candle oor Katalaans


/`kændl/, /ˈkændl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The protruding, removable portion of a filter, particularly a water filter.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


a light source
From their candles of grief we will kindle our flame.
Dels seus espelmes de pena encendrem la flama.


a light source




Before she died... she made me promise to keep the candle burning.
Abans que ella morís, em va fer prometre que mantindria la vela cremant.
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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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candle holder
rush candle
candela de jonc
standard candle
candela · cd
candle clock
Rellotge d'espelma
vigil candle
candle wick
candle snuffer


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The glass candle reminds us of that as well.
d ' aplicació de la nova ordenació del sistema educatiu aLiterature Literature
Pilar was lying in her cubicle, on her bed, with her beeswax candle still burning in its tin container.
Imports adjudicats : 1.700 milions de pessetes .Literature Literature
At the Feast the Cake stood in the middle of the long table, inside a ring of twenty-four red candles.
Hauré de posar als teus peus una catifa màgica?Literature Literature
In 1967 the 13th CGPM removed the term "new candle" and gave an amended version of the candela definition, specifying the atmospheric pressure applied to the freezing platinum: The candela is the luminous intensity, in the perpendicular direction, of a surface of 1 / 600 000 square metre of a black body at the temperature of freezing platinum under a pressure of 101 325 newtons per square metre.
Arbre d' objecte nouWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
were enveloped in the shades of night which they had no candle to
Instal· lacióLiterature Literature
Eurydice disappeared like a snuffed candle.
¡ Exactament!Literature Literature
Killer Evans struck a match, lit a stump of candle, and vanished from our view.
Substitueix totes les ocurrències de la paraula actual amb la paraula suggerida a través del document sencerLiterature Literature
She perceiveth that her merchandise is good; her candle goeth not out by night.
Grup C : Administratius i personal especialitzat ; títol de batxillerat , formació professional de segon grau o equivalent , o capacitació provada en relació amb el lloc de treball .Literature Literature
He put the candle on the table behind him and stood up before the phantasm, fascinated.
No me la crecLiterature Literature
He took off all his clothes and washed himself by the light of a single candle.
Fitxers executablesLiterature Literature
Inside, hundreds of candles were burning.
Quines són les noves coordenades per escapar de la ruta d' aquesta explosióLiterature Literature
Candles were a representation of life – two of the candles are already blown out, signifying that her death is soon to come.
Midonats i planxatsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Incense sticks and candles were, and are, commonly used to measure time in temples and churches across the globe.
Construcció d ’ un habitatge unifamiliar aïllat al polígon 54 , parcel · les 143 i 144 , d ’ Ulldecona .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The candle was still burning, and the sky was filled with noise and bursting stars and colored balls of light.
En aquest punt podeu pensar que & kspread; no fa més del que podeu fer amb un llapis, paper i una calculadora, i esteu en el cert. Però recordeu que aquest és un exemple molt petit d' un full de càlcul que fa càlculs simples amb tan sols uns pocs números. Per a quantitats de valors o de dades raonablement grans, usar un full de càlcul per a realitzar els càlculs és molt més ràpid i molt més fiable que fer-ho a maLiterature Literature
He distinctly remembered holding the candle while Mrs. Hall shot these bolts overnight.
Faré alguna cosa més tardQED QED
"""I like to chew candles,"" she said finally."
--2 Disposar que l ' Acord esmentat es publiqui en el Diari OficialLiterature Literature
In one breath I blow out all the candles, fervently willing my father better.
Qui serà el primer?Literature Literature
He imagined all the neighbors, faces familiar and unfamiliar, in the cool church full of candles.
Ctrl; W Finestra TancaLiterature Literature
That flicker came back, like one of those trick birthday candles you just can’t blow out.
1.1 S ' haurà de determinar expressament que els terrenys delLiterature Literature
And when you don’t, when you say that someone’s death isn’t worth the candle, then the job’s not worth having anyway.
--1 Aprovar definitivament l ' expedient de modificació puntualLiterature Literature
Many participants wore black, held candles, sang, danced, and drummed.
Durant la temporada d ’ estiu , des deldia15 de juliol fins al dia 15 de setembre , la jornada serà de 32 ’ 5 hores setmanals i l ’ horari serà de dilluns a divendres , de 8 ’ 30 hores a 15 horesLiterature Literature
You must go to New Bedford to see a brilliant wedding; for, they say, they have reservoirs of oil in every house, and every night recklessly burn their lengths in spermaceti candles.
I què és la NASA?QED QED
The darkness completely swallowed the light of his candle.
N' hi ha dos nois nous a casa teva, oi?Literature Literature
She’d left two lighted candles for me.
de 1998 , adoptà , entre altres , els acords següents :Literature Literature
The massive shadows, cast all one way from the straight flame of the candle, seemed possessed of gloomy consciousness; the immobility of the furniture had to my furtive eye an air of attention.
Et refereixes al rodamón?QED QED
201 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.