Doomsday oor Katalaans


(New Testament) day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

dia del judici final

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/ˈduːmz.deɪ/ adjektief, naamwoord
Concerned with or predicting future universal destruction; the doomsday issue of all-out nuclear war.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

Judici Final

day when God is expected to judge the world

dia del judici final

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Doomsday Book
Llibre de Domesday
Doomsday Clock
Rellotge Doomsday


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This magazine examines some common doomsday scenarios as well as the Bible’s reasonable version of what the future holds.”
Aquesta revista parla d’algunes teories sobre la fi del món, i dóna una explicació lògica sobre el nostre futur basada en la Bíblia.»jw2019 jw2019
And you don’t fear your own little doomsday.”
Tu no tens por de la teva pròpia i petita fi del món.Literature Literature
Were the Doomsday postcards a veiled threat to the government, as in, “Your days are numbered too”?
Les postals del Judici Final eren una amenaça encoberta al govern, com dient: «També teniu els dies comptats»?Literature Literature
We can also find two oil paintings each of them representing the Doomsday and the Death, and a portrait of the Cardinal by Francisco Pacheco.
També hi ha dues pintures a l'oli de l'escola compostel·lana (El judici final i La mort) i un retrat del Cardenal per Francisco Pacheco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Look,” Spence added, “we know all about the Doomsday case and Mark Shackleton.
—Escolti —va afegir l'Spence—, ho sabem tot del cas del Judici Final i d'en Mark Shackleton.Literature Literature
She has appeared in two films by director Neil Marshall - as Megan in the 2002 horror film Dog Soldiers - and Katherine Sinclair in Doomsday.
Ha aparegut en dues pel·lícules del director Neil Marshall - com a Megan en la pel·lícula de terror Dog Soldiers - i Katherine Sinclair en Doomsday.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Torchwood was commissioned in 2005, Davies decided to base the spin-off in Cardiff and relocate "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday" to Canary Wharf in London.
Quan Torchwood va ser encarregat el 2005, Davies va decidir basar l'spin-off a Cardiff i moure Exèrcit de fantasmes i Doomsday al Canary Wharf de Londres.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It has been used in the occasional TV production, including on Doctor Who: as Bad Wolf Bay in "Doomsday", and "Journey's End" and as the surface of the alien planet in "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone" and as the engine room of the ark ship in "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship".
La seva platja ha aparegut de vegades en produccions televisives com Doctor Who: com Bad Wolf Bay en "Doomsday" i "Journey's End" i com la superfície d'un planeta extraterrestre a "The Time of Angels" i "Flesh and Stone" entre d'altres.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was Courier 12 point, the same as the Doomsday postcards.
Era Courier, mida 12, la mateixa que la de les postals del Judici Final.Literature Literature
“Look,” Spence added, “we know all about the Doomsday case and Mark Shackleton.
—Escolti —va afegir l’Spence—, ho sabem tot del cas del Judici Final i d’en Mark Shackleton.Literature Literature
When accused of resorting too often to scenes of cities being subjected to epic disasters, Emmerich says that it is a justified way of increasing awareness about both global warming, and the lack of a government preparation plan for a global doomsday scenario in the cases of The Day After Tomorrow and 2012, respectively.
En ser acusat de recrear molt sovint escenes de ciutats sotmeses a desastres a gran escala, Emmrich va dir que és un camí justificat per a incrementar la conscienciació sobre l'escalfament global i la manca d'un pla de preparació del govern per a les possibles circumstàncies més catastròfiques.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“He may be David’s killer but that doesn’t make him the Doomsday Killer,” she said.
—Podria haver mort en David, però això no el converteix en l'assassí del Judici Final —va dir la Nancy.Literature Literature
For calculating the day of the week, he invented the Doomsday algorithm.
Per al càlcul del dia de la setmana, va inventar l'algorisme Doomsday.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A hand-drawn coffin, the Doomsday coffin, and the words: Bev Hills Hotel, Bung 7.
Un taüt dibuixat a mà, el taüt de l’assassí del Judici Final, i unes paraules escrites: Bev Hills Hotel, Bungalou 7.Literature Literature
Well, according to my doomsday watch, it's preciously one minute before midnight.
Segons el meu rellotge de la fi del món, queda un minut per a mitjanit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We’ll check the records with his company, but we both know this guy’s not Doomsday.”
—Ho comprovarem amb la companyia aèria, però tots dos sabem que aquest paio no és l’assassí del Judici Final.Literature Literature
For her, Doomsday was in the past, and the Library was best forgotten.
Per a ella, el cas del Judici Final era cosa del passat i la Biblioteca era millor relegar-la a l'oblit.Literature Literature
Not everyone believes in an inevitable doomsday.
Al cap i a la fi, ni tan sols els experts s’hi posen d’acord.jw2019 jw2019
He got involved in a case involving someone called the Doomsday Killer.
Va participar en la investigació del cas del que anomenaven l'assassí del Judici Final.Literature Literature
Will Piper, the FBI agent in charge of the Doomsday investigation, remained a fugitive from justice.
En Will Piper, l'agent de l'FBI encarregat del cas del Judici Final, havia fugit de la justícia.Literature Literature
A hand-drawn coffin, the Doomsday coffin, and the words: Bev Hills Hotel, Bung 7.
Un taüt dibuixat a mà, el taüt de l'assassí del Judici Final, i unes paraules escrites: bev hills hotel, bungalou 7.Literature Literature
It’s a Doomsday postcard, asshole, with my name on it and today’s date!
«És una de les postals de l’assassí del Judici Final, imbècil, amb el meu nom i la data d’avui!»Literature Literature
"Doomsday" is one of the most popular episodes of the revived Doctor Who.
La fi del món és un dels episodis més populars de la sèrie revivida de Doctor Who.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She’s probably holed up in the house like it’s doomsday.
Segurament, la dona estarà parapetada a casa com si fos el dia del judici final.Literature Literature
Arthur settles the feud by arranging a duel for her hand every Calan Mai (Kalends of May) until Doomsday.
Artús resol la disputa establint un duel per la seva mà cada Calan Mai (calenda de maig) fins a la fi dels temps.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
72 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.