long finger oor Katalaans

long finger

middle finger

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

dit del mig

The middle and the longest of the fingers.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Southeast Asian Long-Fingered Bat
Ratpenat de dits llargs de les Ryukyu
Long-fingered Bat
Ratpenat de peus grossos
Intermediate Long-fingered Bat
Ratpenat de dits llargs mitjà
Little Long-Fingered Bat
Ratpenat de dits llargs austral
Greater Long-Fingered Bat
Ratpenat de dits llargs gros
Lesser Long-Fingered Bat
Ratpenat de dits llargs sud-africà
Least Long-fingered Bat
Ratpenat de dits llargs petit
Lesser Long-fingered Bat.
Ratpenat de dits llargs sud-africà


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
His long fingers finally found a shim in the pile of coins.
No teniu el permís per matar el procés i hi ha hagut un problema en intentar executar-ho com a administradorLiterature Literature
He had the long fingered hands of a pianist and kept them scrupulously clean.
La signatura ha estat correctaLiterature Literature
He has large hands and long fingers with neatly manicured nails.
públics en tres terminis d ' una tercera part cadascun .Literature Literature
He could see the edge of a table, and a long-fingered white hand toying with a wand.
unificat polivalent i dels ensenyaments del curs d ' orientacióLiterature Literature
She waved her long fingers at a well-dressed woman whose eye she caught over Hannah’s shoulder.
Extraordinari... el nostre reproductor!Literature Literature
“Hey, I am Finn,” he says, holding out a blocky, long-fingered hand.
Inicialitza configuracióVerbLiterature Literature
She was older, skinny and had long fingers.
b ) Triennis ( antiguitat ) , consistents en una quantitat igual per a cada grup per a cada tres anys de servei i segons Annex 2 .Literature Literature
It was a little girl, dark, with long fingers.
No s' ha trobat el fitxer de tipus de lletraLiterature Literature
Again, his long fingers linger along my arm.
Afegeix un puntLiterature Literature
As the long fingers of dawn fanned across the fields, color was returning to the world.
--1 Aprovar definitivament la Modificació puntual del PlaLiterature Literature
Heinz folded his long-fingered hands in front of him and looked at Escobar.
& Icona d' etiqueta de missatgeLiterature Literature
He chuckled and chattered, cracking his long fingers, and pawing at Frodo's knees.
Quant les necessitats de funcionament ho requereixin , es procedirà a la contractació de personal en règim temporal no fix , segons les modalitats previstes a la normativa vigent , sense que això suposi la cobertura de vacant .Literature Literature
His long fingers dig into my skin, but the pain is wonderful.
Pel· lícula?Literature Literature
“Saludos, Paco,” Flor said, with a wave of her long-fingered hand.
L' àlbum origen % # no figura a la base de dadesLiterature Literature
As the long fingers of dawn fanned across the fields, color was returning to the world.
Aquest temps es computa com a treball efectiu i en cap cas no ha de suposar una minva de les seves retribucions .Literature Literature
I made a flourish with the long fingers of my right hand, hoping it looked sufficiently mystical.
RESOLUCIÓ de 21 de juliol de 1998 , relativa a l ' herència intestada del Sr . Jau me Font Morro .Literature Literature
Her long fingers made a more childlike impression than the rest of her.
Sincronització de carpetesNameLiterature Literature
She raised one long arm, one long hand, one long finger to point at the woman’s radiant smile.
Heu robat mai alguna cosa?Literature Literature
The white hands of an angel, with slender and unusually long fingers.
No es pot crear la carpetaLiterature Literature
“I had just finished reading The Times,” he said, laying his long finger-tips together.
Si afegiu localitzacions personalitzades (o en modifiqueu les existents), si us plau, envieu-nos el fitxer mycities. datper a que puguem incloure les vostres localitzacions al llistat principalLiterature Literature
The Governor wrapped his long fingers over the glowing ends of his drape, making sure of his facts.
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Eddie’s long fingers seemed suspended above the older woman’s intensely ugly brooch.
Tipus d' ajustLiterature Literature
The long fingers of the stenographer danced about on his delicate little machine.
d ' ús en l ' equipament de cementiri per a la ubicació de laLiterature Literature
“Watch your language, William,” Miss Frost said, putting her long fingers to my lips.
procediment administratiu comú , sens perjudici que es pugui interposarLiterature Literature
I dig into my pocket, pull out a blue USB drive, and press it into his long fingers.
de 12 de maig de 1998 , va acordar declarar urgent l ' ocupació delsLiterature Literature
202 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.