the
eo postremo ardoris provectus est ut vexillarium fugientem hasta transverberaret; mox raptum vexillum in hostem vertit.
At last he was carried to such a pitch of excitement, that he transfixed with a lance a flying standard bearer, and then, seizing the standard, turned it towards the enemy.latin-ancient latin-ancient
ac primo boves ipsos, mox agros, postremo corpora coniugum aut liberorum servitio tradebant.
First it was their herds, next their lands, last, the persons of their wives and children, which they gave up to bondage.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In postremo conventu vestro Consilii Secretariae Generalis Synodi Episcoporum, in quo lineamenta “Instrumenti laboris” adumbrastis, vos proposuistis ut specialis haberetur sessio, quae peculiarem in modum impenderetur considerandis quaestionibus internis huius vestri instituti ecclesialis, recentis quidem sed iam usu et exercitatione praediti.
During your last meeting of the Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, during which you drafted the lines of the Instrumentum laboris ("working paper"), you wanted to propose a Special Session to be dedicated particularly to the internal problems of this young though already well-experienced ecclesial
Haud equidem ignoramus, ea praesertim, quae postremo loco monuimus, graves interdum difficultates et gravia incommoda gignere posse; siquidem impertiendae educationis conscientia parentes haud raro iubebit proli exemplo praeesse, atque etiam cum suo ipsorum gravamine se a quibusdam allicientibus spectationibus abstinere.
We do not overlook the fact that the directives We have just given in the last section, can sometimes produce serious difficulties and considerable inconveniences; for the awareness of their role as educators will often demand that parents give clear example to their offspring, and also bid them deny themselves - not without some personal sacrifice - some programmes they would like to
Postremo aequo animo toleres oportet quicquid intra fortunae aream geritur cum semel iugo eius colla summiseris.
Postremo aequo animo toleres oportet quidquid intra fortunae aream geritur, cum semel iugo eius colla submiseris.Literature Literature
Denique Teresia Benedicta a Cruce, nuperius in sanctarum relata indicem, non tantum variis in Europae civitatibus dies suos traduxit, sed per totam suam uti doctae mulieris et mysticae ac martyris vitam quasi pontem suas inter Hebraicas radices Christique sequelam traiecit, cum claro mentis prospectu versaretur in dialogo cum hodierna philosophica disciplina ac, postremo, fere per martyrium rationes Dei et hominis proferens immensa in illa «shoah» turpitudine.
Finally, Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, recently canonized, not only lived in various countries of Europe, but by her entire life as thinker, mystic and martyr, built a kind of bridge between her Jewish roots and her commitment to Christ, taking part in the dialogue with contemporary philosophical thought with sound intuition, and in the end forcefully proclaiming by her martyrdom the ways of God and man in the horrendous atrocity of the
veteres illic Sueborum praedae et nostris e provinciis lixae ac negotiatores reperti quos ius commercii, dein cupido augendi pecuniam, postremo oblivio patriae suis quemque ab sedibus hostilem in agrum transtulerat.
There he found the long-accumulated plunder of the Suevi and camp followers and traders from our provinces who had been attracted to an enemy's land, each from their various homes, first by the freedom of commerce, next by the desire of amassing wealth, finally by forgetfulness of their fatherland.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cum pertinaciter resisterent oppidani, magna etiam parte amissa siti suorum in sententia permanerent, ad postremum cuniculis venae fontis intercisae sunt atque aversac.
As the townsmen still continued to make an obstinate resistance, and even, after losing the greatest part of their forces by drought, persevered in their resolution: at last the veins of the spring were cut across by our mines, and turned from their course.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quae fiducia et certitudo postremum in Ecclesiae conscientia promissionis divinae innititur, qua spondetur historiam huius temporis non in se clausam manere sed Regno Dei patescere.
Ultimately, this confidence and this possibility are based on the Church's awareness of the divine promise guaranteeing that our present history does not remain closed in upon itself but is open to the Kingdom of
ipse postremo Spurinna, non tam culpam exprobrans quam rationem ostendens, relictis exploratoribus ceteros Placentiam reduxit minus turbidos et imperia accipientis.
Finally, Spurinna himself, not so much reproaching them with their error as exposing it by his arguments, conducted them all back to Placentia, except some scouts whom he left, in a less turbulent temper and more amenable to command.latin-ancient latin-ancient
1,17), Nos iure meritoque hoc in eodem cultu, qui incensior usque ubique terrarum viget, inaestimabile cernimus donum, quod Incarnatum Verbum Divinusque Servator noster, utpote unus inter Caelestem Patrem humanumque genus gratiae veritatisque Mediator, Ecclesiae impertiit, mysticae Sponsae suae, postremo horum saeculorum cursu, quo tantos eadem exantlare labores difficultatesque eluctari debuit.
James, "Every best gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights,"(2) We are perfectly justified in seeing in this same devotion, which flourishes with increasing fervor throughout the world, a gift without price which our divine Savior the Incarnate Word, as the one Mediator of grace and truth between the heavenly Father and the human race imparted to the Church, His mystical Spouse, in recent centuries when she had to endure such trials and surmount so many
Officia iura coërcent quoniam remittunt ad visionem anthropologicam et ethicam in cuius veritatem etiam haec postrema se inserunt et non fiunt arbitria.
Duties set a limit on rights because they point to the anthropological and ethical framework of which rights are a part, in this way ensuring that they do not become
Sicut et Abraham ob fidei obedientiaeque suae meritum, cunctis imitandum, pater omnium dictus est in Christo credentium, haud aliter sanctus praesul Bonifacius omnium Germaniae incolarum pater dici potest pro eo, quod illos verbo praedicationis primitus Christo genuit, exemplis confirmavit, postremo animam quoque suam pro ipsis posuit, qua charitate nemo maiorem valet exhibere » [19].
Abraham is called the father of all believers because of his faith and obedience which are an example for all; in the same way Saint Boniface can be called the father of the Germans because he led them to Christ by his preaching, confirmed them by his example, and offered his life for them, thus giving them the greatest proof of love anybody can show.''[ 19]
Quibus in titulis singulis ampla reconditur theologica vis, cum enuntient illi peculiarem animae eius, immo totius in genii ac personae praeparationem ad dispiciendam — primum implicata per eventa Israelis, deinde cuiusque hominis ac postremo universi hominum generis — misericordiam istam cuius « in progenies et progenies » (105) participatio fit aeterno ex Sanctissimae Trinitatis consilio.
In this sense, we call her the Mother of mercy: our Lady of mercy, or Mother of divine mercy; in each one of these titles there is a deep theological meaning, for they express the special preparation of her soul, of her whole personality, so that she was able to perceive, through the complex events, first of Israel, then of every individual and of the whole of humanity, that mercy of which "from generation to generation"105 people become sharers according to the eternal design of the most Holy
postremo flexus genu et coetum illum manu veneratus sententias indicum opperiebatur ficto pavore.
Last of all, on bended knee he saluted the assembly with a motion of the hand, and awaited the verdict of the judges with pretended anxiety.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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