lodgings oor Katalaans


An official residence.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


At times, we slept along the roadside, but we usually tried to find a village where we could seek lodging for the night.
De vegades, dormíem a la vora del camí, però normalment intentàvem trobar un poble per buscar allotjament.


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Thatched House Lodge
Thatched House Lodge
student lodging
alberg · alberg de joventut
lodge in
residir · viure
hunting lodge
regugi de montanya
adherir · adherir-se · alberg · albergar · allotjar · associació · casa del guarda · club · dipositar · donar hostalatge · encaixar · enganxar · falcar · fonda · fraternitat · hostal · posada · regugi de montanya · residir · societat · tasconar
indian lodge
casa del guarda
masonic lodge
lògia maçònica
allotjament · allotjament temporal · habitatges
lodging house
dispesa · fonda · posada


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The Pearson family restored the castle as a shooting lodge and gave it to the National Trust for Scotland in 1976.
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“If we don’t find any lodging on the way, the men can sleep in one wagon, and we’ll let you have the second, madam.
No es pot canviar el fonsLiterature Literature
Nearby they built a sweat lodge and a women’s lodge to be used during menstruation.
Tarragona , 27 de maig de 1998Literature Literature
Portuguese author Camilo Castelo Branco credits to Balsamo the creation of the Egyptian Rite of the Freemasons and intensive work in the diffusion of Freemasonry, by opening lodges all over Europe and by introducing the acceptance of women into the community.
Insereix un o més símbols o caràcters no trobats al teclatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1780 one arose adhering to the Rectified Scottish Rite and another, in 1782, obtained a charter from the Premier Grand Lodge of England as the Old British and Ligurian Lodge.
Gira aquest objecte projectivamentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It didn’t make sense, he told himself, to spruce up the grave, move the sweat lodge, and leave this unsightly heap.
Arrossegant i amidant la imatgeLiterature Literature
But it had not occurred this time with Ralph in the hunting lodge.
Bec perquè sóc sensible i estic molt nerviosa.No!Literature Literature
And it’s rumored that Licio Gelli’s notorious P2 Masonic lodge was also sticking its nose in.
Com has dit que et deies?Literature Literature
A large lump of meat was lodged in her throat.
S ' admeten les construccions auxiliars en aquells casos en què es doninLiterature Literature
We will go to London for a while, and take possession of our old lodgings.’
Conveni .Literature Literature
It is a relief for Captain Bull (David Lodge) to greet his relief but Melly is not prepared for the ball-squeezing Sergeant Major "Tiger" Bloomer (Windsor Davies) and the randy antics of Bombardier Ready (Jack Douglas), Sergeant Tilly Willing (Judy Geeson) and Sergeant Len Able (Patrick Mower).
Humitat relativaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We won't be able to use this lodge, and the people who live here will have trouble getting rid of the smell.
Determina la mida horitzontal de la graella. Quan els marcs i les tabulacions es situen sobre la pàgina, són situats sobre un punt en la graella. Això li dona al vostre document un aspecte més professional, perquè els elements s' alineen efectivament. Podeu reduir la mida de la graella si necessiteu un control més fi de la vostra disposicióLiterature Literature
After the Catalan regional parliament agreed on September 6 to hold an referendum on independence, Spain’s central government lodged an urgent legal challenge at the Constitutional Court, which ruled on September 8 that such a poll was unconstitutional and should not take place.
l ' educació ; la Llei orgànica 1 / 1990 , de 3 d ' octubre ,hrw.org hrw.org
In spite of the lack of earlier records, this is often cited as the first Masonic Lodge in Italy.
El que en Planck i els altres descobriren era que a mesura que s' incrementava la temperatura d' un cos negre, la quantitat total de llum emesa per segon també augmentava i la longitud d' ona del màxim d' intensitat de l' espectre canviava cap a colors blavosos (veure la figuraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kissing all four he went to get a few necessaries and look for lodgings for himself.
fungibilitat amb altres emissions de similars característiques quan aLiterature Literature
“What can Lord Alastair offer you to make you break the Guardians’ oath and betray the Lodge?”
Reescriptura i ampliacióLiterature Literature
If you need my nose, you'll find it firmly lodged up the rectum of the tenure committee.
Mòdul de control d' iconesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were in other lodgings now, in the direction of Beersheba, and not far from the Church of Ceremonies—Saint Silas.
Na Chris ha trucat a la policiaLiterature Literature
The first lodge was called "Esperanza" (Hope).
Si en Ben deixa aquesta noia per mi, és que sóc més atractiva que ella.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ab’s finding his mother and the shotgun she’d killed herself with at their hunting lodge.
milisegonsLiterature Literature
This coast was very attractive to the Ottoman rulers, who built hunting lodges and then great palaces in the area, and the Beşiktaş district today contains some of the most important and attractive Ottoman buildings.
Pla especial de reforma interior del sector Llevat , comprès entre laWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The lodge, of course, was bent on undermining the Holy Roman Church and the ubiquitous Adonai.
M' agradaria tindre la teua forçaLiterature Literature
On December 22, 1988, South Africa agreed to implement the resolution upon its signature of the Tripartite Accord at Mount Etjo Lodge in Central Namibia (also known as the Mount Etjo Accord).
Escapçament automàticWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Binnéessiippeele ('Those Who Live Amongst the River Banks'), today called River Crow or Ashshipíte ('The Black Lodges') The Binnéessiippeele, or River Crow, split from the Hidatsa proper, according to tradition because of a dispute over a bison stomach.
Crea una còpia del marc actual, tots dos mostraran sempre el mateix contingutWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In these lodges we will bring together all socialist and revolutionary classes of society.
Final del missatge xifratLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.